Diablo 4 players want these “trash” drops completely removed from World Tier 4

Complaints and demands have been made to the Diablo 4 devs once again as players do not want any more Sacred gear after reaching World Tier 4 in the game.
Diablo 4 Season 3 is in full swing after a rather bumpy start due to players complaining about the new update. However, the devs are hard at work trying to fix the game for the community, providing a few patches in attempts to do so.
That said, it seems like the flow of complaints is not stopping for Diablo 4, as some players have begged the devs to remove Sacred items completely from World Tier 4, as they find these collectibles to be useless and “trash” at that stage of the game.
Reddit user ‘toshiro-mifune’ started this discussion in the Diablo 4 subreddit, as they requested that the devs “get rid of all sacred gear in World Tier 4.” They said this “annoys” them and want the devs to address this issue in “the changes to itemization in S4.”
Itemization and loot have always received the most backlash from players and the devs have tried several measures to fix them in some patches previously. However, it is expected that some major changes will be introduced in Season 4 and Blizzard will finally address all these complaints.
Other players agreed with the OP, as one said: “Can I get an AMEN from the congregation?” while others wanted to “get rid of this stupid concept” of prefixing items based on their rarity in Diablo 4.
Some players could not leave the opportunity to make sarcastic comments: “But then what will whispers, Varshan, Beast, Zir, Grigoire, NMDs, world bosses, chests, T90+ butcher, Son of Malphas, and Malphas “reward” you with?”
As mentioned earlier, even though Blizzard are yet to address this issue, many expect that some major changes might be implemented in the upcoming season. So, don’t be surprised to see massive fixes laid out at the beginning of Season 4 in Diablo 4.
For more on the game, check out how players want all boots to include this extremely useful stat and how a player is shocked as Uber Unique makes them almost invincible.