All Pokemon not in Scarlet & Violet: List of every missing Pokemon

The Indigo Disk DLC brought back more missing Pokemon to the Scarlet and Violet Pokedex, but some are still not in the game. If you are wondering which Pokemon are still missing in Scarlet and Violet, here’s all you need to know.
Over 800 creatures can be caught in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and not all of them are from Paldea. The regional variations, returning Pokemon, and the new Paradox Pokemon are all in the Pokedex, but some fan favorites are still missing.
The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero also features new Pokemon that were added to the National Pokedex from past regions. The Teal Mask alone brought back 96 Pokemon, and The Indigo Disk brought back even more.
If you are wondering which Pokemon are still missing from Scarlet and Violet, even with the latest DLC additions, check out our full list below.
- What creatures are missing from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?
- Gen 1: Kanto
- Gen 2: Johto
- Gen 3: Hoenn
- Gen 4: Sinnoh
- Gen 5: Unova
- Gen 6: Kalos
- Gen 7: Alola
- Gen 8: Galar
- Total Pokemon not available in Scarlet and Violet
All missing Pokemon not in Scarlet and Violet
Here are all the missing Pokemon that are not in Scarlet and Violet The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, either because they were not included in the original National Pokedex, haven’t been featured in a Tera Raid event, or can’t be transferred through Pokemon Home.
Gen 1: Kanto
Caterpie | Cubone | Kangaskhan |
Metapod | Marowak | Goldeen |
Butterfree | Paras | Seaking |
Weedle | Parasect | Staryu |
Kakuna | Abra | Starmie |
Beedrill | Kadabra | Mr. Mime |
Pidgey | Alakazam | Jinx |
Pidgeotto | Machop | Pinsir |
Pidgeot | Machoke | Omanyte |
Rattata | Machamp | Omastar |
Raticate | Ponyta | Kabuto |
Spearow | Rapidash | Kabutops |
Fearow | Onix | Aerodactyl |
Zubat | Krabby | Tangela |
Golbat | Kingler | – |
Gen 2: Johto
Ledyba | Remoraid | Mantine |
Ledian | Natu | Corsola |
Crobat | Xatu | Remoraid |
Togepi | Unown | Octillery |
Togetic | Wobbuffet | Smoochum |
Shuckle | Steelix | Miltank |
Celebi | – | – |
Gen 3: Hoenn
Taillow | Roselia | Huntail |
Swellow | Carvanha | Gorebyss |
Zigzagoon | Sharpedo | Relicanth |
Linoone | Wailmer | Regirock |
Wurmple | Wailord | Regice |
Silcoon | Spinda | Registeel |
Cascoon | Nincada | Jirachi |
Beautifly | Ninjask | Deoxys |
Dustox | Shedinja | – |
Baltoy | Whismur | – |
Claydol | Loudred | – |
Lileep | Exploud | – |
Cradily | Lunatone | – |
Anorith | Solrock | – |
Armaldo | Castform | – |
Skitty | Kecleon | – |
Delcatty | Absol | – |
Aron | Wynaut | – |
Lairon | Spheal | – |
Aggron | Sealeo | – |
Electrike | Walrein | – |
Manetric | Clamperl | – |
Gen 4: Sinnoh
Bidoof | Lopunny | Wormadam |
Bibarel | Glameow | Togekiss |
Budew | Purugly | Carnivine |
Roserade | Stunky | Mantyke |
Tangrowth | Skuntank | Lickilicky |
Cherubi | Mime Jr. | Regigigas |
Cherrim | Skorupi | Shaymin |
Chatot | Drapion | Mothim |
Buneary | Burmy | – |
Gen 5: Unova
Patrat | Woobat | Vanilluxe |
Watchog | Swoobat | Karrablast |
Lillipup | Drilbur | Escavalier |
Herdier | Excadrill | Frillish |
Stoutland | Audino | Jellicent |
Purrloin | Throh | Karrablast |
Liepard | Sawk | Escavalier |
Pansage | Venipede | Ferroseed |
Simisage | Whirlipede | Ferrothorn |
Simisear | Scolipede | Klink |
Stoutland | Darumaka | Klank |
Panpour | Darmanitan | Klinklang |
Liepard | Maractus | Elgyem |
Simipour | Scraggy | Beheeyem |
Munna | Scrafty | Shelmet |
Musharna | Siglyph | Accelgor |
Simisear | Yamask | Stunfisk |
Pidove | Cofagrigus | Druddigon |
Tranquill | Tirtouga | Heatmor |
Unfezant | Carracosta | Durant |
Roggenrola | Archen | Bouffalant |
Boldore | Archeops | Emolga |
Gigalith | Trubbish | Keldeo |
Tympole | Garbodor | Victini |
Palpitoad | Vanillite | Genesect |
Seismitoad | Vanillish | – |
Gen 6: Kalos
Bunnelby | Swirlix | Amaura |
Diggersby | Slurpuff | Aurorus |
Furfrou | Binacle | Xerneass |
Honedge | Barbaracle | Yveltal |
Doublade | Helioptile | Zygarde |
Aegislash | Heliolisk | Hoopa |
Spritzee | Tyrunt | – |
Aromatisse | Tyrantrum | – |
Gen 7: Alola
Wishiwashi | Tapu Lele | Poipole |
Morelull | Tapu Fini | Naganadel |
Shinotic | Cosmog | Stakataka |
Stufful | Pheromosa | Blachephalon |
Bewear | Xurkitree | Nihilego |
Type: Null | Celesteela | Buzzwole |
Silvally | Kartana | Zeraora |
Turtonator | Guzzlord | – |
Togedemaru | Marshadow | – |
Drampa | Alolan Marowak | – |
Tapu Koko | Alolan Ratata | – |
Tapu Bulu | Alolan Raticate | – |
Gen 8: Galar
Meltan | Galarian Rapidash | Cursola |
Melmetal | Wooloo | Sirfetchd |
Blipbug | Dubwool | Mr. Rime |
Dottler | Yamper | Runerigus |
Orbeetle | Boltund | Arctozolt |
Nickit | Sizzlipede | Dracovish |
Thievul | Centiskorch | Arctovish |
Gossifleur | Clobbopus | Dracozolt |
Eldegoss | Grapploct | Zarude |
Galarian Ponyta | Galarian Zigzagoon | Galarian Farfetch’d |
Galarian Corsola | Galarian Linoone | Galarian Darumaka |
Galarian Yamask | Obstagoon | Galarian Darumaka |
Galarian Stunfisk | – | – |

Total Pokemon not available in Scarlet & Violet
While there are plenty of Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet, the game is still missing 292 Pokemon. This number translates to almost 28% of the entire National Pokedex missing in Paldea.
The Indigo Disk DLC has already been released with more ‘mons, and new Tera Raid events are available from time to time bringing new additions. With further support for Pokemon Home transfers, players should expect to complete the Pokedex soon.
That’s all there is to know about the Pokemon that are not in Scarlet and Violet, but if you are eager to know more, check out some of our other guides below:
How to catch all Legendaries in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet | How to beat BB Elite Four in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet DLC | Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: How to get Hydrapple | Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: How to get Duraludon & Archaludon | What is Stellar-type in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet DLC? 19th Tera Type explained | Pokemon Scarlet & Violet DLC: How to use Synchro Machine | Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Gym order & badge progression: All paths level order