Warzone 2 players claim DMZ AI are even more overpowered despite Season 1 Reloaded nerf

Warzone 2 players felt that DMZ’s AI were far too powerful and even though their damage was nerfed in Season 1 Reloaded, players feel they’ve become even more overpowered since the update.
Infinity Ward included hyper-realistic AI in Warzone 2, but players felt they were far too powerful in the DMZ mode, being even more accurate and deadly than real players. Infinity Ward appear to have been aware, nerfing the AI and reducing their numbers around Blacksites in the Season 1 Reloaded update.
Although bots were said to have their “Damage per bullet reduced by 26%,” Warzone 2 players feel that they’ve become much more aggressive and accurate following the Season 1 Reloaded update.
While YouTuber JGOD praised the DMZ quality of life changes, the “only negative” is that “the AI got tuned to be way more aggressive.”
JGOD showed how deadly the AI can be in a clip where he gets absolutely beamed by a group of AI who start shooting him immediately, seeming to land every bullet. “AI change in DMZ makes it so playing solo is probably not feasible,” he explained.
After another player showed them getting wiped by Blacksite AI, JGOD said he “had to jump off DMZ because stuff like this was happening.”
JGOD isn’t alone, with the Warzone subreddit full of players complaining that AI have been made too difficult in Season 1 Reloaded.
“The bots are completely overwhelming, the numbers are crazy high, and they swarm like a zombie game,” explained user DevManTim. “They’re shooting through walls, their aim is instant and always a headshot.”
“It’s ruining the mode,” another player replied. “They were fine before but recently they increased the total number and more armored ones. Solo is impossible unless you just want to sneak around and do nothing. You can’t go to any location.”
With Infinity Ward seemingly aware of players’ feelings about AI, we could see further changes in February’s Season 2 update but there’s no guarantee.
Image Credit: Activision