Best keybinds in Gray Zone Warfare: How to remap

Here are the best Gray Zone Warfare keybinds we recommend you use so that you don’t get caught out when completing tasks and hunting down enemy faction members on Lamang Island.
Gray Zone Warfare is all about being tactical and strategic, as while you’re exploring and trying to complete tasks, you never know who could be around the corner. This makes having the best and most comfortable keybinds essential.
So, with that said, here’s our recommendation for the best keybinds to use in Gray Zone Warfare.
Best Gray Zone Warfare keybinds
Here are the best keybinds for every interaction in Gray Zone Warfare:
Select Previous Interaction | Mouse Wheel Up | Pressed |
Select Next Interaction | Mouse Wheel Down | Pressed |
Execute Interaction | F | Pressed |
Move Forward | W | |
Move Backward | S | |
Move Left | A | |
Move Right | D | |
Sneak | Left CTRL | |
Sprint | Left Shift | |
Crouch | C | Pressed |
Prone | X | Pressed |
Dynamic Crouch Go Down | Left CTRL + Mouse Wheel Down | |
Dynamic Crouch Go Up | Left CTRL + Mouse Wheel Up | |
Lean Left | Q | |
Lean Right | E | |
Jump | Space Bar | |
Attack | Left Mouse Button | |
Reload | R | Pressed |
Aim | Right Mouse Button | |
Check Chamber | Left Shift + V | Pressed |
Check Weapon | Left Alt + V | Pressed |
Check Ammo | V | Pressed |
Switch Firing Mode | B | Pressed |
Check Firing Mode | Left Alt + B | Pressed |
Reticle Next | Left Alt + Mouse Wheel Up | |
Reticle Previous | Left Alt + Mouse Wheel Down | |
Zeroing Next Range | Page Down | Pressed |
Zeroing Previous Range | Page Up | Pressed |
Scope Zoom Increase | Mouse Wheel Up | |
Scope Zoom Decrease | Mouse Wheel Down | |
Hold Breath | Left Alt | |
Equip Main Weapon | 1 | Pressed |
Equip Pistol | 2 | Pressed |
Equip Melee | 3 | Pressed |
Look Around | Middle Mouse Button | |
Quick Equip Grenade | G | Pressed |
Quick Healing | 4 | Pressed |
Quick Consume Provision | 5 | Pressed |
Stop Action | Right Mouse Button | Pressed |
Open | M | |
Open Grenade Category | G | |
Open Medicine Category | H | |
Open Provisions Category | P | |
Select Grenade Category | G | |
Select Medicine Category | H | |
Select Provisions Category | P | |
Use Selected Item | F | |
Close | Escape | |
Select Next Item | Mouse Wheel Down | |
Select Previous Item | Mouse Wheel Up |
If you have any mouse buttons to assign, we recommend using Crouch and Sprint for these, as you’ll be using them a lot.
How to change Gray Zone Warfare keybinds
To change your keybinds in Gray Zone Warfare, follow these steps:
- While in-game, press Escape or Tab.
- Click the gear icon on the top right.
- Now you’re in Settings, head to the Controls Tab.
- Here you can see all the Keybinds in the game.
- Select one you wish to change and then press the key you’d like to assign the interaction to.
- Once you’ve done all the keybinds you wish to change, select “Apply Changes” in the bottom right to save them.

Unfortunately, there’s currently no option to toggle aim or change the key used for voice chat VOIP (Z) at the moment, but Gray Zone Warfare is still in early access, so there’s a chance that option will arrive in the future.
For more guides on Gray Zone Warfare, be sure to also check out:
Best PC settings for Gray Zone Warfare | All Gray Zone Warfare weapons so far | How to use voice chat in Gray Zone Warfare | Is Gray Zone Warfare down? | Is Gray Zone Warfare coming to consoles? | How to reset account in Gray Zone Warfare