Warzone’s fastest-killing gun is locked behind secret trick only M&K players can use

Warzone players are always on the hunt for the guns with the best TTKs, but the fastest-killing weapon in the game can only be used by mouse and keyboard players who adjust a secret setting.
Throughout Warzone Season 3, we’ve seen a number of different Pistols take over the meta, most notably the Renetti which dominated matches for a short time. After plenty of nerfs and even more changes in the Reloaded update, many thought that things had mostly returned to normality, but this isn’t exactly true.
With the help of an in-game setting, the COR-45 can actually outperform the best weapons in the game in terms of TTK, whether it’s the DG-58 LSW at long range or the Striker-9 and WSP-9 at close range.
The trick is to use the mouse wheel to fire while playing with a mouse and keyboard and completely turn off ‘Mouse Wheel Delay,’ which can be found under the ‘Mouse Calibration’ menu in the settings. This allows those with an effective trigger finger to achieve an unbelievable fire rate by simply rolling the mouse wheel.
Warzone expert IceManIsaac discovered the tip and shared it in his May 6 YouTube video. The key attachment is the XRK Lightning Fire Trigger Action, and he also recommended re-mapping your controls so that moving the wheel forward and backward both shoot to make the COR-45 “unbelievably broken.”
When comparing the stats of all the best guns in the game, Isaac found that the COR came out on top with a TTK of just 400ms up to nine meters. It didn’t just dominate close-range either, as it can kill in just over 600ms at meters or more, placing ahead of meta Assault Rifles and LMGs.
Of course, this trick is only available if you’re playing Warzone with a mouse and keyboard, meaning the majority of PlayStation and Xbox players miss out. However, the Pistol is still an absolute monster without this setting or by using the XRK IP-V2 Conversion Kit.
So, if you’re looking for a weapon to partner with your Sniper Rifle that is statistically better than virtually any other option in Warzone, be sure to give the COR-45 a go with these settings changed before it’s inevitably nerfed.