Overwatch 2’s Cassidy can survive D.Va Ult after “ridiculous” buff in Season 7

The Overwatch 2 Season 7 update brought a substantial buff to DPS Heroe Cassidy’s Combat Roll ability, but players have discovered that he can now survive Ultimate attacks from the likes of D.Va and Jumkrat after the change.
Overwatch 2 Season 7 is finally here as there’s plenty for fans of Blizzard’s Hero shooter to get stuck into. The update brought the long-awaited Diablo crossover as part of Halloween Terror 2023, along with the new Group Respawn feature and a complete rework of Sombra’s kit.
It also came with substantial balancing changes to many Heroes, with the likes of Illari and Orisa being handed nerfs, while Ramattra and Brigitte were slightly improved.
Another Hero to be buffed in Overwatch 2 Season 7 was Cassidy, but many fans felt that it might have been too much after discovering that the DPS hero can survive some of the game’s most powerful attacks.
Reddit user ‘nukacherrypng’ posted a clip showing that “Cassidy can now survive a point-blank D.Va bomb with his Roll buff,” leaving him with 25 health after being hit by the Ult. This was thanks to the Combat Roll ability, which saw its “damage reduction increased from 50% to 75%” in Season 7.
Thanks to this buff, he was able to soak up much of the damage with a well-timed roll, allowing him to survive an attack that is usually an instant death. Another player responded claiming that “he can also survive Junkrat’s tire,” another Ultimate ability.
Many players were quick to criticize the Cassidy buff in Overwatch 2 Season 7, feeling that dodging Ultimate attacks is too overpowered.
“Ain’t no way a shift ability should negate a literal ult like this, he could previously tank a pulse bomb but now this is ridiculous,” said one reply, before another added: Really stupid. This and the Sombra rework is garbage. Cassidy has more damage reduction than Orisa. I think they don’t quite understand the meaning of balance.”
Meanwhile, there were plenty of other Overwatch fans who defended the change, arguing it added an extra layer to Cassidy’s kit and his loss of health makes up for it.
“It’s a defensive skill shot. He’s only got 25 hp left. It’s not like it negated it,” said one player. “It seems like a small window to try and pull it off in a real game. I don’t think it’s broken.”
Only time will tell if the buff to Cassidy in Overwatch 2 Season 7 causes issues down the line, but for now, fans can use his Combat Roll ability to get out of a difficult situation.
For more on Overwatch 2, be sure to check out the best controller settings and everything in the Season 7 Battle Pass.