Best Pokemon to use for Tera Raid Battles in Scarlet & Violet: Azumarill, Gholdengo & more

Beating Tera Raid Battles is one of the main priorities of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players, and they need to build strong teams with the right Pokemon to get the job done. So, here are some of the best species you can use in the game to ensure your victory in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Tera Raid Battles.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet players face one of their biggest challenges in the game with Tera Raid Battles. So those looking to easily beat 5, 6, and 7-Star Raid Battles will need to add the strongest Pokemon and also use items to boost their powers in the battle.
That said, Tera Raid Battles are difficult, but defeating even the most challenging of Tera Raids is possible with a great battling strategy that uses the best Pokemon, items, and moves that can help conquer Tera Raids in Scarlet and Violet.
Here are the best Pokemon for beating Scarlet and Violet Tera Raid Battles.
Best Pokemon to beat Scarlet & Violet Tera Raid Battles
To make sure you have the best Pokemon to beat Scarlet and Violet Tera Raids, you’ll want to level up your Pokemon to at least Level 90. Of course, reaching Level 100 is highly recommended, as maxed-out stats will provide a major boost.
Bulky Pokemon with excellent Defensive stats tend to do well in Tera Raid Battles. The ability to withstand hits and stick around for as long as possible is key to success in Scarlet and Violet Raid Battles.
Of course, you’ll also want to dish out damage, and stat-boosting moves are essential to dealing heavy blows. Whether it’s boosting your stats or lowering those of Tera Raid Bosses, status moves are very important.
Sylveon build for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Tera Raids

- Level: 90-100
- Nature: Modest
- Ability: Pixelate
- Held Item: Ability Shield or Covert Cloak
- Moveset: Hyper Beam, Calm Mind, Hyper Voice, Fake Tears
As one of Eevee’s most powerful evolutions, Sylveon is a fantastic Pokemon to solo difficult Tera Raid Battles in Scarlet and Violet. The Fairy-type Pokemon does particularly well against Dragon and Dark Tera Type Pokemon.
You’ll want Sylveon to have maximum Special Attack and Special Defense stats. With the Pixelate ability, Sylveon’s Normal-type moves will turn into Fairy-type moves, which allow the Pokemon to receive a STAB (Same-type attack bonus) boost.
After a few Calm Minds, which raise Sylveon’s Special Attack and Special Defense, Hyper Beam will dish out a ton of damage. To further weaken the Tera Raid Boss, you can even sneak in a few Fake Tears.
Iron Hands build for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Tera Raids

- Level: 90-100
- Nature: Adamant
- Ability: Quark Drive
- Held Item: Energy Booster
- Moveset: Drain Punch, Close Combat, Belly Drum, Wild Charge
Pokemon Violet’s Iron Hands is a naturally bulky Pokemon with an excellent Defense stat in Scarlet and Violet. Thanks to Belly Drum, which maximizes the user’s Attack stat for half of its HP, it can also become one of the hardest-hitting Pokemon in the game.
Drain Punch is a major asset in recuperating the HP that you lost from using Belly Drum. Close Combat is ideal for when you need one last attack to defeat the Tera Raid. Meanwhile, Wild Charge will provide decent coverage against Water and Flying types.
The Quark Drive and Energy Booster combination will increase Iron Hands’ highest stat by 30%. Either Attack or Defense is a great choice when it comes to its highest stat.
Regardless of your opponent’s Tera Type, you’ll be able to dish out loads of damage.
Azumarill build for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Tera Raids

- Level: 90-100
- Nature: Adamant
- Ability: Huge Power
- Held Item: Ability Shield
- Moveset: Belly Drum, Tail Whip, Liquidation, Play Rough
Azumarill has been the most popular Pokemon to use in Scarlet and Violet Tera Raid Battles. The Aqua Rabbit Pokemon was perfect for Fire-type Tera Raid events, and it also works wonders against Fighting Tera Type Pokemon.
The Ability Shield item is vital here, as it will ensure that Huge Power remains active. Players will look to set up with a Belly Drum to maximize Azumarill’s Attack. Alongside Huge Power, Azumarill will deal an incredible amount of damage with Liquidation and Play Rough.
Gholdengo build for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Tera Raids

- Level: 90-100
- Nature: Modest
- Ability: Good as Gold
- Held Item: Ability Shield
- Moveset: Make it Rain, Shadow Ball, Metal Sound, Thunder Wave
Gholdengo is an extremely difficult Pokemon to damage in Scarlet and Violet thanks to Normal, Fighting, and Poison-type moves being ineffective against it as well as its resistance to nine other types. In addition, Ability Shield will ensure that Good as Gold completely protects Gholdengo from opposing status moves.
In terms of dishing out damage, Gholdengo has an impressive Special Attack stat, and after a few Metal Sound, Shadow Ball and Make it Rain will deal a ton of damage to Raid Bosses.
That’s all for the best Pokemon to use in Scarlet and Violet Tera Raid Battles. For more on Pokemon, check out our other guides:
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