Where to find Midas in Fortnite: NPC location & rewards

The Fortnite Rise of Midas event has arrived, and the star of the show can now be found as an NPC on the map. Here’s where to find Midas in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 and what rewards he can offer you.
Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 has started with a bang, as players are loving the new Greek-themed map and Battle Pass. But, the new content is slowing down, with the devs dropping regular updates to keep fans occupied.
The 29.01 update introduced the Rise of Midas event, marking the popular character’s return to the game after a lengthy absence. As part of the in-game event, he can also be found on the map to offer players some useful resources and help them on the way to victory.
So, here’s where to find Midas in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2.
Fortnite Midas location
Midas can be found on The Marigold yacht in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2, a large cruiseliner floating off the west coast of the island. If you follow the green river that runs between Grim Gate and Pleasant Piazza, you’ll see the boat anchored in the bay dead ahead.
Once on board, head to the top deck to find Midas and interact with him. It’s worth noting that, for now at least, the character is only an NPC, rather than a boss that can be fought like Hades or Cerberus, but this could easily change as the event unfolds.

Midas rewards in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2
Like all Fortnite NPCs, Midas offers a couple of rewards in exchange for Gold Bars. For 300 Bars you can purchase an Epic Drum Gun, while for just 100 he’ll restore all of your lost health using the Patch Up service.
If you’d prefer to take Midas on, you can shoot him and take his loot for free, but he only drops a Rare Drum Gun as opposed to the purple one you get through less violent means.
Many players were expecting a Mythic Drum Gun before the update went live, but this could be introduced at a later date if and when Midas is changed from an NPC to a boss.
That was everything you need to know about where to find Midas in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2. For more, be sure to check out our other guides:
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