Apex Legends players desperate for new mode to solve teammate issues

Season 10 of Apex Legends has seen the game’s audience and player base grow to new heights and reach great levels of popularity. However, players are desperate for a Solo game mode and believe that the game needs one to prevent teammate issues.
It’s hard to fault too much of what Respawn Entertainment has accomplished with Apex Legends, but players believe their continual misstep is not having a proper, dedicated Solo game mode.
Other popular battle royale games such as Warzone and Fortnite both offer a Solo option for players to pick up individual dubs, and players think it’s time for Respawn to finally do the same for Apex Legends.

The latest cry for an Apex Legends Solo mode comes from an appropriate Titanfall 2 meme that Reddit user sargent_crumds quoted: “Yeah that’s the problem with teams, if you don’t win together you die together.”
One of the top comments summarized the difference between Solos and teams with an anecdote: “Had a game tonight where my randoms would literally abandon me to kill my knocks and loot them.
“Then at the final two teams, the lifeline let herself die to the storm and Bangalore died trying to pick up said Lifeline. Ended up being a 1v3. Then a 1v2, but the last two were smart enough to push me together as one” they said.
This is all part of the reason for the OG saying: “And that is the reason I am asking for a solo mode in Apex.”
There was plenty of support for the game mode in the comments with one person, in particular, offering a logical stance on adding Solos: “We once had solos during an event and it never came back. Though I actually really liked it cause I didn’t have kids with no thumbs on my team dragging me down. I could only blame myself for losing a fight and not my team.”
Apex Legends players have wanted a Solos mode for a long time now, and with more and more players picking up the game, it may be something they take into consideration, maybe even making a new map for Solos play.
Also, check out the most picked Legends in Apex Season 10.
Image Credit: Respawn Entertainment