Valkyrie becomes the most popular Legend in Apex Legends Season 13 after ALGS

Valkyrie can take out enemies from above.
Valkyrie takes on Wraith and Octane for the number one pick rate spot as she becomes the most popular Legend for the first time in Apex Legends Season 13.
Apex Legends is an extremely competitive game that sees players pick from a roster of unique characters. Each Legend has a playstyle and kit with abilities that determine their gameplay.
With that being said, picking which one to play with can be quite the choice, but it seems Valkyrie has become the most popular in Season 13 after being used by virtually every team in the 2022 ALGS Championship.

Since Valkyrie’s introduction back in Season 9, the high flyer has been considered a strong Legend. This has become even more prevalent in recent seasons, as her pick rate shot up to the top five, closing in on both Wraith and Octane who dominate the top two spots.
The devs even decided to give Valkyrie some nerfs in response to her strength, but pro players and casuals alike are still picking this Legend over others.
Now, as of July 12, Valkyrie has officially taken the top stop of the Legend pick rates according to Apex Legends Status. Valkyrie is at the top with a whopping 10.8%, in front of Octane (10.6%) and Wraith (10.5%).
This spike is most likely due to the Legend’s dominance in the 2022 ALGS Championship, where the character had a massive 98% pick rate among the competitive teams.
Valkyrie’s Ultimate ability is considered the best repositioning tool in the game, which can ultimately get teams in a good position and win games.
This is likely why her pick rate has shot up, with casual players clocking onto her popularity with the pros, perhaps giving her a go in team composition for the Ranked Leagues.
Of course, this has led players to want nerfs, calling for a “drastic meta change” which the devs seem to already be working on according to Respawn’s Josh Medina.
We’ll have to wait and see what’s in store for the Apex Legends meta, but currently, Valkyrie is the most popular Legend. For more, check out why Apex Legends’ viewership is dropping.
Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment