How to beat Pokemon Go Mega Gyarados Raid: Best counters

The fearsome Mega Gyarados has taken over Pokemon Go Raids, so here’s all you need to know to beat it, including its weaknesses, recommended counters, and shiny odds.
Mega Gyarados has splashed into ongoing Raids in Pokemon Go, and players are super excited to catch this powerful Pokemon.
As one of the biggest icons in the franchise, Gyarados has always found a place in the teams of almost every player and now, they want to unleash its Mega-evolved form in battles.
Here’s everything you need to know about Mega Gyarados Raids in Pokemon Go.
- How to get Mega Gyarados in Pokemon Go
- Type & weaknesses
- Best counters
- Mega Gyarados moveset
- Is shiny Mega Gyarados available in Pokemon Go?
How to get Mega Gyarados in Pokemon Go
You can get Mega Gyarados in Pokemon Go by catching regular Gyarados after the Raid Battle and then Mega-evolving it with 200 Mega Energy. It will be available as a Raid Boss until May 23, 2024.
You can collect the required Mega Energy to get Mega Gyarados by participating in multiple Raids.

Mega Gyarados Pokemon Go type & weaknesses
Mega Gyarados is a Water/Dark-type Pokemon. In battles, it can do double duty as a Water-type or a Dark-type, depending on its moveset.
Coming to its weaknesses in Pokemon Go, Mega Gyarados is weak to the Bug, Electric, Fairy, Fighting, and Grass types. You need to bring high-level counters to defeat the Raid Boss without much effort.
Best counters for Mega Gyarados Pokemon Go Raid
The overall best counter for Mega Gyarados in Pokemon Go is Mega Sceptile with Fury Cutter and Frenzy Plant.

While Mega Sceptile is your go-to counter, there are other Pokemon who can also get the job done pretty well. Here’s a list of the most viable counters to beat Mega Gyarados Raids:
- Mega Sceptile – Fury Cutter and Frenzy Plant
- Mega Heracross – Counter and Megahorn
- Mega Gardevoir – Charm and Dazzling Gleam
- Kartana – Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade
- Xurkitree – Thunder Shock and Discharge
Other good options include Terrakion, Conkeldurr, Buzzwole, Lucario, and Togekiss.
Mega Gyarados Pokemon Go moveset
Here’s the complete Mega Gyarados Pokemon Go moveset:
Fast Moves
- Waterfall (Water)
- Bite (Dark)
- Dragon Breath (Dragon)
- Dragon Tail* (Dragon)
Dragon Tail can be taught to Mega Gyarados only with an Elite Fast TM.
Charged Moves
- Hydro Pump (Water)
- Aqua Tail* (Water)
- Crunch (Dark)
- Outrage (Dragon)
- Twister (Dragon)
- Dragon Pulse* (Dragon)
Aqua Tail and Dragon Pulse can be taught to Mega Gyarados only with an Elite Charged TM.
Can Mega Gyarados be shiny in Pokemon Go?
Yes, shiny Mega Gyarados is available in Pokemon Go. Lucky players can obtain shiny Gyarados as an encounter after a Mega Raid Battle and then get shiny Mega Gyarados by Mega-evolving it.
You should know that the odds of encountering a shiny Pokemon from a Mega Raid Battle is 1 in 64 or 1.56% chance. That’s not all, as a shiny from a Raid is a guaranteed catch.
And there you have it. This is all you need to know for beating Mega Gyarados Raids in Pokemon Go. For more on the game, be sure to check out our other guides:
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