OW2 players beg for nerf to “busted” DPS Hero

Overwatch 2 Season 9 came with a ton of Hero changes, but players are calling for a nerf to this DPS character who they claim is “busted” since the update.
Although Overwatch 2 Season 9 didn’t introduce a new Hero to the roster, it still brought a major overhaul to the game’s existing characters. Pharah received a complete rework, while the addition of a healing passive to all characters has changed the way many people play the game.
It also brought the usual array of balancing changes, with a number of Heroes receiving slight nerfs, while others were handed buffs to make them more viable.
However, players think the devs may have gone too far with one beloved DPS Hero and are calling for a nerf.
Reddit user ‘St4rrry’ shared a post claiming that “Tracer is absolutely busted rn,” before going on to explain how the changes introduced in Season 9 have made the “crazy strong” character even tougher to play against.
“That 175 hp she now has made her so much harder to kill and the buffs to projectiles make her so much stronger as a flank,” said the OP. “She makes playing characters who have to be in the backline live through hell bc she can just burst u down in a second.”
Plenty of other Overwatch 2 players responded to the thread, agreeing that Tracer’s higher health, paired with passive healing and her rapid movement, make her a force to be reckoned with since the update.
“Definitely one of the heroes that got disproportionately better. Playing her it feels like I have the advantage in every 1v1,” said one reply, as another agreed: “Terrible patch. Brig is useless against her now. So support just dies to her.”
Fans also felt that Tracer wasn’t the only character that’s OP since the changes in Season 9, as they claimed the update made characters with high damage unbalanced.
“I’m not a Tracer main and she is indeed busted,” argued another reply. “She’s so much easier to play and I think they really need to revalue these ‘glass canon’ characters that are benefiting way too much from this update.”
Blizzard have been known to drop balancing updates midseason, so we’ll have to wait and see if they nerf Tracer at a later date.
For more on OW2, be sure to check out the Season 10 Hero Venture, as well as the best counters for each DPS character.