Overwatch 2 players shocked by Hero with highest pick rate on console

Overwatch 2 fans debate why one of the classic Heroes has quickly become the most popular in console, even dominating almost every spot in the leaderboards. Here’s what the Overwatch 2 community said about it.
Overwatch 2 Season 8 has shaken the meta of the game after a serious round of buffs and nerfs, besides the introduction of Mauga. While most players agree that Tanks are in dire need of an overhaul, some say that there are a couple of options that shine through, especially on console.
Fans rallied on Reddit after a player commented that D.Va has become every console player’s pick, and they started theorizing what could be the main appeal that doesn’t seem to translate in other gaming platforms.
“All PC players says she’s mid, and look at that juicy winrate too. Is the reason what I think it is (xim) on PC the meta is SO different, but top 500 leaderboard console is literally full of her,” pointed out user ‘iiSenqixii.’
Some Overwatch 2 players insisted that D.Va’s popularity might have been caused by “ximmers,” a term that’s used to describe users that use XIM adapters to deceive the game to recognize their input as a controller, and getting its aim assist benefits.
“Main reason is that hitscan DPS on console are usually able to carry disproportionately, XIMs being the main factor at high elo. D.Va is fantastic at neutralizing the impact of a single hitscan with a pocket. Other tanks come and go as metas bring them into relevance, but most grinder tank players fall back on D.va as a comfort pick for this reason. Shes a flexible tank for many playstyles,” pointed out user ‘RZset.’
But not all Overwatch 2 fans agree that “ximmers” are the main reason behind the Tank’s popularity in console. After all, D.Va is one of Overwatch’s classic Heroes, and she’s widely recognized by players from any generation. It doesn’t hurt to add that her kit is also quite friendly for users from every skill level.
“D.Va is a lot more popular on console in general because she’s a popular character, especially with a certain demographic, and the console playerbase has a much higher % of more casual gamers, again, especially with the aforementioned certain demographic. D.Va is often a must-pick in console GM because she’s the most effective way to shut down ximmers,” explained user ‘Illustrious-Sink-993.’
And that’s why Overwatch 2 players are shocked by D.Va getting the highest pick rate on console. For more on Blizzard’s FPS, you can check out everything about Phara’s leaked rework, and which “one-trick” Hero is the hardest to play according to fans.