Overwatch 2 players claim Season 9 projectile changes have ‘bugged’ headshots

Overwatch 2 Season 9 is underway along with some major changes to gameplay. One of these changes, an increase in projectile sizes for many Heroes, has players concerned.
Season 9 of Overwatch 2 is one of the biggest updates the game has had to date, and the devs made several changes to the Competitive Mode and core gameplay that will change many aspects of how it’s played.
Projectiles from hitscans to travel time have been increased in size to make up for the health pool increase that came in across the board. In addition, the change was introduced so the devs could combat non-registered shots, which had been an issue for players for some time.
However, now that the update is live, players have noticed some concerning patterns with the projectile changes.
Overwatch 2 streamer Kayjii shared a video on X that showed how headshots with Genji aren’t registering properly. “You can’t headshot certain heroes anymore, even if you aim for their heads, as their arms now take priority due to larger projectiles,” he shared.
It looks like the compensation for larger projectiles have set off the markings for headshots, especially because another video shared by ‘Keep-it-kute’ on Reddit shows how players can headshot others while aiming far from their heads.
The issue is that the hitbox is actually way bigger than the character model, which makes it easier for lower-skill players to hit headshots that they weren’t meant to. The fact that Kayjii found the problem with not being able to hit headshots, led some fans to believe that this is a bug with the new update.
Other players have pointed out that these so-called “bugged” issues have actually been in the game long before the Season 9 update. A video from over a year ago that showed the exact same hitbox issues with Mercy has resurfaced as a result.
Other players argued that this issue was previously specific to Mercy, though, and now it is showing up for Heroes like Hanzo and Widowmaker too. One player said that the situation is now “far worse” and the original video with Mercy was just showing her specific hitbox compensation that’s always been there.
Whether these issues are intentional or not, the new update will take some getting used to. If any more changes come in future updates, we will be sure to let you know.
If you want to read more about Overwatch 2 in the meantime, you can check out how to get all the Cosmic Crisis rewards and why the devs have advised players to hang on to their Competitive points.