Pokemon Go Battle League Season 18: Date & time, bonuses, Rank rewards, more

Go Battle League (GBL) Season 18 is up and running in Pokemon Go, and it promises challenging bouts and more excitement than ever before for PvP players. Here’s all you need to know about the Pokemon Go Battle League in the World of Wonders Season.
Each season in Pokemon Go brings a brand new Go Battle League that features a diverse meta, new Pokemon, and exciting rewards up for grabs.
GBL lets you test your PvP skills in the Great, Ultra, and Master League as you battle in different Cups alongside the strongest Pokemon teams to earn more victories.
But, to ensure a successful run in the GBL, you’ll need to know the meta like the back of your hand, so here are all the details of Go Battle League Season 18 in Pokemon Go.
- Go Battle League date & time
- Go Battle League PvP schedule
- Pokemon Go Leagues & Cups restrictions
- Go Battle League Rank encounter rewards
- Pokemon Go Battle League Timed Research Pass
- Pokemon Go Battle League Weekend: World of Wonders bonuses
- 2024 Pokemon Europe International Championships bonus
- Pokemon Go Battle League avatar item rewards
Pokemon Go Battle League World of Wonders date & time
Pokemon Go Battle League World of Wonders runs until June 1, 2024, after starting on March 1, 2024.

Pokemon Go Battle League World of Wonders PvP schedule
Here’s the schedule for the entire Pokemon Go Battle League World of Wonders season:
Schedule | Active Leagues and Cups |
March 1 – March 8 | Great League Electric Cup: Great League Edition |
March 8 – March 15 | Ultra League Spring Cup: Great League Edition |
March 15 – March 22 | Master League* Spring Cup: Great League Edition* |
March 22 – March 29 | Great League* Ultra League* Master League* |
March 29 – April 5 | Great League Ultra Premier |
April 5 – April 12 | Ultra League Jungle Cup: Great League |
April 12 – April 19 | Master League* Jungle Cup: Great League Edition* |
April 19 – April 26 | Great League* Ultra League* Master League* |
April 26 – May 3 | Great League Master Premier |
May 3 – May 10 | Ultra League Great League Remix |
May 10 – May 17 | Master League Great League Remix* |
May 17 – May 24 | Catch Cup: Little Edition* Catch Cup: Great League Edition* |
May 24 – June 1 | Great League* Ultra League* Master League* |
You should note that the Pokemon Go Leagues and Cups marked with an asterisk (*) will provide 4× Stardust from win rewards, which does not include end-of-set rewards.

Pokemon Go Battle League World of Wonders Leagues & Cups restrictions
Here are the restrictions for the various Leagues and Cups in the Pokemon Go Battle League World of Wonders season:
Great League
- Pokemon must be at or below 1500 CP to enter.
Great League Remix
- Pokemon must be at or below 1500 CP to enter.
- The 20 Pokemon that are most used by trainers
ranked Ace and above in the Great League are not
eligible in the Great League Remix.
The Pokemon are not eligible in Great League Remix:
- Alolan Sandslash
- Wigglytuff
- Lickitung
- Lanturn
- Azumarill
- Umbreon
- Skarmory
- Vigoroth
- Altaria
- Medicham
- Whiscash
- Registeel
- Deoxys Defense
- Bastiodon
- Galarian Stunfisk
- Talonflame
- Trevenant
- Charjabug
- Skeledirge
- Clodsire
Ultra League
- Pokemon must be at or below 2500 CP to enter.
Ultra Premier
- Pokemon must be at or below 2,500 CP to enter.
- Legendary Pokemon, Mythical Pokemon, and Ultra Beasts are not eligible.
Master League
- No CP limit on Pokemon.
Master Premier
- No CP Limit.
- Legendary Pokemon, Mythical Pokemon, and Ultra Beasts are not eligible.
Electric Cup: Great League Edition
- Pokemon must be at or below 1500 CP to enter.
- Only Electric-type Pokemon are eligible.
The following Pokemon are not eligible in Electric Cup: Great League Edition:
- Stunfisk
- Charjabug
- Heliolisk
Spring Cup: Great League Edition
- Pokemon must be at or below 1500 CP to enter.
- Only Fairy, Grass, and Water-type Pokemon are eligible.
The following Pokemon are not eligible in Spring Cup: Great League Edition:
- Mantine
- Toxapex
Jungle Cup: Great League Edition
- Pokemon must be at or below 1500 CP to enter.
- Only Grass, Electric, Bug, Flying, Ground, Normal, Poison, and Dark-type Pokemon are eligible.
The following Pokemon are not eligible in Jungle Cup: Great League Edition:
- Gligar
- Galarian Stunfisk
Catch Cup: World of Wonders Great League Edition
- Pokemon must be at or below 1500 CP to enter.
- Only Pokemon that have been caught during the World of Wonders season are eligible.
Catch Cup: World of Wonders Little Edition
- Pokemon must be at or below 500 CP to enter.
- Only Pokemon that have been caught during the World of Wonders season are eligible.

Pokemon Go Battle League World of Wonders Rank encounter rewards
Here are the Pokemon encounter rewards that players can earn in the Pokemon Go Battle League World of Wonders season:
Rank 1+
- Primeape (guaranteed)
- Machop
- Marill
- Gligar
- Grubbin
- Skwovet
Rank 6+
- Poliwrath (guaranteed)
- Frillish
- Carbink
Rank 11+
- Alolan Marowak
- Lickitung
- Phantump
- Mareanie
Rank 16+
- Wooloo
- Falinks
- Vullaby
Rank 20+
- Active Raid Boss in 5-Star Raids.
Rank Ace+
- Deino (guaranteed)
Rank Veteran+
- Goomy (guaranteed)
Rank Expert+
- Jangmo-o (guaranteed)
Rank Legend+
- Pikachu Libre (guaranteed)

Pokemon Go Battle League Timed Research Pass
You will get a free battle-themed Timed Research Pass in the in-game shop.
This Research will reward you with items throughout the Pokemon Go Battle League. Here’s the list of rewards that you can earn from the Pass:
- Elite Fast TM (400 wins).
- Elite Charged TM (500 wins).
Pokemon Go Battle League Weekend: World of Wonders bonuses
You can enjoy the Pokemon Go Battle League Weekend: World of Wonders event from May 4, 2024, at 12 AM, to May 5, 2024, at 11:59 PM PM local time.
Here are the bonuses available during this Pokemon Go GBL event:
- 4× Stardust from win rewards. (This does not include the end-of-set rewards and will not stack with the 4× Stardust bonus in January).
- The maximum number of sets you can play per day will be increased from five to 10, for a total of 50 battles, from 12 AM to 11:59 PM local time.
2024 Pokemon Europe International Championships bonus
The maximum number of Pokemon Go GBL sets you can play per day will be increased from five to 10, for a total of 50 battles from April 3, 2024, at 12 AM, to April 7, 2024, 11:59 PM local time.
Pokemon Go Battle League World of Wonders avatar item rewards
Players will be able to earn avatar items inspired by Hala, the kahuna of Meleme Island in the Alola region.

Here are all the avatar item rewards from Pokemon Go Battle League World of Wonders:
- At Ace rank, you’ll receive Hala-Style Shoes.
- At Veteran rank, you’ll receive the Hala-Style Pants.
- At Expert rank, you’ll receive the Hala-Style Shirt.
- At Legend rank, you’ll receive the Hala-Style Pose.
- At Rank 19, you’ll receive an Elite Charged TM.
- You will also receive an Elite Fast TM as an end-of-season reward.
And there you have it! This is all you need to know about the Pokemon Go Battle League World of Wonders Season. For more Pokemon Go content, check out our other guides:
Pokemon Go Friend Codes: How to add new friends | How to beat Giovanni in Pokemon Go | How to heal Pokemon in Pokemon Go | Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour schedule | All Ultra Beasts in Pokemon Go & how to catch them | Pokemon Go Community Day | How to check if Galarian Birds have perfect IVs in Pokemon Go