Best guns in MW3: Every Modern Warfare 3 weapon ranked

MW3 is packed full of powerful weapons so picking the best one for you is no easy task. To make life easier, here’s every Modern Warfare 3 weapon ranked from best to worst, including a countdown of the top 10 best picks.
MW3 Season 3 Reloaded is in full swing, after a host of weapon buffs and nerfs brought some major changes to the meta. This might have left you wondering which are the best guns to run in multiplayer matches.
That being said, here are the best weapons you can use in Modern Warfare 3 Season 3 Reloaded, as well as a full ranking of every weapon in the game.
Every Modern Warfare 3 weapon ranked
Here’s every Modern Warfare 3 weapon ranked, ranging from the best to the worst.
- HRM-9
- SVA 545
- RAM-9
- BP50
- WSP Swarm
- MTZ-556
- XRK Stalker
- DG-58 LSW
- Striker 9
- WSP-9
- BAL-27
- Holger 556
- AMR9
- FJX Horus
- Bruen Mk9
- Rival-9
- TAQ Eradicator
- RAM-7
- KV Inhibitor
- Renetti
- Sidewinder
- DG-56
- Striker
- Longbow
- Holger 26
- TAQ Evolvere
- Pulemyot 762
- MTZ Interceptor
- MTZ-556
- Lockwood 680
- WSP Stinger
- COR-45
- Gladiator
- KVD Enforcer
- DM56
- FR 5.56
- MTZ-762
- Riveter
- MCW 6.8
- Haymaker
- Karambit
- Gutter Knife
- RGL-80
Keep in mind that a lower ranking on the list doesn’t mean the weapon can’t be useful, as every weapon on the list can dominate matches if you can successfully adapt your play style.
Best guns in Modern Warfare 3
10. DG-58 LSW – Best LMG in MW3

After a substantial buff in MW3 Season 3 Reloaded, the DG-58 LSW has finally made its way onto the list of the best weapons in the game. While the LMG is better suited to the large open spaces of Warzone, it’s no slouch in multiplayer either.
Not only does it boast exceptional damage at long-range, the DG-58 also saw a noticeable buff to its recoil control, making it very accurate and easy to use.
9. XRK Stalker

The XRK Stalker Sniper Rifle remains a dominant pick in Modern Warfare 3. This Sniper provides the perfect middle ground between some of its counterparts.
A speedy bolt-action Rifle, the XRK Stalker is capable of one-shotting player after player while still being fast enough to let you be more aggressive.
8. MTZ-556

The MTZ-556 is an incredibly easy-to-use Assault Rifle in MW3, boasting great damage, fire rate, and range to dominate mid and long distances. Following several counterparts’ nerfs with Season 3, this powerful AR quickly escalated a few spots in the Modern Warfare 3 meta.
7. WSP Swarm

The WSP Swarm returned to the meta as one of the most popular close-range picks in Modern Warfare 3. This SMG has impressive damage, maneuverability, and a high fire rate, making it easy to use no matter your skill level.
6. BP50

After dominating MW3 when it first launched, the BP50 is still one of the strongest Assault Rifles in the game despite nerfs. Its fast rate makes it incredibly reliable at close range, even outgunning some of the top SMGs.
Although it lacks the range of some of the other options higher up the list, on the smaller or medium-sized maps, it’s still a force to be reckoned with.
5. MORS – Best Sniper Rifle in MW3

Coming with Season 3, the MORS Sniper Rifle has become the most popular Sniper in MW3. This weapon has outstanding damage, range, and handling. With the addition of the right attachments, this Sniper Rifle becomes lethal in long-range engagements.
4. RAM-9

The RAM-9 has successfully carved out a place for itself, displacing weapons from various categories and asserting dominance in the close-range meta list.
This SMG has noticeably increased its popularity in Warzone and has been carried over to MW3 due to its ease of use, low recoil, high fire rate, and competitive damage. If you’re looking to dominate close-range combat, the RAM-9 should be your pick.
3. SVA 545

Despite being the first Assault Rifle to be unlocked in multiplayer, the SVA 545 meets all the requirements to dominate in MW3. This weapon has very low recoil, ease of use, and competitive damage against its counterparts.
If you’re looking to put down a ton of firepower at mid-range, you can’t go wrong with the SVA 545.
2. HRM-9 – Best SMG in MW3

The HRM-9 has quickly made its way into the best weapons within MW3. This SMG is perfect for dominating at close distances, and with the correct attachments, it can be extremely easy and comfortable.
The HRM-9 boasts impressive damage and bullet velocity, making it perfect for small maps like Rust or Meat.
1. MCW – Best gun in MW3

The ACR, an absolute CoD classic, returned in Modern Warfare 3 as the MCW and quickly claimed the title of best gun in the game. This Assault Rifle is the perfect choice if you’re looking for exceptional damage range, very low recoil, and the unique fan-favorite iron sight.
It’s also been the go-to pick in MW3 Ranked Play from the very beginning, among both pro and casual players which just goes to show how effective and versatile it is
And those are the best weapons to use in Modern Warfare 3. For more on the game, be sure to check out our other guides:
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