Is Fortnite removing Zero Build?

If you’ve come across rumors of the popular Zero Build mode being removed from Fortnite, here’s everything you need to know.
Fortnite features a variety of different game modes that complement its core Battle Royale offering, including Zero Build. The popular mode strips away all the building elements and lets players chase a Victory Royale using just their weapons.
Zero Build attracts hundreds of thousands of players daily and has its own Ranked mode as well. Despite all this, some players occasionally doubt whether the mode will remain in the game.
With this in mind, here’s everything we know about Fortnite removing Zero Build.
Is Fortnite Zero Build getting removed?
No, Fortnite hasn’t announced any plans to remove Zero Build. The game mode remains healthy as of Chapter 5 Season 2 and continues to attract many players.
Rumors of its potential removal do pop up from time to time, including during the Fortnite OG season as players wondered if the mode’s movement system would work on the OG map. But the devs managed to make Zero Build an enjoyable experience on the classic Island.
It remains to be seen if the mode sees any major alterations in future seasons. However, its removal from the game is very unlikely.
That was everything on Zero Build being removed from Fortnite. We’ll be sure to upgrade this article if new information arrives.
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