Apex Legends reveal “the truth” in new Pathfinder lore video that reveals more about Ash

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends pathfinder ash

Respawn Entertainment has released an official Apex Legends story animation that gives fans more details on Pathfinder and Olympus lore and Ash, the Arenas announcer and rumored future Legend.

Fans of Apex Legends and Titanfall’s complex intertwining lore will be excited to know a new official story animation following Pathfinder and his history with Ash and the Rift POI on Olympus.

Although the game may be going through a bit of a “dry spell,” this will satisfy those excited about what’s to come, especially as Respawn also recently teased Skull Town’s return.

Apex Legends Pathfinder Ash

Apex Legends fans are always excited to get more lore for the ever-growing cast of characters, especially when it’s a fan favorite.

Pathfinder is one of the most popular Legends in the game, not just because of his great mobility-based kit but also because of his amusing and innocent personality.

There has also been a slight mystery about who Pathfinder’s creators are and his previous purpose. Pathfinder also seems to be involved in many of the other Legend’s lore, even being present during Revenant’s mission to kill Loba’s parents.

Apex Legends Pathfinder & Ash cinematic

Apex Legends Pathfinder Ash

The latest video finally revealed what his purpose was, as well as the team of scientists who created him. Pathfinder’s purpose was to help solve the Outlands’ energy crisis, which he ultimately did until they were attacked.

Pathfinder and his creators were attacked by one of the scientists who was actually part of their team, Dr. Reid, who, for those unaware, is actually Ash, the infamous Apex Predator, and Arenas announcer. This isn’t the first time she has betrayed a Legend, as Ash was also responsible for Horizon’s disappearance.

The attack ultimately destroys a Phase Runner, creating the chaotic POI we know as Rift on Olympus.

After fans find out “the truth,” the video ends comically, with Kuben Blisk announcing that Pathfinder has a counterpart made out of his spare parts. Pathfinder then replies, “I HAVE A CHILD.”


We love these videos and the great lore of Apex Legends. Hopefully, we receive more soon, and who knows, perhaps we will see Ash become a Legend in Season 10.

For more on Apex Legends, keep it locked on Charlie INTEL.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment

About The Author

Joseph is a Senior Writer at CharlieIntel, specializing in shooters such as Call of Duty, Apex Legends, Fortnite, and Overwatch. He also enjoys Souls-likes, the Resident Evil franchise, and Tekken. After writing for KeenGamer, he joined CharlieIntel in 2021. If Joseph isn't writing about games, he's most likely playing them. You can contact him at [email protected].