How to complete PhotoZomb challenge in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 Halloween event isn’t over yet and has challenged players with a secret task that can be quite tricky to complete, but comes with a reward. Here’s how to complete the PhotoZomb challenge in Overwatch 2 Season 7.
Overwatch 2 Season 7 is celebrating the last days of its Halloween event and has introduced a secret challenge that rewards players with an exclusive seasonal cosmetic. This new quest is called “PhotoZomb” and has proven to be quite tricky for players to complete.
While playing the Wrath of the Bride game mode, players will have to “photobomb” the short cinematic introduction NPCs usually get when they enter a Halloween level. However, timing is everything when trying to get into the short scene.
Here’s everything you’ll need to know to complete the PhotoZomb challenge in Overwatch 2 Season 7 Halloween event.
Overwatch 2: How to unlock the PhotoZomb challenge
In order to unlock the PhotoZomb challenge in Overwatch 2, you’ll need to unlock the Halloween event challenges by getting access to the Arcade Mode.

This means that if you’re new to Overwatch 2, you’ll need to play fifteen matches in Quick Play. Then, you can go to the Wrath of the Bride game mode and try your luck with the PhotoZomb challenge.
Overwatch 2: How to complete the PhotoZomb challenge
The PhotoZomb challenge in Overwatch 2 Season 7 can be a little tricky, since you’ll need to get the timing right. Keep in mind that if you fail to emote in time, you’ll have to play the whole level again, so you’ll have better chances if you choose to play in Story Mode.
The Bride’s introduction scene happens just at the end of the Wrath of the Bride level, after players unlock the throne room door. To appear behind her at the right moment, you’ll need to stand directly in front of that door and enter as soon as it opens, so you’ll get a chance to go downstairs.
Once you’ve reached the bottom, turn left and make your way to the metal litter covered by a white sheet. If you manage to stand on top of the litter, you’ll be ready to start emoting before the Bride’s cutscene begins.

Some players recommend using Soujourn for this challenge since her Power Slide ability will grant users the speed that they need to reach the right spot before the Bride’s Cutscene. Keep in mind that your emote has to be in progress to receive the PhotoZomb challenge reward.
If you manage to complete the challenge, you’ll get an exclusive Sombra voice line that says “Never Cross the Bride” that you can use anytime.
And that’s everything you need to know to complete the PhotoZomb challenge in Overwatch Season 7. If you want to know more about Blizzard’s FPS, you can check our guides below:
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