Best Eevee evolutions in Pokemon Go: All Eeveelutions ranked

Eevee is considered a favorite Pokemon by many, and in Pokemon Go, you can unlock all of its evolutions through various means. Based on their stats, maximum CP, combat performance, and other factors, here are the best Eevee evolutions in Pokemon Go.
Pokemon Go not only features the fan-favorite Eevee but also lets you get the unique Eeveelutions. While many aim to get these evolutions because of their cuteness, you can very well use them in Gym battles, Raids, and other combat scenarios.
If you’re struggling to spend your Eevee Candy wisely, this list of the best Eeveelutions in Pokemon Go should certainly come in handy.
- All Eevee evolutions in Pokemon Go and their stats
- Eevee evolutions in Pokemon Go ranked from best to worst
- How to evolve Eevee in Pokemon Go
All Eevee evolutions in Pokemon Go & their stats
Based on your preference, you can evolve Eevee in Pokemon Go to:
- Dark Type – Umbreon
- Fairy Type – Sylveon
- Water Type – Vaporeon
- Ice Type – Glaceon
- Grass Type – Leafeon
- Psychic Type – Espeon
- Fire Type – Flareon
- Electric Type – Jolteon
Every Eeveelution has different stamina, attack, and defense stats. Generally, these play a major role in making them eligible for evolution and useful during Raids, PvE battles, PvP battles, and defending Gyms.
Eeveelution Name | Attack | Defense | Stamina | Max CP |
Flareon | 246 | 179 | 163 | 3424 |
Vaporeon | 205 | 161 | 277 | 3521 |
Glaceon | 238 | 205 | 163 | 3535 |
Sylveon | 203 | 205 | 216 | 3470 |
Umbreon | 126 | 240 | 216 | 2445 |
Jolteon | 232 | 182 | 163 | 3265 |
Espeon | 261 | 175 | 163 | 3583 |
Leafeon | 216 | 219 | 163 | 3328 |
While some players prefer a Pokemon that suits their party aesthetically, others only care about the damage output in PvE and PvP. This list will be based on the combat capabilities because stats can back those claims.
All Pokemon Go Eevee evolutions ranked from worst to best
8. Flareon

Flareon is a Fire-type Pokemon you’ll not come across during Raids, primarily because it is not the best damage dealer out there. Accordingly, the community refrains from using it in any of the PvP leagues as well.
The likes of Charizard, Entei, Moltres, Magmortar, Blaziken, and Arcanine can easily overshadow Flareon. Having said that, it is a decent alternative if you have none of these Pokemon yet.
7. Jolteon

Gone are the days when a 1000 CP Jolteon could dominate Pokemon Go. Pokemon like Zapdos, Zekrom, Raikou, Luxray, Magnezone, and Electivire have replaced it and are much better options for Raids and PvP battles.
Jolteon cannot learn Wild Charge, which is arguably the best Electric attack in the game. This significantly hinders its ability to perform in battle.
6. Vaporeon

Vaporeon’s high HP is great for defending Gyms and, to be fair, that is the only purpose it can serve in Pokemon Go. In terms of attack and combat power, Gyarados, Kyogre, Feraligatr, Samurott, and even Empoleon are far better.
Vaporeon is not the most powerful Pokemon. It needs better attacks to gain the trust of players taking part in the Great, Ultra, and Master Leagues.
5. Leafeon

Leafeon has a great set of attacks like Bullet Seed, Razor Leaf, Leaf Blade, Solar Beam, and Last Resort. It obviously cannot compete with Venusaur, Sceptile, or Chesnaught, but can be used in the Master League against Ground, Rock, and Water-type enemies.
The correct IV distribution for a Leafeon in Great League is 1/14/15, and LVL 19 with 1498 CP. For Ultra League is 0/15/15, LVL 33,5 with 2497 CP. For Master League, you should look for a perfect 15/15/15 LVL 50 Leafeon.
Leafeon performs best in PvP with Razor Leaf and Solar Beam as a nuke Charge attack, taking down tough water types like Politoed and Azumarill, though it has an overall charge of 20s. per cycle, so it could be rough. Additionally, Water-type Pokemon tend to have Ice-type moves to counter pure Grass-types, so keep that in mind.
4. Espeon

Among non-Legendary and non-Shadow Pokemon, Espeon is the second-best Psychic Pokemon in Pokemon Go. It can learn Confusion which is often considered the best Fast Move for the type.
Mewtwo can overpower Espeon any day, but for players who still haven’t reached max levels, the latter is a great alternative. Similarly, before unlocking the big guns, it is a strong party member in the PvP leagues.
Sadly, Espeon does not have too many uses in PvE, and it is easily outperformed by Pokemon like Gardevoir and Alakazam.
3. Glaceon

Glaceon belongs to the Ice type in Pokemon Go, which is a great type in the first place. It is more accessible than Weavile and Mamoswine and works like a charm in Raids and the Master League.
The Master League is full of Dragon-Type Pokemon which is where Glaceon shines. It can easily outclass such opponents with Ice-type damage and is heavily used against them.
Glaceon’s only weakness is its limited set of attacks. Fire-type Pokemon can be a nightmare against it which is why many players prefer having Mamoswine on their team.
2. Umbreon

Yes, Umbreon is the best Dark-type Pokemon for Great and Ultra Leagues in Pokemon Go as its CP caps at 2445. However, this isn’t enough to make it the best Eevee evolution. Umbreon is pretty much useless in Raids as defense is its primary stat.
Players can use a 100% IV Umbreon in the Ultra League and, for the best results, it should be Lv. 50. The high investment cost is a bummer for many, but it is certainly worth the effort.
Currently, Umbreon is dominating Great and Ultra Leagues as a top-ranking frontline Tank, dealing with annoying high-burst attackers of several types. It is especially good to deal with Breaking Swipe spammers like Steelix, so keep that in mind if you want a good counter for them.
1. Sylveon

Sylveon can learn Charm, which makes it outright broken in Pokemon Go’s PvP battles. Togekiss and Gardevoir are the two best Fairy-type Pokemon in the game but that shouldn’t take anything away from Sylveon. Among all the Eevee evolutions, it certainly offers the most and is not easily replaceable.
Togekiss can outperform Sylveon in the Master League, but it is worth noting that the former is also Flying-type. Being purely Fairy is a big advantage for Sylveon as it is only weak against Steel and Poison-type attacks.
How to evolve Eevee using nickname trick in Pokemon Go

Eevee requires 25 Candy to evolve in Pokemon Go, but without meeting certain requirements, it will evolve into one of Jolteon, Flareon, or Vaporeon at random.
However, players looking for a specific Eevee evolution can utilize the nickname trick in Pokemon Go. If you rename your Eevee to a specific name, the evolution will be triggered after using the 25 Candy.
Here are the specific names for each Eevee evolution:
- Sylveon: Kira
- Glaceon: Rea
- Leafeon: Linnea
- Umbreon: Tamao
- Espeon: Sakura
- Vaporeon: Rainer
- Jolteon: Sparky
- Flareon: Pyro
This trick only works once per Eevee evolution, so you’re going to want to evolve your best Eevee with great CP values. After you change their nickname, they’ll evolve into the corresponding Eevee evolution following the use of 25 Candy.
There you have it. This is all you need to know about the Eevee evolutions in Pokemon Go. For more content on Pokemon Go, be sure to check out our other guides:
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