What are Ultra Wormholes in Pokemon Go?

Ultra Wormholes can appear on top of Gyms in Pokemon Go, but what are they exactly? Here’s everything you need to know.
Pokemon Go introduced players to a plethora of new features and game mechanics since its original release in 2016. So it’s no wonder many players keep discovering elements of the mobile game, even when they’ve been around for a long time.
If you’re wondering what Ultra Wormholes are in Pokemon Go, we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know about them.
- What are Ultra Wormholes in Pokemon Go?
- How to enter an Ultra Wormhole in Pokemon Go
- How to catch an Ultra Beast in Pokemon Go
- What Ultra Beasts can appear in an Ultra Wormhole?
Pokemon Go Ultra Wormhole explained
Ultra Wormholes are portals that appear over Pokemon Go Gyms to signal the arrival of an Ultra Beast in 5-Star Raids. They have a timer and work just like Raid Eggs. The only difference is that Ultra Wormholes only appear when Ultra Beasts are on the Raid rotation.
The only way to know what Ultra Beast is coming out of the wormhole is to keep an eye on the Raid rotation, so make sure you check our Pokemon Go Raid schedule often.

How to enter an Ultra Wormhole in Pokemon Go
You can’t enter an Ultra Wormhole in Pokemon Go; you simply need to wait until the countdown ends and an Ultra Beast comes out of it so you can face it in a 5-Star Raid.
As we mentioned, Ultra Wormholes work like Raid Eggs, so there’s nothing you can do before an Ultra Beast comes out of it.
How to catch Ultra Beasts in Pokemon Go
The only way to get Ultra Beasts in Pokemon Go is by defeating them in 5-Star Raids and catching them afterward. Poipole and Naganadel are exceptions, as players can get them by completing the World of Wonders seasonal Special Research.
You’ll get a limited amount of Premier Balls based on your performance on the Raid and other bonuses. It’s recommended to use Golden Razz Berries to maximize the chances of capturing the powerful Pokemon. If you encounter a shiny Ultra Beast after the Raid, know that it’s a guaranteed catch, so you should use Pinap or Silver Pinap Berries instead to get as much Candy as you can.
What Ultra Beasts can appear in Pokemon Go Ultra Wormholes in May 2024?
Pokemon Go players can face Blacephalon in the Western Hemisphere and Stakataka in the Eastern Hemisphere in Ultra Wormholes from May 23 to June 1, 2024. The World of Wonders season of Pokemon Go is finally adding Blacephalon and Stakataka to the game, meaning players can get all Ultra Beasts. We’ll be sure to update this article with details about Naganadel once it’s available.
Here are all the Ultra Beasts that debuted in Pokemon Go this far:
And there you have it! That’s everything you need to know about Ultra Wormholes in Pokemon Go. For more on the mobile game, make sure to check other articles below:
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