Overwatch 2 Wrecking Ball rework explained: Grappling Hook buff, Adaptive Shield changes, more

The Overwatch 2 Season 10 patch notes have dropped, revealing all the changes made to Wrecking Ball. Here’s everything we know about the rework, including huge adjustments to his Grappling Hook.
The Overwatch 2 Season 10 patch notes have dropped, bringing a fresh Battle Pass full of cosmetics and the new DPS Hero Venture. It’s also introduced plenty of Hero changes, including a pretty big rework for Wrecking Ball.
The Wrecking Ball changes aim to make him a little more viable and protect his teammates better. So, here is everything you need to know about it.
OW2 Wrecking Ball rework: Patch notes
The Overwatch 2 Season 10 patch notes revealed all the changes coming to Wrecking Ball, including an increase to his Minefield health and better control over his Grappling Claw
Here are all the patch notes:
- Grappling Claw
- Hold the jump input while the Grappling Claw is attached to terrain to retract it, pulling yourself towards the anchor point. This action can be rebound in his Hero settings.
- Now has a one second cooldown if Wrecking Ball never reaches ramming speed before canceling the ability. Interrupting him with Hack, Hinder, and stuns will still trigger the full cooldown.
- The maximum duration timer no longer triggers unless he reaches ramming speed.
- Adaptive Shield
- Can now be reactivated to redistribute up to 300 overhealth to nearby allies, capping at 75 per person.
- Enemy and ally detection radius increased from 10 to 13 meters.
- Minefield
- Health increased from 50 to 60.
Wrecking Ball’s Grappling Claw is now able to continuously lock onto walls and payloads to spin around them for longer. This change is more balanced than before, though, as you cannot continuously spin when you are at full speed. This change reverts him back slightly to how he used to work, just with a few more tweaks.
You can still stop Wrecking Ball while he’s grappled with stuns like Sombra’s Hack and Cassidy’s Hinder, which will both reset the cooldown completely. Otherwise, if you don’t reach full speed while using Grappling Claw, the cooldown resets to only one second.
He also now has the ability to heal his allies using his Adaptive Shield, which has subsequently been balanced by increasing the radius detection of enemies and teammates. Wrecking Ball gets more health when you use his Adaptive Shield based on how many enemies are around him, and now this can be redistributed to his team in fights too.
Lastly, his Minefield Ultimate was given a bit of a buff so the mines are not so easy to destroy. So, overall, the changes have made Wrecking Ball more able to protect his team and be more viable while you are contesting points.
That’s everything to know about the Wrecking Ball rework in Overwatch 2! For more guides, check out our list below.
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