Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Gym order & badge progression: All paths level order

If you want to tackle the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet main story in the best order possible, you need to plan ahead before jumping in. Here’s the ideal path for Scarlet and Violet’s Gym Leaders, Titan Battles, and Team Star Fights, according to their levels.
In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Game Freak finally went all-in on the open-world concept, and trainers can approach the three main paths in any way or order they want to.
The ultimate Pokemon Scarlet and Violet objective is to conquer all three paths by completing the Gym Leader Challenge, defeating every Titan Pokemon, and taking down every Team Star Base.
Paldea has a lot of freedom, and the devs want you to have control over your adventuring in the game. With that being said, if players want a bit more direction and more of an optimal way to approach the game, here’s our ideal path for you.

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet best story order: Gyms, Team Star, Titan Pokemon
You can complete Pokemon Scarlet and Violet at your own pace, but we think there’s an optimal route for you that the devs likely intended based on the level of your Pokemon. The challenges you’ll face do not boast dynamic Levels that adjust to your progress throughout the game.
You’ll have to complete the Victory Road quest, which is essentially taking on and defeating all eight Gym Leaders. Path of Legends is achieved when you defeat all five monstrous Titan Pokemon, and Operation Star Street requires you to defeat members of the game’s Team Star faction.
From the second you can leave the city of Mesagoza, you’re encouraged to head one way towards a Gym, and that’s the path we’re going to take. Check out our recommended order below.

1. Katy – Bug Gym Leader in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
The first step on your Pokemon adventure should be to head to Cortondo, where you’ll find Gym Leader Katy. By the time you reach her, you should already have assembled a team of six Pokemon, and with them, it should be easy enough.
These are Gym Leader Katy’s Pokemon:
- Nymph: Level 14 Bug-type Pokemon
- Tarountula: Level 14 Bug-type Pokemon
- Teddiursa: Level 15 Bug-type (Tera) Pokemon
2. Titan Klawf in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Next up is your first tango with a Titan Pokemon – Klawf. The much larger version of its traditional counterpart, Titan Pokemon provide an interesting challenge in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and this one is located in South Province (Area Three).
- Titan Klawf: Level 16 Rock-type Pokemon
3. Brassius – Grass Gym Leader in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Now, you need to make your way to Artazon and go one-on-one with the Grass-favoring Gym Leader. Brassius still only has three Pokemon to battle with, so have a Fire Pokemon on stand-by and burn through this fight.
Gym Leader Brassius’ Pokemon:
- Petilil: Level 16 Rock-type Pokemon
- Smoliv: Level 16 Grass/Normal-type Pokemon
- Sudowoodo: Level 17 Grass-type (Tera) Pokemon

4. Titan Bombirdier in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Titan Pokemon number two is a bigger version of Bombirdier, and the giant bird, found in West Province (Area One) is a Flying/Dark dual type and is a higher level, so it might give you a bit more trouble.
- Titan Bombirdier: Level 19 Flying/Dark-type Pokemon
5. Giacomo – Team Star Leader in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
It’s time for your first Team Star Leader, and Giacomo in West Province (Area One) is the individual looking to give you a battle. They have two Dark Pokemon and should offer a nice little test.
Team Star Leader Giacomo’s Pokemon:
- Revavroom: Level 20 Dark-type Pokemon
- Pawniard: Level 21 Dark-type Pokemon
6. Iono – Electric Gym Leader in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
The Levincia-based Gym Leader Iono has a team of fairly strong Electric-type Pokemon to contend with and ups the difficulty slightly by having four Pokemon on her team.
Gym Leader Iono’s Pokemon:
- Wattrel: Level 23 Electric/Flying-type Pokemon
- Luxio: Level 23 Electric-type Pokemon
- Bellibolt: Level 23 Electric-type Pokemon
- Mismagius: Level 24 Electric-type (Tera) Pokemon

7. Mela – Team Star Leader in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
East Province (Area One) features Mela, your next Team Star Base match, and even though they only have two Pokemon for you to contend with, the power level increases a fair amount.
Team Star Leader Mela’s Pokemon:
- Revavroom: Level 26 Fire-type Pokemon
- Torkoal: Level 27 Fire-type Pokemon
8. Titan Orthworm in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
There’s no respite as you take on the fearsome Orthworm Titan in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and it will be situated in East Province (Area Three).
- Titan Orthworm: Level 28 Steel-type Pokemon
9. Kofu Gym Leader in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
It’s going to be a tense and wet affair when you come face-to-face with Cascarrafa’s own Kofu. You’ll need to take down a trio of Water-based foes, but if you can, you’ll earn yourself a new Gym badge.
Gym Leader Kofu’s Pokemon:
- Veluza: Level 28 Water/Psychic-type Pokemon
- Wugtrio: Level 28 Water-type Pokemon
- Crabominable: Level 29 Water-type (Tera) Pokemon

10. Atticus – Team Star Leader in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
We’re venturing into Tagtree Thicket territory now, as Atticus is waiting for your company, and Team Star Leaders are now beginning to crank up the difficulty as Atticus has four Level 30+ Pokemon.
Team Star Leader Atticus’ Pokemon:
- Muk: Level 32 Poison-type Pokemon
- Skuntank: Level 32 Poison/Dark-type Pokemon
- Revavroom: Level 32 Poison-type Pokemon
- Revavroom: Level 33 Steel/Poison-type Pokemon
11. Larry – Normal Gym Leader in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Time for another Gym Leader showdown, and Medali’s Larry is next in your path. He possesses a very strong line-up of Normal-type Pokemon. Exploit their weaknesses and you’ll be one step closer to the Pokemon League.
Gym Leader Larry’s Pokemon:
- Dudunsparce: Level 35 Normal-type Pokemon
- Komala: Level 35 Normal-type Pokemon
- Staraptor: Level 36 Normal-type (Tera) Pokemon
12. Ryme – Ghost Gym Leader in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
A trip to Montenevera will bring you up close and personal with another Gym leader battle in quick succession. Ryme uses an array of Ghost-type Pokemon to spook you, so have at least one Ghost-type yourself and prevail in this duel.
Gym Leader Ryme’s Pokemon:
- Banette: Level 41 Ghost-type Pokemon
- Houndstone: Level 41 Ghost-type Pokemon
- Mimikyu: Level 41 Ghost/Fairy-type Pokemon
- Toxtricitiy: Level 42 Ghost-type (Tera) Pokemon

13. Titan Paradox Donphan in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
A tussle of time beckons against Donphan as the Paradox Pokemon, found in Asado Desert, and Pokemon Scarlet and Violet owners will face a different version of the creature depending on their version of the game.
Scarlet owners will have to go up against Great Tusk, and Violet owners get to battle Iron Treads.
- Great Tusk: Level 44 Ground/Fighting-type Pokemon
- Iron Treads: Level 44 Ground/Steel-type Pokemon
14. Tulip – Psychic Gym Leader in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
The Psychic Gym Leader is based in Alfornada, and you’ll have to show patience and determination to stop her four Pokemon of varying types.
Gym Leader Tulip’s Pokemon:
- Espathra: Level 44 Psychic-type Pokemon
- Farigirag: Level 44 Normal/Psychic-type Pokemon
- Gardevoir: Level 44 Psychic/Fairy-type Pokemon
- Florges: Level 45 Psychic-type (Tera) Pokemon
15. Grusha – Ice Gym Leader in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Another back-to-back Gym Leader battle, and this time you’re up against Grusha – a specialist in Ice-type Pokemon, and located in the Glaseado Mountain.
The Paldean highest peak is the final destination for Gym Leader encounters, so make sure you have a couple of red-hot Pokemon to melt the enemy team away.
Gym Leader Grusha’s Pokemon:
- Beartic: Level 47 Ice-type Pokemon
- Cetitan: Level 47 Ice-type Pokemon
- Frosmoth: Level 47 Ice/Bug-type Pokemon
- Altaria: Level 48 Ice-type (Tera) Pokemon

16. Ortega – Team Star Leader in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
North Province (Area Three) contains the next big difficulty spike and it arrives in the form of Ortega. Armed with four Pokemon that finally cross the Level 50 threshold, you should see how well your party is fairing to this point.
Team Star Leader Ortega’s Pokemon:
- Azumarill: Level 50 Water/Fairy-type Pokemon
- Revavroom: Level 50 Fairy-type Pokemon
- Wigglytuff: Level 50 Normal/Fairy-type Pokemon
- Dachsbun: Level 51 Fairy-type Pokemon
17. Titans Dondozo & Tatsugiri in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
With all the Gym Leaders out of the way, you need to prep yourself for the last Titan fight, and boy will it be difficult as you’re facing not one, but two Level 55 Pokemon in Casseroya Lake.
- Dondozo: Level 55 Water-type Pokemon
- Tatsugiri: Level 55 Dragon/Water-type Pokemon
18. Eri – Team Star Leader in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
The final big step to complete your story path before you head up the arduous road to the Elite Four is Eri – another member of Team Star.
Eri is waiting for you in North Province (Area One) and they have an unbelievable group of strong Pokemon.
Team Star Leader Eri’s Pokemon:
- Annihilape: Level 55 Fighting/Ghost-type Pokemon
- Lucario: Level 55 Fighting/Steel-type Pokemon
- Passimian: Level 55 Fighting-type Pokemon
- Toxicroak: Level 55 Poison/Fighting-type Pokemon
- Revavrom: Level 56 Fighting-type Pokemon
With our recommended main story path for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet now finished, we have a ton of other Scarlet and Violet DLC guides for you to browse:
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: How to get Hydrapple in Indigo Disc DLC | Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: How to get Beldum, Metang & Metagross in Indigo Disk DLC | Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Indigo Disk DLC: How to beat Elite Four Amarys challenge | Every new Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet DLC