How to get Mythic Prisms in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 Season 10 introduced a brand-new currency called Mythic Prisms to spend in the Mythic Shop, but how do you earn them? Here’s everything you need to know.
Overwatch 2 Season 10 has arrived, and while the rework to the Wrecking Ball and new DPS Hero Venture stole the headlines, another major is the Mythic Shop. This feature gives players another chance to unlock Mythic skins from previous Battle Passes, but you’ll need to earn a new currency to do so – Mythic Prisms.
But how exactly do you get Mythic Prisms in Overwatch 2? Here’s everything you need to know about the new currency.
- How to earn Overwatch 2 Mythic Prisms
- How to use Mythic Prisms in Overwatch 2
- How many Mythic Prisms per skin in Overwatch 2?
How to earn Overwatch 2 Mythic Prisms
Overwatch 2 players can get Mythic Prisms by leveling up the Premium Battle Pass. This means you’ll need to purchase the Battle Pass for 1,000 Overwatch Coins, and keep grinding matches to earn a steady stream of Prisms to spend in the Mythic Shop.
In Season 10, the first bundle of 10 comes at Tier 8, with another of the same amount dished out every 10 Tiers up to Tier 78. This means there is a total of 80 on offer per season.
If you don’t want to buy the Battle Pass, you can purchase Mythic Prisms for real money from the in-game store. They are sold in bundles of 10, 50, and 100, costing $9.99, $39.99, and $79.99 respectively.

How to use Mythic Prisms in Overwatch 2
Mythic Prisms are spent in the Overwatch 2 Mythic Shop, which can be found on the main menu. Simply head over to the ‘Shop’ tab and scroll to the ‘Mythic’ page.
Here, you will be greeted by all of the Mythic skins from Seasons 1 through 7, with more to come in future updates.
How many Mythic Prisms per skin in Overwatch 2?
One Mythic skin costs 50 Mythic Prisms in Overwatch 2, but this only unlocks the Level 1 version of the item. A fully upgraded Level 4 Mythic, which comes with different styles and colors, will set you back 80 Mythic Prisms.
This means that players need to virtually complete the current OW2 Battle Pass to earn enough for one old skin with all of its different options. Alternatively, they could buy the 100 Mythic Prism bundle for $79.99 and have 20 left over to put towards their next unlock.
If you want to get a skin but don’t have enough for the most expensive version, there is also the option to splash the 50 right away and buy the extra levels at a later date for 10 Mythic Prisms each.
That was everything you need to know about how to get Mythic Prisms in Overwatch 2. For more, be sure to check out our other OW guides:
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