Pokemon Scarlet & Violet trade codes for version exclusives

To get every species in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you need to trade with someone who has the other version. So, here’s a list of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trade codes, including those added with The Indigo Disk DLC.
The Pokedex for Game Freak’s Pokemon Scarlet and Violet continues to expand following the arrival of The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk DLC. As usual, there are differences between Scarlet and Violet, and one of them is the version-exclusive Pokemon you can catch.
So, here’s every Pokemon Scarlet and Violet’s trade code for version exclusives, including those added with The Indigo Disk Pokedex.
- Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk exclusive trade codes
- Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Teal Mask exclusive trade codes
- Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Teal Mask Sinnoh starter trade codes
- Every Pokemon Scarlet & Violet version-exclusive trade code
- Every Pokemon Scarlet & Violet starter Pokemon trade code
- How to use trade codes in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Indigo Disk version exclusive trade codes
Depending on which version you buy, your copy of Pokemon Scarlet or Pokemon Violet The Indigo Disk will contain version-exclusive Pokemon that simply won’t appear in the other title.
This means that if you want to catch every Pokemon and have a completed Pokedex to show for your efforts, you’ll need to trade with a user who has the alternative game. If you have Pokemon Scarlet, then you’ll have to trade with someone who has Pokemon Violet, and vice versa.
Here are all the trade codes for version-exclusive Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet The Indigo Disk:
Pokemon you have | Pokemon you want | Trade code |
Alolan Vulpix | Alolan Sandshrew | 0027 – 0037 |
Cranidos | Shieldon | 0408 – 0410 |
Gouging Fire | Iron Boulder | 1020 – 1022 |
Raging Bolt | Iron Crown | 1021 – 1023 |
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Teal Mask version exclusive trade codes
Below are all the trade codes for version-exclusive Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Teal Mask.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet The Teal Mask Sinnoh starter trade codes
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Teal Mask allows players to receive one Sinnoh starter. Here are the trade codes for the Sinnoh starter Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet.
Pokemon you have | Pokemon you want | Trade code |
Turtwig | Chimchar | 0387 – 0390 |
Turtwig | Piplup | 0387 – 0393 |
Chimchar | Piplup | 0390 – 0393 |
Chimchar | Turtwig | 0390 – 0387 |
Piplup | Chimchar | 0393 – 0390 |
Piplup | Turtwig | 0393 – 0387 |
Every Pokemon Scarlet & Violet version-exclusive trade code
Let’s run through every version exclusive Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet and the community-recognized trade codes used:
Pokemon you have | Pokemon you want | Trade code |
Armarouge | Ceruledge | 0166 – 0167 |
Stonjourner | Eiscue | 0319 – 0320 |
Oranguru | Passimian | 0313 – 0314 |
Tauros (Fire) | Tauros (Water) | 0223 – 0223 |
Stunky | Gulpin | 0227 – 0140 |
Skuntank | Swalot | 0227 – 0140 |
Drifloon | Misdreavus | 0143 – 0114 |
Drifblim | Mismagius | 0143 – 0114 |
Skrelp | Clauncher | 0337 – 0339 |
Dragalge | Clawitzer | 0337 – 0339 |
Larvitar | Bagon | 0316 – 0276 |
Pupitar | Shelgon | 0316 – 0276 |
Tyranitar | Salamence | 0316 – 0276 |
Deino | Dreepy | 0370 – 0305 |
Zweilous | Drakloak | 0370 – 0305 |
Hydreigon | Dragapult | 0370 – 0305 |
Great Tusk | Iron Treads | 0376 – 0382 |
Scream Tail | Iron Bundle | 0377 – 0383 |
Brute Bonnet | Iron Hands | 0378 – 0384 |
Flutter Mane | Iron Jugulis | 0379 – 0385 |
Slither Wing | Iron Moth | 0380 – 0386 |
Sandy Shocks | Iron Thorns | 0381 – 0387 |
Roaring Moon | Iron Valiant | 0397 – 0398 |
Koraidon | Miraidon | 0399 – 0400 |

Every Pokemon Scarlet & Violet starter Pokemon trade code
If you need some of the Paldean Starters to complete your Pokedex, here are the Scarlet and Violet starter trade codes to use:
Pokemon you have | Pokemon you want | Trade code |
Sprigatito | Fuecoco | 0001 – 0004 |
Sprigatito | Quaxly | 0001 – 0007 |
Fuecoco | Sprigatito | 0001 – 0004 |
Fuecoco | Quaxly | 0004 – 0007 |
Quaxly | Sprigatito | 0001 – 0007 |
Quaxly | Fuecoco | 0004 – 0007 |
How to use trade codes in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Using trade codes requires a player to visit the Poke Portal and use the Link Trade feature in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
We should point out that these trade codes aren’t officially designated by Game Freak or Nintendo, but by AustinJohnPlays, a content creator whose trade codes have become widely accepted by the community.
For complete instructions on how to use trade codes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, here is every step:
- Boot up your version of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
- Make sure your game is connected to the internet and the connection is stable.
- Open up the main menu, in-game, by pushing Y.
- Now, go to the Poke Portal option.
- From here, select Link Trade.
- It’s time to enter one of the trade codes we’ve listed above – depending on what you’re after.
- Click Begin Searching.
- You need to select the Pokemon you wish to trade in this transaction.
- Double-check that you’re happy with what your virtual partner is offering.
- Complete the trade and welcome the new Pokemon to your collection!
Always remember to double and triple-check the trade details as it may take several tries until the right Pokemon are agreed upon.
That just about covers everything you need to know about trade codes and how they work in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. If you want even more guides for the game though, we’ve got you covered:
How to get Pecharunt in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet | How to unlock Koraidon & Miraidon permanent flying in Pokemon S&V | Best items in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Every Held Item ranked | How to get Blueberry Points in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet | How to get Hydrapple in Indigo Disk DLC | How to get Duraludon & Archaludon in Indigo Disk DLC | How to get Meloetta in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet