Pokemon Go Team Rocket Grunt lineups & counters (May 2024)

Team Go Rocket Grunts in Pokemon Go are up to no good with their Shadow lineups. So, here’s all you need to know to beat them, including their teams, how to identify them, and the best counters to use in May 2024.
Team Go Rocket Grunts appear around PokeStops or fly in hot air balloons in Pokemon Go, and can pose a serious challenge to even the toughest players. Beating these Grunts lets you capture powerful Shadow Pokemon, giving you a competitive edge in PvP and PvE battles.
You can guess the Pokemon type and team they’ll use from their taunt, so here are all the details on the Team Go Rocket Grunts, including the best counters to use in May 2024.
Pokemon Go Rocket Grunt taunts, lineups & counters
Below is every Team Go Rocket Grunt taunt alongside their main type, possible team, and best counters in Pokemon Go updated after the World of Wonders Taken Over event.

“Normal does not mean weak”
- Type: Normal
- Weaknesses: Fighting
- Counters: Lucario, Terrakion, Conkeldurr, Machamp, Sirfetch’d, Kommo-o
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Glameow | Rattata | Bibarel |
Teddiursa | Meowth | Stantler |
Stantler | Purugly | Ursaring |
This Grunt shouldn’t be too tough since Ursaring is the only Pokemon that could be somewhat challenging. With the right Fighting-type counters, there’s no way to lose.
Victory reward: Shadow Glameow, Teddiursa, or Stantler encounter.
“Go, my super bug Pokémon!”
- Type: Bug
- Weaknesses: Fire, Rock, Flying
- Counters: Reshiram, Moltres, Entei, Ho-Oh, Heatran, Darmanitan
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Scyther | Weedle | Forretress |
Shuckle | Skorupi | Scizor |
Dwebble | Shuckle | Beedrill |
While Bug-type Pokemon have three different weaknesses, this Grunt’s lineup calls mostly for Fire-type Pokemon.
Victory reward: Shadow Scyther, Dwebble, or Shuckle encounter.
“Wherever there is light, there is also shadow”
- Type: Dark
- Weaknesses: Fairy, Fighting, Bug
- Counters: Gardevoir, Togekiss, Terrakion, Lucario, Conkeldurr
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Houndour | Alolan Muk | Alolan Muk |
Alolan Rattata | Alolan Raticate | Skuntank |
Stunky |
Fairy-type Pokemon are ideal for taking on this Team Go Rocket Grunt, but Fighting and Bug-type Pokemon will also work well. Make sure you shield Poison-type attacks from Alolan Grimer, Mul, and Alolan Muk if you’re using Fairy types.
Victory reward: Shadow Alolan Rattata, Houndour, or Stunky encounter.
“ROAR! …How’d that sound?”
- Type: Dragon
- Weaknesses: Fairy, Dragon, Ice
- Counters: Rayquaza, Haxorus, Mamoswine, Baxcalibur, Gardevoir, Togekiss
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Gible | Dragonair | Salamence |
Bagon | Alolan Exeggutor | Dragonite |
Dratini | Gabite | Garchomp |
Fairy-type Pokemon are perfect for this as well as Ice-type Pokemon. Using Dragon-type Pokemon to take down other Dragon-type Pokemon is always risky so Breaking Swipe users like Rayquaza and Haxorus are the ideal picks as they nerf the opponent’s Attack stat.
Victory reward: Shadow Gible, Dratini, or Bagon encounter.
“Get ready to be shocked!”
- Type: Electric
- Weaknesses: Ground
- Counters: Garchomp, Groudon, Rhyperior, Excadrill, Mamoswine
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Blitzle | Voltorb | Galvantula |
Mareep | Alolan Geodude | Ampharos |
Joltik | Electabuzz | Luxray |
Since Electric-type Pokemon’s only weakness is Ground-type moves, there isn’t much to think about here. Being a dual Ground and Dragon-type Pokemon, Garchomp is ideal for this battle as it also triple resists Electric-type attacks.
Victory reward: Shadow Joltik, Mareep, or Blitzle encounter.
“Check out my cute Pokémon!”
- Type: Fairy
- Weaknesses: Poison, Steel
- Counters: Metagross, Roserade, Dialga, Gengar
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Ralts | Kirlia | Gardevoir |
Alolan Vulpix | Snubbull | Granbull |
Mawile | Granbull | Alolan Ninetales |
While this is a tough Grunt to beat, any Poison or Steel-type Pokemon should work well. The only thing to keep in mind is that Mawile isn’t weak against either Poison or Steel-type moves, so you should bring a Fire or Ground-type Pokemon just in case.
Victory reward: Shadow Alolan Vulpix, Mawile, or Ralts encounter.
“This buff physique isn’t just for show!”
- Type: Fighting
- Weaknesses: Flying, Psychic, Fairy
- Counters: Sylveon, Gardevoir, Togekiss, Alakazam, Mewtwo
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Hisuian Sneasel | Hitmonlee | Machamp |
Makuhita | Hitmonchan | Toxicroak |
Machop | Hitmontop | Infernape |
Flying, Psychic, and Fairy-type Pokemon are super-effective against Fighting types and also resist damage from Fighting-type moves, so any pick should be fine against these heavy hitters.
Victory reward: Shadow Hisuian Sneasel, Makuhita, or Machop encounter.

“Do you know how hot Pokémon fire breath can get?”
- Type: Fire
- Weaknesses: Water, Rock, Ground
- Counters: Gyarados, Swampert, Rhyperior, Garchomp, Kyogre
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Darumaka | Houndoom | Houndoom |
Chimchar | Monferno | Infernape |
Darmanitan |
While some of these Team Go Rocket Grunt picks can be tough opponents, exploiting Fire-type Pokemon weaknesses will lead you to victory.
Victory reward: Shadow Darumaka or Chimchar encounter.
“Battle against my Flying-type Pokémon!”
- Type: Flying
- Weaknesses: Rock, Electric, Ice
- Counters: Magnezone, Raikou, Rhyperior, Tyranitar, Glaceon, Mamoswine
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Pidgey | Gligar | Dragonite |
Starly | Staravia | Pidgeot |
Skarmory |
Since Gyarados could decimate any Rock-type Pokemon you bring into battle, Electric-type Pokemon are your best option for this Grunt in Pokemon Go. That said, Dragonite can throw you off-guard so it’s good to pack in an Ice-type like Glaceon or Mamoswine as well.
Victory reward: Shadow Pidgey, Starly, Gligar, or Staravia encounter.
- Type: Ghost
- Weaknesses: Ghost, Dark
- Counters: Darkrai, Weavile, Hydreigon, Gengar, Tyranitar, Absol
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Misdreavus | Dusclops | Froslass |
Drifloon | Banette | Alolan Marowak |
Golett | Golett | Gengar |
As with Dragon-type Pokemon, Ghost types are a risky choice to take down other Ghost-type Pokemon, so we recommend using Dark-type Pokemon for this battle. Keep in mind that a lot of other Pokemon can also learn useful Dark-type moves like Bite and Crunch.
Victory reward: Shadow Drifloon, Golett, or Misdreavus encounter.
“Don’t tangle with us!”
- Type: Grass
- Weaknesses: Fire, Bug, Poison, Flying, Ice
- Counters: Charizard, Moltres, Ho-Oh, Gengar, Reshiram, Heatran
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Snover | Grotle | Cacturne |
Turtwig | Ferrothorn | Torterra |
Meganium |
Since there are many dual Fire and Flying-type Pokemon you can pick, we recommend this approach. These Pokemon will not only be super-effective against this Grunt’s Shadow Pokemon, but they’ll also resist most of the damage coming their way.
Victory reward: Shadow Turtwig or Snover encounter.
“You’ll be defeated into the ground!”
- Type: Ground
- Weaknesses: Water, Grass, Ice
- Counters: Kyogre, Swampert, Gyarados, Venusaur, Glaceon, Alolan Exeggutor
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Wooper | Rhyhorn | Whiscash |
Drilbur | Quagsire | |
Alolan Diglett | Torterra |
Any Grass or Water-type Pokemon should be able to take this Grunt without much trouble.
Victory reward: Shadow Drilbur, Wooper, Alolan Diglett, or Rhyhorn encounter.
“You’re gonna be frozen in your tracks”
- Type: Ice
- Weaknesses: Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel
- Counters: Heatran, Blaziken, Lucario, Terrakion, Tyranitar
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Snorunt | Froslass | Glalie |
Swinub | Alolan Ninetales | Froslass |
Glalie | Abomasnow |
Fire-type Pokemon can wipe most of this Grunt’s Pokemon, but Lapras can complicate things. The same goes for Rock types. So Fighting-type Pokemon can really shine here against Lapras and the rest of this lineup.
Victory reward: Shadow Swinub or Snorunt encounter.
“Coiled and ready to strike!”
- Type: Poison
- Weaknesses: Psychic, Ground
- Counters: Groudon, Garchomp, Excadrill, Rhyperior, Mewtwo, Alakazam
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Hisuian Sneasel | Nidorina | Weezing |
Foongus | Nidorino | Toxicroak |
Amoonguss |
Ground-type Pokemon can take care of most of this Grunt’s picks, except for Foongus. Either way, you shouldn’t have much trouble if you face this Grunt in Pokemon Go.
Victory reward: Shadow Foongus or Hisuian Sneasel encounter.
“Are you scared of psychics that use unseen power?”
- Type: Psychic
- Weaknesses: Dark, Bug, Ghost
- Counters: Tyranitar, Gengar, Hydreigon, Darkrai
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Gothita | Ralts | Reuniclus |
Solosis | Gothorita | Metagross |
Wobbuffet | Gallade |
Dark-type Pokemon are best suited for this battle because they can resist Psychic-type damage in Pokemon Go.
Victory reward: Shadow Gothita or Solosis encounter.

“Let’s rock and roll!”
- Type: Rock
- Weaknesses: Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Steel
- Counters: Kyogre, Lucario, Swampert, Garchomp, Excadrill
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Onix | Graveler | Golem |
Cranidos | Lileep | Bastiodon |
Shieldon | Anorith | Rampardos |
While Rock-type Pokemon have five weaknesses players can exploit, Water, Ground, and Fighting-type Pokemon are the safest bets here, especially against Alolan Golem.
Victory reward: Shadow Onix, Cranidos, or Shieldon encounter.
“You’re no match for my iron will!”
- Type: Steel
- Weaknesses: Fire, Ground, Fighting
- Counters: Charizard, Moltres, Entei, Blaziken, Swampert, Garchomp
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Ferroseed | Lairon | Alolan Sandslash |
Skarmory | Skarmory | Scizor |
Alolan Sandshrew | Metang | Empoleon |
Pokemon Go players shouldn’t have any trouble facing this Team Go Rocket Grunt with Fire-type or Ground-type Pokemon.
Victory reward: Shadow Alolan Sandshrew, Ferroseed, or Skarmory encounter.
“These waters are treacherous!” (Female)
- Type: Water
- Weaknesses: Grass, Electric
- Counters: Sceptile, Torterra, Venusaur, Magnezone, Raikou, Electivire
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Totodile | Crawdaunt | Whiscash |
Piplup | Prinplup | Wailord |
Empoleon |
The Water-type specialist Grunt can be male or female. While the female will have the Pokemon listed above, the male one specializes in Magikarps and will only face you with Magikarp and maybe a closer Gyarados. So you shouldn’t have any kind of trouble using Grass-type Pokemon.
Victory reward: Shadow Piplup or Totodile encounter.
“Don’t bother – I’ve already won! Get ready to be defeated! Winning is for winners!” (Female)
- Type: Typeless
- Counters: Machamp, Lucario, Magnezone, Electivire, Gengar, Mamoswine, Glaceon
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Snorlax | Snorlax | Snorlax |
Poliwrath | Gyarados | |
Gardevoir | Dragonite |
These last two are the toughest challenges Team Go Rocket Grunts can offer. The female one faces players with very powerful Pokemon and demands a balanced team to beat her.
Fighting-type Pokemon are the safest bet against Snorlax so that’s a must. The other two Pokemon should include Electric, Ice, and Poison-type attacks if possible.
Victory reward: Shadow Snorlax encounter.
Don’t bother – I’ve already won! Get ready to be defeated! Winning is for winners!” (Male)
- Type: Starters
- Counters: Sceptile, Kyogre, Charizard, Magnezone, Raikou, Ho-Oh,
Pokemon #1 | Pokemon #2 | Pokemon #3 |
Treecko | Grovyle | Sceptile |
Torchic | Combusken | Blaziken |
Mudkip | Marshtomp | Swampert |
This male Grunt will attack trainers with different starter Pokemon from different regions. While some of them can be really powerful, it’s easy to pick counters that exploit each Pokemon’s weakness.
The tricky part is that you never know what Pokemon you’re going to face, so players should bring a balanced team to battle.
Victory reward: Shadow Treecko, Torchic, or Mudkip encounter.
Now you can face any Team Go Rocket Grunt without much trouble, knowing what you might get. Keep in mind that some Grunts have lower chances of appearing in PokeStops and air balloons.
That’s all you need to know to beat Team Go Rocket Grunts in Pokemon Go. If you’re looking for more content on Pokemon Go, be sure to check out our other guides:
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