How to beat Pokemon Go Mega Blastoise Raid: Weaknesses, Counters & can it be Shiny

Pokemon Go brings Mega Blastoise back to Raids and players are excited to catch this powerful Water-type Pokemon. Here’s everything you need to know about Mega Blastoise Raids, its weaknesses, counters, and whether it can be Shiny.
Mega Blastoise is all set to dazzle Raids in Pokemon Go. Being among the best Water-type Pokemon to use in Raid Battles, this is an excellent opportunity for players to get themselves this Mega-evolved Pokemon with great stats.
However, these Raid Battles are very challenging due to the amazing bulk of Mega Blastoise. So here’s all you need to know about beating Pokemon Go Mega Blastoise easily:
- Mega Blastoise Pokemon Go Type and Weaknesses
- How to get Mega Blastoise in Pokemon Go
- Best Counters for Pokemon Go Mega Blastoise
- Is Shiny Mega Blastoise available in Pokemon Go
- Pokemon Go Mega Blastoise moveset
Mega Blastoise Pokemon Go Type and Weaknesses

Being a Water-type Pokemon, Mega Blastoise is weak to the Grass and Electric-types. Players should bring their best high-level counters to beat this Mega-evolved Pokemon with minimum effort. We recommend a team of at least 4 to 5 players to take on a Mega Blastoise Raid.
How to get Mega Blastoise in Pokemon Go
Mega Blastoise can be obtained by using 200 Mega Energy to evolve Blastoise. This can be done by participating in multiple Raid Battles and gathering Blastoise Mega Energy. Although you can’t catch Mega Blastoise directly from a Raid Battle, you can catch regular Blastoise and then Mega-evolve it.
This Raid Boss will appear in Pokemon Go Raid Battles from July 6, 10:00 AM local time to July 13, 2023, 8 PM local time. So you’ll have plenty of time to gather enough Mega Energy.
Best Counters for Pokemon Go Mega Blastoise

The best overall counter is Mega Sceptile with Bullet Seed and Frenzy Plant. Mega Sceptile is highly resistant to Water-type attacks and it packs a good Attack stat, making it the go-to Mega Blastoise counter. However, it is frail and can’t take hits from the Ice-type attacks of the Raid Boss. So other good counters include other Grass-types and Electric-types.
Here are the best counters to beat Mega Blastoise:
- Mega Sceptile: The Grass/Dragon-type helps Mega Sceptile resist all Water-type moves of Mega Blastoise and in return, it dishes out massive damage with Bullet Seed and Frenzy Plant.
- Mega Manectric: The best Electric-type Mega Evolution in the game is extremely reliable in taking out chunks of health from the raid boss.
- Mega Venusaur: Blastoise’s fellow starter Pokemon from Gen 1 is also very bulky and can hang around in the Raid Battle for a longer period of time than other counters.
- Kartana: This deadly Ultra Beast may be small in size but one should never forget just how much of an impact Kartana can make with its high Attack stat. Moreover, Kartana is not weak to Ice-type attacks.
- Xurkitree: Another Ultra Beast joins the party with its sky-high Attack stat and powerful moves.
- Zekrom: The Legendary Zekrom unleashes its signature move, Fusion Bolt, to make the Raid Battle more convenient for players.
If the Raid Boss is using Ice-type attacks, it is recommended to lead with Electric-type Pokemon like Mega Manectric and Xurkitree, and Grass-type Pokemon like Kartana. Otherwise, players can lead the Raid Battle with Mega Sceptile and Zekrom.
Other good counters are Mega Ampharos, Magnezone, Electivire, and Roserade.
Is Shiny Mega Blastoise available in Pokemon Go?
Yes, Shiny Mega Blastoise is available in Pokemon Go. Lucky players might get a shiny Mega Blastoise by evolving it from a regular Blastoise with Mega Energy.
Though Shiny Blastoise has already been available in the game since July 2018 many players are yet to catch this popular Shiny Pokemon. So these Raid Battles are an amazing opportunity for such players.
Pokemon Go Mega Blastoise moveset

Mega Blastoise learns these moves in the game:
Fast Moves
- Water Gun
- Bite
Charged Moves
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Flash Cannon
- Skull Bash
That’s all you need to know to beat Mega Blastoise in Raid Battles. For more on Pokemon Go, check out our guides:
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