Pokemon Go players share simple tips to farm millions of Stardust easily

Collecting Stardust in Pokemon Go is quite a task but a few players have revealed some helpful tips to farm millions of this valuable asset without much effort.
To become a top trainer in Pokemon Go, players need to catch the strongest Pokemon and power them up to higher levels to gain a competitive edge in PvP and PvE battles.
But, this also requires you to spend tons of in-game resources such as Candies, TMs, and Stardust. With so many species available, you are bound to run low on stock.
This prompted a Reddit user named ‘zerosmith86’ to ask, “Where do yall get millions of stardust?” as they only had 518 Stardust with them. Thankfully, several trainers jumped into the comments section to share some quick tips to hoard this prized resource.
A user commented: “Certain Pokemon like Shelder, Trubbish, Paras, and more give you more Stardust per catch (even more if weather boosted). You can also try tanking in GBL, as You can get from 15k-20k per day.”
Tanking in GBL (Go Battle League) is a popular practice in Pokemon Go where trainers intentionally lose PvP battles by using weak teams, resulting in quick and easy Stardust gains. A fan also mentioned that tanking GBL is the “best bet” for rural players as well.
More people hopped onto the GBL bandwagon as they called it the “one consistent way to effectively farm for Stardust in the game.”
Players also emphasized using Stardust carefully. “Only power up when it’s necessary. You’ll find certain types just aren’t useful,” a trainer said. Powering up only the top Pokemon of each type saves a lot of Stardust.
Another chimed in with: “I also take advantage of spotlight hours when they have increased stardust and I feed a ton of berries in the gyms I’m in.” They further added, “If the gym is full you can easily get over 1k stardust just by giving each mon the max 10 berries.”
Others stated that about 60% of Stardust can be farmed from catching Pokemon and the rest from events and Research quests.
If you’re looking for more ways to boost your Stardust gains in Pokemon Go, use a Star Piece to gain bonus amounts and battle in ongoing Raids.