Supercell Creator Codes for Clash of Clans, Clash Royale & Brawl Stars

If you want to help your favorite Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, and Brawl Stars content creator, use these Supercell Creator Codes in May 2024.
Content creators for games like Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, and Brawl Stars, who have been making content on platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and TikTok can earn commissions through Creator Codes.
If you use these codes while purchasing items from the in-game shop the creator gets a part of the transaction. This supports your favorite creators while also powering up your game without any additional cost.
Here’s a list of Supercell Creator Codes that you can use in Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, and Brawl Stars.
- List of Supercell Creators codes for Clash of Clans, Clash Royale & Brawl Stars
- How to use Supercell Creator Codes in Clash of Clans
- How to use Supercell Creator Codes in Clash Royale
- How to use Supercell Creator Codes in Brawl Stars
- Why should you use Supercell Creator Codes in Clash of Clans, Clash Royale & Brawl Stars?

List of Supercell Creators codes for Clash of Clans, Clash Royale & Brawl Stars
Here’s a list of all the creators with Supercell Creator Codes:
Creator Name | Creator Code |
Akari Gaming | akari |
Alexcalibur | alexcalibur |
Alvaro845 | alvaro845 |
Alvaro845 | alvaro845 |
AmieNicole | amie |
Anikilo | anikilo |
Anon Moose | zmot |
Ark | ark |
Artube Clash | artube |
Ash (CWA) | cwa |
Ash Brawl Stars | ashbs |
Ashtax | ashtax |
AtchiinWu | atchiin |
AuRuM TV | aurum |
Axael TV | axael |
BangSkot | bangskot |
BBok TV | bbok |
Beaker’s Lab | beak |
BenTimm1 | bt1 |
Big Vale | bigvale |
BigSpin | bigspin |
B-rad | brad |
Brawlify | brawlify |
Brawlify Stats | brawlify |
BroCast | brocast |
Bruno Clash | brunoclash |
Bucanero | bucanero |
Bufarete | buf |
Captain Ben | cptnben |
CarbonFin Gaming | carbonfin |
Chief Pat | pat |
ChiefAvalon eSports and Gaming | chiefavalon |
Clash Bashing | bash |
Clash Champs | clash champs |
Clash com Nery | nery |
Clash King | clashking |
Clash Ninja | ninja |
Clash of Stats | cos |
Clash Royale Dicas | clashdicas |
Clash with Cory | cwc |
Clash with Eric – OneHive | eric |
ClashGames | clashgames |
Clashing Adda | adda |
Clashing N Games | cng |
ClashPlayhouse | avi |
CLASHwithSHANE | shane |
Coach Cory | cory |
Coco | coco |
Coltonw83 | coltonw83 |
Consty | consty |
CorruptYT | corrupt |
CosmicDuo | cosmic |
DarkBarbarian | wikibarbar |
DavidK | davidk |
Deck Shop | deckshop |
Decow do Canal | decow |
Doluk | doluk |
DrekzeNN | drekzenn |
ECHO Gaming | echo |
Elchiki | elchiki |
Emre Kara | emre |
eVe MAXI | maxi |
Ewelina | ewe |
Ferre | ferre |
FlobbyCr | flobby |
Fluxxy | fluxxy |
FullFrontage | fullfrontage |
Galadon Gaming | galadon |
Gaming with Noc | gwn |
GizmoSpike | gizmo |
Godson – Gaming | godson |
gouloulou | gouloulou |
Grax | grax |
Guzzo Games | guzzo |
Havoc Gaming | havoc |
Hey! Brother | heybrother |
iTzu | itzu |
Jo Jonas | jojonas |
Joe McDonalds | joe |
JS GodSaveTheFish | jsgod |
Judo Sloth Gaming | judo |
JUNE | june |
KairosTime Gaming | kairos |
Kenny Jo | clashjo |
KFC CLASH | kfc |
kiokio | kiokio |
Kius | kius |
Klaus Gaming | klaus |
Landi | landi |
Legendaray | ray |
Lex | lex |
Light Pollux | lightpollux |
Lukas – Brawl Stars | lukas |
Malcaide | malcaide |
Maomix | maomix |
MarkoKC | markokc |
Menerv | menerv |
MICHELINDA GAME | michelindagame |
MOLT | molt |
mortenroyale | morten |
MrMobilefanboy | mbf |
nana | nana |
nat ♡ | nat |
NaxivaGaming | naxiva |
nickatnyte | nyte |
Noobs iMTV | noobs |
NotErikuh | erikuh |
NyteOwl | owl |
Optimus Prime | optimus |
Orange Juice Gaming | oj |
Ouah Leouff | ouah |
Oynamak Lazım | omer |
Oyun Gemisi | oyungemisi |
Panda Casts | pan |
PitBullFera | pitbullfera |
Pixel Crux | crux |
puuki | puuki |
R S CLASH | rsclash |
R3DKNIGHT | r3dknight |
Radical Rosh | radical |
Rey | rey |
Romain Dot Live | romain |
RoyaleAPI | royaleapi |
Rozetmen | rozetmen |
Ruusskov | ruruglou |
SHELBI | shelbi |
Sidekick | sidekick |
Sir Moose Gaming | moose |
SirTagCR | sirtag |
Sitr0x Games | sitrox |
SkullCrusher Boom Beach | skullcrusher |
sokingrcq | soking |
spAnser | spanser |
Spartafail | spartafail |
Spiuk Gaming | spuik |
Srta Maverick | mave |
Stats Royale | stats |
Stormm | stormm |
Sumit 007 | sumit007 |
Surgical Goblin | surgicalgoblin |
Suzie | suzie |
The Chicken 2 | chicken |
TheGameHuntah | huntah |
Trample Damage | trample |
Trymacs | trymacs |
Turtle | turtle |
TwentyFour Bytes | twenty |
Vinhô | vinho |
Well Played | cauemp |
WithZack | withzack |
wonderbrad | wonderbrad |
Yde | yde |
YoSoyRick | yosoyrick |
Zolokotroko TOP | zoloko |
Zsomac | zsomac |
From the list above, you can find your favorite creators who play Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, and Brawl Stars. Enter their codes in any of these games to support them.
You can use a Supercell Creator Code in Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, and Brawl Stars but with slightly different methods.

How to use Supercell Creator Codes in Clash of Clans
Here’s how you can use Supercell Creator Codes in Clash of Clans:
- Launch the game and head to Settings from the right side of the screen.
- Tap on the Show button under More Settings.
- Scroll down and select Support a Creator. Tap on Enter Code and copy and paste the desired code from the list above.
How to use Supercell Creator Codes in Clash Royale
Follow these steps to use Supercell Creator Codes in Clash Royale:
- Launch the game and go to the in-game Shop. Scroll down and select the Creator Boost section.
- Carefully enter or copy-paste the desired code and tap on OK.
How to use Supercell Creator Codes in Brawl Stars
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Supercell Creator Codes in Brawl Stars:
- Launch the game and visit the in-game Shop.
- Towards the end, after Gem and Coin packs, you’ll find the Content Creator Boost section.
- Copy and paste the code after tapping on Enter Code.
If the code is correct and valid, you’ll be supporting the corresponding creator for a week. During this period, a part of all your purchases in Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, or Clash of Clans will be given to them.
Do note that the code will automatically expire after seven days so to support someone for a longer duration, you’ll have to re-enter their code.

Why should you use Supercell Creator Codes in Clash of Clans, Clash Royale & Brawl Stars?
Using a Supercell Creator Code in Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, or Brawl Stars is absolutely free and it can help your favorite creator improve their setup and content.
Many big names have made a fortune because of the consistent support of their fans and naturally, seeing your audience actively helping you is the biggest motivation for anyone in the content creation industry.
Well, this was everything to know about Supercell Creator Codes and how you can use them in Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, and Brawl Stars.
For more codes, check out these other guides:
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