Apex Legends pick rates for Season 9: Legacy

Apex Legends’ characters are central to Respawn Entertainment’s battle royale. With each Legend offering something different, as well as a new Legend dropping every season, the pick rates are always fluctuating, so what do they look like in Season 9: Legacy?
Apex Legends Season 9: Legacy introduced a variety of Legend changes in the patch notes that have ultimately affected the Legend pick rates. From Fuse’s buff to Octane’s stim nerf, the Legends have definitely experienced some change in the latest season.
As well as changes to pre-existing Legends, we also got the “Winged Avenger,” Valkyrie, who has come in strong during her debut season.
Let’s take a look at how Season 9’s pick rates shape up.

Although we are not able to see the same data the developers have, as this is not available to the public, there is a website called Apex Legends Status that compiles the data of over 4 million player accounts.
Keep in mind that this is obviously not the total player base, but is still a great indication of what characters are being picked the most, or least, this season.
Also, do keep in mind that these are not the best Legends in Season 9, but rather the most used. Don’t use this as a guide for the strongest Legends in Season 9: Legacy, as these are just the Legends that are being picked the most by people in public games, and actually the ranked pick rates look very different, especially in the higher ranks.
Apex Legends pick rates for Season 9: Legacy

The chart above outlines the pick rates for each Legend from February 24 to June 4, 2021, with each line representing a different Legend. The big shift on May 5 is when Season 9: Legacy dropped.
- Octane: 14.5%
- Wraith: 13%
- Bloodhound: 11.7%
- Lifeline: 8.9%
- Valkyrie: 8.5%
- Pathfinder: 8.4%
- Bangalore: 7.2%
- Loba: 4.5%
- Horizon: 4%
- Mirage: 3.6%
- Gibraltar: 3.4%
- Caustic: 2.7%
- Revenant: 2.7%
- Fuse: 2.6%
- Wattson: 2.1%
- Crypto: 1.7%
- Rampart: 1.6%
It comes as no surprise that Octane is the most popular Legend in Season 9, as, despite his stim now dealing more damage, players are now able to use the stim more, making for a fun, fast mobility character that will attract most players.
Wraith has always been one of the best and most popular Legends in the game. The fact that Low Profile was removed this season has made her even more fun and powerful than she has ever been, so it is also no surprise that she also has a high pick rate in Season 9.
The latest Legend Valkyrie also finds herself in a top-end position for pick rates in Season 9. Like most new Legends, their pick rates are usually very high at the start, but then slowly drop down as the season progresses. However, in Valkyrie’s case, she remains high up, most likely due to her fun, movement-based abilities that anyone would enjoy.
Loba’s pick rate has increased this season, as her tactical buff made her much more mobile, competing with the other mobility Legends in the game. On the other hand, Horizon’s pick rate has dropped for Season 9, mostly due to her nerf in the patch notes which makes her much less mobile than players are used to.
Wattson’s recent bug fix has definitely improved her pick rate from what it was at the start of Season 9, however, much like Crypto, Rampart, and Fuse, their niche play-styles may not appeal to the majority of the player base.
Well, there you have it, all the pick rates for Legends in Season 9: Legacy. For more on Apex Legends, stay tuned via Charlie INTEL and check out our recent article on the best team compositions in Ranked Leagues.
Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment