Pokemon Go Ultra League: Date & time, best teams to use, more

Ultra League is a tough Pokemon Go PvP format, and players are eager to win these battles with the best teams. So here are the top species and teams to quickly climb Pokemon Go Ultra League ranks.
Pokemon Go trainers need to build solid PvP teams to take on the Ultra League in the World of Wonders season. With the current Go Battle League meta featuring more powerful Pokemon, you must be eager to win plenty of battles.
So here’s all you need to know about the Pokemon Go Ultra League, including the date and time and the best teams to use in this PvP format.
- Pokemon Go Ultra League date & time
- Best Pokemon Go Ultra League species
- Best Ultra League team in Pokemon Go
Pokemon Go Ultra League date & time
The final leg of the Pokemon Go Ultra League in the World of Wonders season will run from May 24, 2024, until May 31, 2024. Remember that you can only use species under 2500 CP in this format
Best Pokemon Go Ultra League species
Here are the best PvP Pokemon you can use in the Pokemon Go Ultra League:

- Weaknesses: Fighting, Ground, Fire
- Resistances: Normal, Flying, Rock, Bug, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Fairy, Poison
- Best moveset: Lock-On and Focus Blast / Zap Cannon
Registeel has always been a top-tier Legendary Pokemon in the Ultra League. Many Pokemon Go players consider Registeel to be the go-to Pokemon to use in PvP as it is not only bulky but also has resistances against some of the top Pokemon in this format.
Coming to the moveset, Lock-On helps Registeel quickly generate energy and get to its powerful Charged Moves like Focus Blast and/or Zap Cannon. Because of Lock-On’s tremendous energy gains, Registeel is the most feared user of the dreaded Focus Blast.

- Weaknesses: Bug, Dark, Ghost
- Resistances: Ghost
- Best moveset: Psycho Cut and Moonblast / Grass Knot
Cresselia combines excellent Defense and HP stats to turn into an unbreakable wall in PvP. Regardless of how difficult the situation is, you can count on Cresselia to tank hits consistently.
Psycho Cut gives Cresselia quick energy gains and also chips in some damage, making you ready to deliver a devastating Moonblast or an unexpected Grass Knot. Players should remember that Grass Knot can be taught to Cresselia only by using an Elite Charged TM.

- Weaknesses: Fighting, Fire, Ground
- Resistances: Bug, Poison, Rock, Dark, Dragon, Grass, Ice, Normal, Steel
- Best moveset: Double Kick and Sacred Sword / Stone Edge
Cobalion has a lot of positives in the Ultra League. A solid type combination, balanced stats, many resistances, and an excellent moveset help Cobalion pack a serious punch in PvP. After Double Kick received a buff, Cobalion became one of the biggest winners of the upgrade. Sacred Sword is one of the best PvP moves to use, while Stone Edge gives Cobalion the coverage it needs against Fire and Flying Pokemon.

- Weaknesses: Flying, Fairy, Fire, Ice, Poison, Psychic
- Resistances: Dark, Electric, Grass, Ground, Rock, Water
- Best moveset: Double Kick and Sacred Sword / Leaf Blade
Virizion may have a glaring weakness to Flying types but its great bulk and powerful moveset make it a top-notch Ultra League Pokemon. The combination of Double Kick and Sacred Sword is formidable and helps it beat Steel types like Registeel and Galarian Stunfisk.
Leaf Blade is scary to opponents as it charges super quick and baits shields, while also threatening Swampert and Tapu Fini. This makes Virizion a perfect lead in any battle.

- Weaknesses: Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water
- Resistances: Fire, Flying, Normal, Poison
- Best moveset: Lock-On and Stone Edge / Earthquake
Regirock is extremely bulky thanks to its jaw-dropping 309 Defense in Pokemon Go. So even if there are no shields left, it can tank an Earthquake from the opponent!
With the high energy gains of Lock-On, it can deliver Stone Edge and Earthquake quicker than most PvP players can imagine. This Legendary Pokemon works best when shields are no longer available in the battle.

- Weaknesses: Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Grass
- Resistances: Bug, Dark, Fire, Ice, Rock, Steel, Water
- Best moveset: Counter and Scald / Icy Wind
Poliwrath does well offensively, as it gets excellent coverage from Counter, arguably the best Fast Move in Pokemon Go, while Scald deals a neat 85 damage while also having a 50% chance of dropping the opponent’s Attack stat.
If that wasn’t great enough, Icy Wind helps it deal with Dragon types and gives a guaranteed chance to drop the opponent’s Attack stat, even when shielded. These moves can give a lot of trouble to opponents, throwing their strategies out of the window.
While Poliwrath has some concerning weaknesses, it backs it up with plenty of resistances, making it overall a great fit for Ultra League teams.

- Weaknesses: Grass
- Resistances: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel
- Best moveset: Mud Shot and Hydro Cannon / Earthquake
Swampert is one of the few Pokemon that is relevant in all three PvP leagues of Pokemon Go. In Ultra League, there are only a few Grass Pokemon, so Swampert has hardly any super-effective damage to be worried about.
It can deliver a lot of damage with Hydro Cannon, which it can also use to bait shields because of the excellent energy gains of Mud Shot. The powerful Earthquake is better used as a nuke move when shields are down. These moves make Swampert a reliable Pokemon to break any teams built around Registeel or Regirock.
Giratina (Altered)

- Weaknesses: Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, Ice
- Resistances: Fighting, Normal, Bug, Electric, Fire, Grass, Poison, Water
- Best moveset: Shadow Claw and Dragon Claw / Ancient Power
Giratina (Altered) was once the top Pokemon in the Ultra League, but the nerf to Ancient Power somewhat hurt its ability to beat Togekiss, a common Fairy-type Pokemon in Pokemon Go PvP. But this Legendary Pokemon is still a dangerous threat because of its amazing attacking ability as well as its huge bulk.
Shadow Claw is one of the best Fast Moves in Pokemon Go, and it combines very well with Dragon Claw to put shield pressure on opponents. Players are aware of how a lucky stat boost from Ancient Power can make Giratina (Altered) nearly unbeatable.
Another major positive for Giratina (Altered) is its near-perfect neutral coverage against every Pokemon in this format. This Pokemon is highly recommended for any Ultra League team, and it can be used as a lead, switch-in, or closer.

- Weaknesses: Electric, Ice, Rock
- Resistances: Ghost, Ground, Bug, Grass
- Best moveset: Gust and Brave Bird / Feather Dance
Pidgeot was once unusable in any PvP format. But the addition of Gust and Feather Dance to its moveset has made this bird Pokemon deadly in Pokemon Go Ultra League.
Gust gives good damage output as well as high energy gains to help Pidgeot use the powerful Brave Bird. But players should be careful in using this Charged Move because it leads to a Defense self-debuff by two stages. On the other hand, Feather Dance is a useful move to bait shields and debuff the opponent’s Attack stat by two stages. So, it takes some practice to use Pidgeot properly, but it’s all worth it.

- Weaknesses: Electric, Fairy, Ice, Rock
- Resistances: Ground, Psychic, Dark, Ghost, Grass
- Best moveset: Snarl and Foul Play / Aerial Ace
Mandibuzz is extremely bulky, capable of even taking super-effective hits and not being weak to the dreaded Counter feared by other Dark-type Pokemon. Additionally, its Snarl and Foul Play combo is super spammy, helping you burn shields from the opponent’s side and also dish out damage.
Aerial Ace is its cheapest move but is weak in terms of damage output. That said, it gets STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) and takes out Fighting-type Pokemon. Its resistances are impressive and, in particular, can make Ground and Psychic-type species helpless.

- Weaknesses: Electric, Fighting, Grass, Rock
- Resistances: Ice, Water
- Best moveset: Powder Snow and Icicle Spear / Earthquake
The addition of Powder Snow and Icicle Spear turned Walrein into one of the best Ice Pokemon in PvP. Along with Swampert, Walrein can also be used in all three Pokemon Go PvP Leagues, but it’s at its best in Ultra League.
Powder Snow has one of the best energy gains in PvP, letting Walrein use Icicle Spear and Earthquake to take down top-notch Pokemon like Giratina (Altered) and Registeel. Earthquake is an amazing coverage move to deal with Steel types.
Tapu Fini

- Weaknesses: Electric, Grass, Poison
- Resistances: Dragon, Bug, Dark, Fighting, Fire, Ice, Water
- Best moveset: Water Gun and Surf / Moonblast
Tapu Fini is one of the best defensive species in the Pokemon Go Ultra League format. It resists attacks from some of the best PvP Pokemon and also doesn’t take super-effective damage from the common Steel-type Pokemon. Even offensively, Water and Surf form a great damaging pair, while Moonblast can eliminate Dark, Dragon, and Fighting-type Pokemon easily.
For these reasons, Tapu Fini can fit into most Ultra League teams effortlessly. It is a very good partner for any Dragon-type Pokemon in the Ultra League.

- Weaknesses: Electric, Grass
- Resistances: Fire, Ice, Steel, Water
- Best moveset: Shadow Claw and Hydro Cannon / Ice Beam
Shadow Claw turned Feraligatr into a dire threat in PvP, helping this fearsome starter tackle the mighty Giratina (Altered), Cresselia, and Jellicent in the Ultra League. Hydro Cannon is its go-to move, dealing massive damage even to Steel types.
If this powerful moveset duo wasn’t scary enough already, Feraligatr also packs Ice Beam to send a chill down the spines of Dragon and Grass-type Pokemon in the meta.

- Weaknesses: Flying, Fairy, Fire, Psychic
- Resistances: Bug, Dark, Fighting, Grass, Ground
- Best moveset: Counter and Superpower / Lunge
This Ultra Beast can do a great job at forcing switch-outs in the opponent’s team. Counter is the best PvP Fast Move and Buzzwole gets STAB damage out of it. It pairs incredibly well with Lunge, as it not only baits shields but also debuffs the opponent’s Attack stat. This can help Buzzwole go unshielded against most moves if it can deliver at least two Lunge attacks.
Superpower can be devastating for the opponent if it is left unshielded. But Pokemon Go Ultra League players should be careful in using Superpower as it self-debuffs both the Attack and Defense stat of Buzzwole. So we recommend using Counter and Lunge throughout the battle and using Superpower only if the opponent no longer has shields.

- Weaknesses: Rock, Electric, Water
- Resistances: Bug, Grass, Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Ground, Steel
- Best moveset: Wing Attack and Blast Burn / Dragon Claw
The iconic Charizard is one of the most reliable Pokemon in the Ultra League format. While Fire Spin or Dragon Breath is the common Fast Move for Charizard in PvE, it prefers to use Wing Attack in PvP. This Flying-type Fast Move gets STAB and gives Charizard the best energy gains possible. With this, it can spam Dragon Claw to bait shields and deliver a powerful Blast Burn.
Charizard can pose a huge threat to powerful Ultra League Pokemon like Giratina (Altered), Registeel, and Cobalion. If shields are up, it can even do well against Swampert. This Pokemon is best used as a switch-in during the middle of the battle.

- Weaknesses: Fairy, Bug, Dragon, Fighting, Ice
- Resistances: Psychic, Dark, Electric, Fire, Ghost, Grass, Water
- Best moveset: Dragon Tail and Dragon Claw / Brutal Swing
This terrifying Ultra Beast has become one of the most sought-after Pokemon in Ultra League because of its excellent moveset. It is currently the best user of the popular Dragon Tail and Dragon Claw combination, and it gets even better because Guzzlord can also use Brutal Swing. These three moves work very well together to dish out a lot of damage to opponents in the Ultra League.
Players need to know that while Guzzlord has a massive HP stat of 440, its Defense stat is very low at 99. So, in situations where Guzzlord is taking a lot of damage, it is recommended to switch out this Pokemon and save it for the end of the battle.
Best Ultra League team in Pokemon Go
From the above list of PvP Pokemon, the best Pokemon Go Ultra League team should include Registeel, Cresselia, and Swampert.
While this team is excellent, players should note that any of the Pokemon in the above list would be great for your Ultra League team. There is no ultimate PvP team in Pokemon Go and every battle can go very differently depending on your opponent’s strategies.
There you have it! These are the best species to use in the Pokemon Go Ultra league format. For more on Pokemon Go, be sure to check out our other guides:
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