Where to find House in Deep Shadows in Baldur’s Gate 3?

In Baldur’s Gate 3 Act 2, you’ll be able to finally help Halsin lift the Shadow Curse. To do so, you’ll have to find the House in Deep Shadows so here’s how to do it.
While Halsin appears during the first part of Baldur’s Gate 3, there’s little that you can do to recruit him until Act 2. He’ll tell you that he’s determined to lift the Shadow Curse before doing anything else, which is why getting to the hidden House in Deep Shadows will let you make some progress with his quest.
Here’s where to find the House in Deep Shadows in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Baldur’s Gate 3: How to get to House in Deep Shadows
To get to the House in the Deep Shadows in Baldur’s Gate 3, be sure to talk to Isobel at the Last Light Inn to get Selune’s blessing. This will help you safely explore the Shadow Cursed Lands, which will be key to finding the House in Deep Shadows.
After getting Selune’s Blessing, or equipping a Moon Lantern, you should go straight to X:67, Y:31. Outside the house you’ll find a dead Githyanki warrior, who you’ll be able to speak with if you cast “Speak with Dead.”
Keep in mind that entering the House in Deep Shadows will trigger Oliver to spawn, who will challenge you to a Hide and Seek game. If you don’t play along or simply lose, Oliver’s family will initiate combat. If you win, you can get the Ring of Shadows as a reward.
That’s everything on how to find the House in Deep Shadows in Baldur’s Gate 3. If you want to learn more about the game, check out our guides below.
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