Pokemon Scarlet & Violet DLC: How to beat Elite Four Drayton challenge

Drayton is one of the members of the Elite Four of Blueberry Academy in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk DLC. He is the strongest of all the Elite Four, and his challenge is considerably difficult. Here’s how to beat the Elite Four’s Drayton in The Indigo Disk DLC.
In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk DLC, the members of the Elite Four are the top-notch trainers in all of Blueberry Academy. Drayton is the strongest Pokemon trainer of them all, excluding the Champion Kieran.
To beat Drayton, you first need to complete his challenge. And before you decide to take on Drayton, you better arm yourself with a strong team and take advantage of all the info in this guide.
Here’s how to complete the Elite Four Drayton challenge in The Indigo Disk DLC, including how to win the Elite Trial and the best strategy to beat his team.
- How to complete Elite Four Drayton’s Challenge
- How to beat every trainer in Drayton’s Elite Trial
- Best counters for Drayton Elite Four battle
- How to beat Drayton Elite Four Leader
How to complete Elite Four Drayton’s Elite Trial in Pokemon S&V The Indigo Disk DLC
To complete the Elite Four Drayton’s Elite Trial in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC, trainers will need to approach the Polar Biome and look for Drayton’s trial marked on the map, at the Polar Plaza.
Upon approaching the registry counter, Drayton will escort players to the Elite Trial, which consists of taking down three different trainers in Doubles Battles using only Pokemon captured in the Terarium.
The ‘Terarium-Only’ Battle will grant players the chance to visit their Box in search of the appropriate Pokemon. You will need to fill your teams with Pokemon you have captured in the wild, and this is where things get tricky because they are all untrained.
Pokemon found in the terrarium are all level 60+, and you will need a consistent team of Lvl 68-70 to beat this trial.

How to beat every trainer in Drayton’s Elite Four challenge
The three trainers you will have to face during the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Drayton’s Elite Four Elite Trial can be challenged one by one. This will give you time to switch Pokemon and heal. Here’s the lineup for all of them, from left to right.
First Trainer
Bastiodon and Rampardos, both at level 68 – This duo will be troublesome, as both of them can resist a One-hit-KO thanks to Sturdy and Focus Sash. If you have a Lapras or Dewgong from the Polar Biome, you can take down those two without issues.
Second Trainer
Alolan Sandslash and Dewgong, both at level 68 – This duo can be defeated with some of the Pokemon you can catch in the Canyon Biome. Tyrogue’s evolutions, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, or Hitmontop, will do nicely. Remember Alolan Sandslash is a physical attacker, and Dewgong has low Special Defense, so you might strike from there and bring a Pokemon that can be taught Aura Sphere.
Third Trainer
Magnezone and Zebstrika, both at level 68 – This duo can be easily beaten by Rock-type Pokemon found in the Canyon or Savannah Biome. Rhydon and Flygon will both be immune to Zebstrika’s and Magnezone’s Electric-type moves. If you bring those to battle, you can win with ease.
Once you defeat these three, it’s time to take down Drayton himself.
Best counters for Drayton Elite Four battle
These are some of the best counters to beat Drayton in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk DLC:
- Sylveon (Fairy) – Tera Type: Fairy – Ability: Pixilate – Moveset: Moonblast, Hyper Voice, Yawn, Quick Attack. Held Item: Leftovers.
- Flutter Mane (Ghost/Fairy) – Tera Type: Fairy – Ability: Protosynthesis – Moveset: Shadow Ball, Moonblast, Mystical Fire, Psyshock. Held Item: Choice Specs.
- Lapras (Water/Ice) – Tera Type: Ice – Ability: Shell Armor – Moveset: Surf, Freeze-Dry, Protect, Perish Song. Held Item: Life Orb.
- Kingdra (Water/Dragon) – Tera Type: Ice – Ability: Swift Swim – Moveset: Rain Dance, Draco Meteor, Ice Beam, Hurricane. Held Item: Rain Stone.
- Vaporeon (Water) – Tera Type: Ice – Ability: Water Absorb – Moveset: Ice Beam, Wish, Yawn, Surf. Held Item: Never Melt Ice.
- Azumarill (Water/Fairy) – Tera Type: Fairy – Ability: Huge Power – Moveset: Play Rough, Belly Drum, Liquidation, Superpower. Held Item: Sitrus Berry.
- Chi-yu (Dark/Fire) – Tera Type: Fire – Ability: Beads of Ruins – Moveset: Flamethrower, Overheat, Dark Pulse, Tera Blast. Held Item: Choice Scarf
How to beat Drayton in Pokemon S&V The Indigo Disk DLC
Drayton is a Dragon-type user, and to beat him in Pokemon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk, you will need to bring some major heavy hitters to the fight. His Dragon-type Pokemon are not only quite resilient to STAB attacks but also equipped with items to reduce damage from Fairy and Ice-type moves.
Drayton will use the following lineup for the battle:
- Dragonite, lvl. 78 – Ability and Item: Multiscale, Yache Berry. Moveset: Extreme Speed, Thunder Punch, Ice Spinner, Tailwind.
- Flygon, lvl. 78 – Ability and Item: Static, Light Ball. Moveset: Earthquake, Stone Edge, Fire Punch, Breaking Swipe.
- Haxorus, lvl. 79 – Ability and Item: Mold Breaker, Focus Sash. Moveset: Earthquake, Stone Edge, Dragon Dance, Iron Head.
- Sceptile, lvl. 79 (Dragon Tera Type) – Ability and Item: Unburden, Weakness Policy. Moveset: Dragon Cheer, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor, Acrobatics.
- Kingdra, lvl. 79 – Ability and Item: Swift Swim, Expert Belt. Moveset: Rain Dance, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Hurricane.

As you can see, Drayton is the strongest opponent you’ll face before the champion, Kieran. His team is built to take down Fairy, Fire, Ice, Water, and Dragon-type opponents. Each of his Pokemon has a contingency plan in case you try to overpower them with STAB moves.
The best strategy is to use the Water-type Pokemon Vaporeon as a tank and Lapras as an Ice/Water-type assistant. If both of them are equipped with Never-Melt Ice and have the Ice Beam move, then you can break down Flygon and Dragonite as fast as possible.
Have a fast Fairy-type Special Attacker in reserve, like Sylveon, or even Flutter Mane. Your second duo to enter the battle should consist of Chi-Yu and Sylveon/Flutter Mane with Dazzling Gleam or Moon Blast. Chi-Yu’s ability, Beads of Ruin, will lower their Sp. Def by 25%, allowing you to do some serious damage to the powerful Dragon-type team.
Also, having Sylveon with Quick Attack and the Pixilate ability will give you a high-priority Fairy/type move, so keep that in mind to swiftly take down Drayton’s Dragon team.
If Sceptile and Kingdra enter the battle together, make sure to target Sceptile first, using Chin-Yu’s Fire-type moves. When cornered, Drayton will Terastalize Sceptile into a Dragon-type, annulling your STABS with Chi-yu, so you must take it out ASAP.
If you have Azumarill on your team, quickly swap Chi-yu, then Terastalize it, use Belly Drum, and follow up with Liquidation or Play Rough to destroy Kingdra. Afterward, blast Sceptile away with another Play Rough.
That’s how to complete the Elite Four Drayton challenge in Indigo Disk DLC. If you found this guide useful, here’s a bunch of pro tips and advice to help you tackle the Indigo Disk challenges:
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