Pokemon Go players abandon Routes as Zygarde Cells almost impossible to find

Routes are the only way to get the powerful Zygarde in Pokemon Go but players feel they aren’t worth the effort, thanks to the extremely low chances of Zygarde Cell spawns.
Legendaries are the strongest additions to Pokemon Go, or any mainline game for that matter, as most of these Pokemon have incredible stats and powerful signature moves to boot.
Some Legendaries are better than others, and Zygarde 100% form is arguably the best of them all in the dreaded Master League (ML) meta.
With the highest bulk among all its ML peers and a great moveset, this is the ultimate PvP Pokemon. But getting this monster is easier said than done, as players have to collect 250 Zygarde Cells from Routes to transform the 50% form to 100%.
That said, the real challenge was highlighted when a Reddit user showed a Route located on the bank of a river that was flooded with water, making it impossible to cross.
The OP asked, “Are the Zygarde Cells worth it,” leading to several fellow players jumping into the comments section, sharing their views on Cells and Routes.
A player wrote, “There is a chance you complete the Route and not get a Cell. This has happened to us several times” as others agreed that Zygarde Cells are not guaranteed.
Players have a chance at getting a Zygarde Cell only towards the end of a Route in Pokemon Go, and with some of these paths being several miles long, many were left frustrated by not finding a single Cell.
Even those who were lucky enough to find them said that they got a Cell only “about 30% of the time.” This prompted others to remark that Routes are “not worth it.”
While most have a low IV Zygarde 10%, a lucky trainer grabbed a 98 IV, and yet, they have given up on Routes. “Niantic blessed me with a 98% but I’ve only got 10 cells so it’s never gonna happen for me,” they wrote.
If you’re not interested in Routes, you can instead search for other rare Pokemon Go spawns such as Frigibax and Jangmo-o.