Baldur’s Gate 3 player finds heartbreaking interaction only the most evil Tavs will get

Scratch is by far one of the most loved companions in Baldur’s Gate 3, and as a result, players have often gone out of their way to make sure he stays safe and happy. But, if you decide to play the most evil of Tavs, you may have come across a heartbreaking interaction in Act 3.
When you reach Rivington in Act 3 of Baldur’s Gate 3, you come across the Sword Coast Couriers. Here, you also learn that Scratch was once a courier dog.
It’s made pretty clear that the kennel master, Angry Mar’hyah, doesn’t treat the dogs well and is a cruel woman. If you have Scratch with you when you meet her, you need to pass a Persuasion check to make sure Scratch stays with you and doesn’t return to his old job.
Most players have done their utmost to make sure they do pass this check and keep Scratch. But if you are playing a truly evil Tav, you may know what’s in store for you if you just let him go.
“Upon your return [from speaking with Mar’hyah] he’ll ask you when you both can go home. If you say ‘I’m sorry Scratch, I never meant for this to happen’ he’ll reply, ‘Meant for what to happen? When are you taking me home?’” ‘kingy963’ shared on Reddit.
“To make it worse, if you double down and tell him that this is now his home he’ll say ‘I want to go with you – master?’ and when you walk away he’ll cry out ‘Master? Master?’” the OP explained.
This interaction touched the hearts of many Baldur’s Gate 3 players, especially considering that he starts calling you master in a bid to bring you back, when you have always actually been his friend.
“It’s even worse because when you first meet him, he doesn’t have a master, he has a friend. And he always calls you friend. Calling you Master is like he’s willing to debase himself if you just take him back,” a player commented.
Considering players who are specifically doing evil playthroughs have even stayed away from giving Scratch back to Angry Mar’hyah, it’s unlikely that many have encountered this dialogue with the best boy.
Thankfully, you don’t have to go through that to get any special rewards. You can keep Scratch, save scum as much as you need, and make sure he stays happy with you for the rest of your playthrough.