Pokemon Go Master League: Date & time, best team to use, more

Ezequiel Leis
pokemon go master league pvp promo image

Master League is the most challenging PvP format in Pokemon Go, and players are fired up to take on these grueling battles and earn victories. So, here are the best Pokemon and PvP teams to help you dominate the Master League.

To dominate the Master League format of the Go Battle League (GBL), Pokemon Go PvP players should build solid teams with the most powerful species in the game. But unlike Great League and Ultra League, it requires plenty of in-game resources such as Stardust and Candies, so you need to be very picky.

To help you choose the best Pokemon to invest in, here are the top recommendations for the best species and teams to use in the Pokemon Go Master League.

Pokemon Go Master League date & time

The Pokemon Go Master League runs from May 10, 2024, until May 17, 2024.

It will return for its final leg of the World of Wonders season from May 24, 2024, to May 31, 2024.

Best Pokemon Go Master League species

Here are the top picks for the Master League in Pokemon Go:

Zygarde (Complete Forme)

pokemon go master league zygarde complete forme
Zygarde (Complete Forme) has the highest stat product in the Master League.
  • Weaknesses: Ice, Dragon, Fairy
  • Resistances: Fire, Electric, Rock, Poison
  • Best moveset: Dragon Tail and Crunch/Earthquake

With a whopping HP stat of 389, Zygarde (Complete Forme) is one of the bulkiest species ever in the Pokemon Go Master League meta, being able to tank super-effective hits from the likes of Dialga and other powerful Dragon types.

Additionally, it even impresses on offense by being able to go square off against both Lugia and Dialga, and can even counter future powerhouses such as Black and White Kyurem, and Eternatus. Dragon Tail is a hard-hitting Fast Move that goes well with Crunch to bait shields and Earthquake to score a nuke. With only a limited number of trainers having Zygarde (Complete Forme), this powerful Pokemon is the leading match-winner in this PvP format.


pokemon go master league groudon with battle background
Groudon needs two Legacy Moves to be at its best.
  • Weaknesses: Grass, Ice, Water
  • Resistances: Electric, Rock, Poison
  • Best moveset: Mud Shot and Precipice Blades/Fire Punch

Groudon is a great asset for any Pokemon Go team in the Master League, especially if you caught it during a special event. Its massive bulk and extremely powerful attacks that benefit from STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) are perfect for dealing with powerful Steel and Fire-type Pokemon.

Mud Shot should be your Fast Move choice thanks to its power and quick energy generation. Precipice Blades is extremely powerful as a Charged Move and should be reserved for the end of the battle when there are no shields left. Fire Punch is ideal for spamming and provides good coverage. With this arsenal, Groudon is perfect as both lead or closer in any battle.


pokemon go master league lugia with game background
Lugia is one of the bulkiest Pokemon in the game.
  • Weaknesses: Rock, Ghost, Electric, Ice, Dark
  • Resistances: Ground, Fighting, Grass, Psychic
  • Best moveset: Dragon Tail and Sky Attack/Aeroblast

Lugia has outstanding bulk and superb STAB moves. While it has many weaknesses, it can tank a lot of damage as well. Lugia also works very well with most of the Pokemon listed in this guide, so it can be a great addition to your Pokemon Go team.

With Dragon Tail as Fast Move, Lugia will be able to deal massive damage with any Charged Move you choose. We recommend Sky Attack as a default for great STAB damage. Aeroblast is its strongest move, but if you’re looking for a coverage move, Hydro Pump is your best choice.


pokemon go master league xerneas
Xerneas gained meta-relevance after getting access to its signature move Geomancy.
  • Weaknesses: Poison, Steel
  • Resistances: Dragon, Fighting, Bug, Dark
  • Best moveset: Geomancy and Moonblast/Close Combat

Xerneas is a top-notch Master League species in Pokemon Go thanks to having the best Fairy-type Fast Move in the game, Geomancy. It is pretty tanky while also being able to threaten Dragon-types with the powerful Moonblast.

Close Combat is a great second Charged Move that can counter its biggest weakness, Steel-type Pokemon. Xerneas works best as a Lead or a surprise switch-in as it doesn’t risk getting walled by something like Ho-Oh.


pokemon go master league garchomp with game background
Garchomp offers two entirely different playstyles in battle.
  • Weaknesses: Ice, Dragon, Fairy
  • Resistances: Fire, Electric, Rock, Poison
  • Best moveset: Mud Shot/Dragon Tail and Outrage/Earth Power/Sand Tomb

Garchomp is one of the most versatile species in the Pokemon Go Master League meta as there are two ways you can use this powerful Dragon Pokemon. The choice of Charged Moves depends entirely on which Fast Move you decide to go with.

Mud Shot gives fast energy gains, helping you reach Garchomp’s Charged Move quickly. So, you can pair Outrage and Earth Power to give Garchomp nuking potential and use it as a closer when the opponent no longer has shields left.

Dragon Tail is one of the strongest Fast Moves and Garchomp can take advantage of the opponent’s Defense stat debuff by using Sand Tomb along with it. These two moves make Garchomp one of the most fearsome leads and switch-ins during battles. You can add Earth Power as the second Charged Move in this case.


pokemon go master league species metagross
Metagross is the undisputed best Steel type in Pokemon Go.
  • Weaknesses: Dark, Fire, Ghost, Ground
  • Resistances: Poison, Psychic, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel
  • Best moveset: Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash/Earthquake

Boasting a whopping 10 resistances, excellent offense, bulk, and a great moveset, Metagross is one of the best picks for the Master League meta in Pokemon Go. It can tank hits and dish out massive damage with its Bullet Punch and Meteor Mash combo, cementing itself as the top counter for Fairy and Ice types.

Earthquake gives it extra coverage and helps it tackle mirror matches with other Metagross, as well as powerful Steel types like Dialga, Excadrill, and Melmetal. Try to use it as a safe switch-in and farm energy for its powerful Charged Moves.


pokemon go master league ho-oh
Ho-Oh is one of the best Pokemon to use an Elite Charged TM.
  • Weaknesses: Rock, Electric, Water
  • Resistances: Bug, Grass, Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Ground, Steel
  • Best moveset: Incinerate and Sacred Fire/Brave Bird

Incinerate has an extremely high damage output and energy gain, and despite the long cooldown, it sets up Ho-Oh to fire off two of the strongest Charged Moves in the meta: Sacred Fire and Brave Bird, both gaining STAB.

Sacred Fire deals an exceptional 130 damage at just 65 energy, and also has a 50% chance to debuff the opponent’s Attack stat. This powerful move can eliminate Steel-types and also dish out high neutral damage to Pokemon that resist it.

Brave Bird deals the same 130 damage but at an even lower energy cost of 55. That said, it severely debuffs Ho-Oh’s Defense in three stages. So, this move should be used only when shields are down or you are ready to switch out.


pokemon master league dragonite with battle background
Dragonite has been a top-tier choice since Pokemon Go’s launch.
  • Weaknesses: Rock, Ice, Dragon, Fairy
  • Resistances: Ground, Fighting, Bug, Fire, Water, Grass
  • Best moveset: Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw/Superpower

Dragonite is another Dragon type that has been leading the Pokemon Go Master League competitive scene since its early days and that hasn’t changed much even with big meta changes. It’s a great option for dealing with other Dragon-types and can prove extremely useful for Steel types as well.

Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw are the best options for Fast and Charged Moves, respectively, thanks to the STAB. These attacks will deal tons of damage at quick intervals. If you have the chance to add another Charged Move, Superpower is a Steel-type destroyer that provides good coverage as well.


pokemon go master league kyurem with game background
Kyurem can take on Fairy Pokemon despite being weak to them.
  • Weaknesses: Dragon, Fairy, Fighting, Rock, Steel
  • Resistances: Electric, Grass, Water
  • Best moveset: Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw/Glaciate

Kyurem surprised many Pokemon Go players when it became popular in the Master League after getting access to Glaciate. It has good Attack and HP stats, along with an impressive moveset that makes it very useful in PvP battles.

Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw help Kyurem in spamming shields and dealing STAB damage. Glaciate is an excellent secondary Charged Move, as it offers great coverage and also debuffs the opponent’s Attack stat by one stage. This makes Kyurem easy to fit into almost any Master League team in Pokemon Go.


pokemon go master league mewtwo with game background
Mewtwo is the perfect Pokemon for fast energy generation as well as high damage output.
  • Weaknesses: Bug, Ghost, Dark
  • Resistances: Fighting, Psychic
  • Best moveset: Psycho Cut and Psystrike/Shadow Ball

Mewtwo works like magic in Pokemon Go Master League. Not only does it have powerful stats, but it can also learn a huge variety of attacks to keep opponents on their toes. That said, you might want to reserve Mewtwo for the final stages of the fight since it’s not the bulkiest Pokemon on this list.

Psycho Cut is the ideal Fast Move for Mewtwo thanks to its fast energy generation. From there, we recommend using Psystrike, the strongest Psychic-type move in Pokemon Go, and/or Shadow Ball as Charged Moves. The first one deals great STAB damage, while the second one is perfect for coverage from other Ghost-type Pokemon.


pokemon go master league zacian
Zacian can reliably threaten both Steel and Flying-type Pokemon.
  • Weaknesses: Poison, Steel
  • Resistances: Dragon, Fighting, Bug, Dark
  • Best moveset: Snarl and Close Combat/Play Rough

Zacian has been a great addition to Pokemon Go Master League since its first appearance in Pokemon Sword and Shield. The legendary Pokemon is now a top-tier PvP pick and its type makes it a great asset for dealing with Dragon-type Pokemon.

Zacian’s moveset should have Snarl as its Fast Move to take advantage of its quick energy generation. Play Rough is a great Charged Move that can deal STAB damage and Close Combat provides coverage while also exerting tons of damage. But players should keep in mind that Close Combat debuffs Zacian’s Defense stat by two stages, so use it only when the opponent no longer has shields.


pokemon go master league melmetal with battle background
Melmetal can be obtained by evolving Meltan with 400 Candy.
  • Weaknesses: Fighting, Ground, Fire
  • Resistances: Poison, Normal, Flying, Rock, Bug, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Fairy
  • Best moveset: Thunder Shock and Superpower/Double Iron Bash

Melmetal isn’t what it once was, but can still be a tough challenge in the Pokemon Go Master League. While Thunder Shock is the only choice for Fast Move, Melmetal can learn a wide variety of Charged Moves from different types. We recommend the powerful Double Iron Bash for spamming STAB damage, and Superpower for some coverage. But players can also skip Double Iron Bash for Rock Slide to threaten Pokemon like Dragonite, Yveltal, and Gyarados.


pokemon go master league dialga with battle background
Dialga is perfect for dealing with other Dragon-type Pokemon.
  • Weaknesses: Fighting, Ground
  • Resistances: Poison, Normal, Flying, Rock, Bug, Steel, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic
  • Best moveset: Dragon Breath and Iron Head/Draco Meteor

Dialga is another species that has seen better days in the Pokemon Go Master League. However, it’s still a great asset because it is one of the few Dragon-type Pokemon that isn’t weak against Fairy, Ice, or Dragon-type attacks.

You can’t go wrong with Dialga’s moveset because it has very limited but good options. Dragon Breath should be its Fast Move and Iron Head its Charged Move. If you have room and Candy for one more Charged Move, Draco Meteor will deal massive amounts of damage, but keep in mind that it will also debuff Dialga’s Attack stat by two stages. So, it’s best to use Draco Meteor when Dialga is used at the end of the battle.

Dialga Origin

pokemon go master leaue species dialga origin
The Origin forme has higher Defense and lower Attack than regular Dialga.
  • Weaknesses: Fighting, Ground
  • Resistances: Poison, Normal, Flying, Rock, Bug, Steel, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic
  • Best moveset: Dragon Breath and Iron Head/Roar of Time

Dialga Origin functions more or less similar to the regular form in battle, except for a few notable differences. For starters, it has its signature move, Roar of Time, that has the same stats as Draco Meteor, but without the drawback of losing Defense in the process.

The extra bulk in the Origin forme helps it stand stronger against the likes of powerful Ground and Fighting-type Pokemon it is weak to while cutting them down to size with Dragon Breath. That said, remember that in a face-off against regular Dialga, the Origin form loses CMP (ChargE Move Priority) due to a lower Attack stat.

Palkia Origin

pokemon go master league species palkia origin
Palkia is one of the few Dragon-type Pokemon not weak to Ice-type attacks.
  • Weaknesses: Dragon, Fairy
  • Resistances: Fire, Water, Steel
  • Best moveset: Dragon Breath and Aqua Tail/Spacial Rend

Unlike Dialga Origin, Palkia Origin is a direct upgrade over its regular form, with better stats all across the board.

The combination of Water and Dragon types is one of the best in the meta, making it take no super-effective damage from Ice, Grass, or Electric-type attacks and also resist Steel-type damage. With Aqua Tail, it can even trouble the Fairy-types it is weak to.

Dragon Breath and its signature move, Spacial Rend, form a deadly pair as it dishes out an impressive 95 damage at just 50 energy, threatening other Dragon Pokemon while also being able to burn through shields. Palkia Origin is one of the strongest additions to the Master League meta, and is easy to fit into teams.

Landorus Therian

pokemon go master league species landorus therian
Landorus Therian is one of the few Ground-type Pokemon that threaten Flying and Ice types.
  • Weaknesses: Water, Ice
  • Resistances: Ground, Bug, Electric, Fighting, Poison
  • Best moveset: Mud Shot and Sandsear Storm/Stone Edge

With a staggering Attack stat of 289, Landorus Therian is a dire threat to its opponents, boasting Mud Shot’s quick energy gains and its signature move, Sandsear Storm. Not only is this move inexpensive to use, but it also guarantees an Attack drop for the opponent, often forcing switchouts.

Stone Edge is a fabulous secondary Charged Move to deal with powerhouses like Togekiss, Dragonite, Yveltal, Gyarados, Ho-Oh, and Lugia, making Landorus Therian a great fit for any team.


pokemon go master league togekiss with battle background
Togekiss is the best Charm user in the Master League.
  • Weaknesses: Poison, Rock, Steel, Electric, Ice
  • Resistances: Ground, Dragon, Fighting, Bug, Grass, Dark
  • Best moveset: Charm and Ancient Power/Flamethrower

Togekiss is a great alternative to Zacian for those who couldn’t get their hands on the legendary Pokemon. Having a Fairy type in your team can come in handy since there are a lot of Dragon-types in Pokemon Go Master League.

For Togekiss’ moveset, you’ll want Charm as its Fast Move. While Togekiss has many different alternatives for that slot, no other attack will do much in battle. With the STAB damage covered there, Ancient Power and Flamethrower are great Charged Moves that provide coverage.


pokemon go master league gyarados with battle background
Gyarados can beat Dragon-types without taking super-effective damage in return.
  • Weaknesses: Rock, Electric
  • Resistances: Ground, Fighting, Bug, Steel, Fire, Water
  • Best moveset: Dragon Breath and Aqua Tail/Crunch

Gyarados has climbed the ranks in the last few Pokemon Go seasons and can be a powerful ally in the Master League. It’s also one of the few Pokemon that has consistently been a top pick even though it is not a Dragon, Ghost, or Fairy-type.

Gyarados’ moveset should have Dragon Breath as Fast Move and Aqua Tail as Charged Move for dealing great STAB damage. Crunch is a great option as a second Charged Move both for coverage and a 30% chance to debuff the Defense stat of its opponents.


pokemon go master league species zekrom
Zekrom is best used as a closer.
  • Weaknesses: Dragon, Fairy, Ground, Ice
  • Resistances: Electric, Fire, Flying, Grass, Steel, Water
  • Best moveset: Dragon Breath and Outrage/Fusion Bolt

Sporting the same stats as Dialga, Zekrom is a formidable force in the Master League. With its signature move Fusion Bolt, it can wipe out the dreaded Togekiss and Kyogre core. It can also deal heavy damage to threats like Zacian and Metagross, but keep in mind that Zekrom is at its deadliest when shields are down.

Outrage is its go-to Charged Move against Ground and Dragon types. That said, try to eliminate Garchomp first as Zekrom struggles against it even when used as a closer. It’s a great idea to pair it with Pokemon like Togekiss or Mamoswine.


pokemon go master league baxcalibur with battle background
Baxcalibur is the Gen 9 Pseudo Legendary Pokemon.
  • Weaknesses: Dragon, Fairy, Fighting, Rock, Steel
  • Resistances: Electric, Grass, Water
  • Best moveset: Dragon Breath and Dragon Claw/Avalanche

Baxcalibur makes its chilling presence known in the Master League meta with an impressive 254 Attack stat, decent bulk, strong offensive coverage, and finally, a powerful set of moves to boot.

Though it has five weaknesses and struggles against Steel types, Baxcalibur can punish fellow Dragon types with the ever-reliable Dragon Breath, the spammy Dragon Claw to bait shields, and Avalanche, one of the most feared Charged Moves in the meta.

Unlike other Dragons, Baxcalibur can also beat the dreaded Togekiss, making it a great fit in teams that require Pokemon to counter Togekiss as well as other Dragon types.

Best team for Pokemon Go Master League

With the above list of Pokemon in mind, the best team for the Pokemon Go Master League should include Mewtwo, Dialga, and Groudon. Players can also consider using Melmetal, Togekiss, and Garchomp to create the popular Steel-Fairy-Dragon core.

Of course, including any of the Pokemon listed above will be great for your team composition. Keep in mind that there’s no ultimate team in Pokemon Go and every battle can go very differently depending on your opponent’s choices.

And there you have it, that’s all you need to know about the best species to use in the Pokemon Go Master League format. For more Pokemon Go content, check out our other guides:

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About The Author

Ezequiel is a Games Writer at CharlieIntel. With a great knowledge of gaming, he's focused mostly on Pokemon, Fortnite, and HoYoverse titles such as Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact. With a journalism degree, Ezequiel has worked on La Cosa and Infobae, two of the most prestigious outlets in Latin America. He joined CharlieIntel in 2023. You can reach Ezequiel at [email protected]