All Fighting-type Pokemon weaknesses & resistances

Fighting-type Pokemon might not be extremely popular among fans, but they are usually bulky and pack a punch. So, we’ll go through everything you need to know about their weaknesses and resistances to beat them and catch them easily in any game.
Fighting-type Pokemon can be a great addition to your team thanks to their attack power and some really cool designs we’ve seen since Gen 1. These Pokemon can deal massive damage to many other Pokemon types, and they can prove to be a menace for unprepared players.
At the same time, Fighting-type Pokemon also have weaknesses you can take advantage of, so here’s everything you need to know about Fighting-type Pokemon weaknesses and resistances.
- What are Fighting-type Pokemon
- All Fighting-type Pokemon weaknesses
- All Fighting-type Pokemon resistances
What are Fighting-type Pokemon?
FIghting-type Pokemon can usually be identified because they’re either very muscular, wearing some martial arts attire, or striking a martial arts pose. On average, Fighting types have the highest Physical Attack stat in the whole franchise and are the only type that’s super-effective against Normal-type Pokemon.
Fighting-type Pokemon can deal super-effective damage to five other types, a record only shared with Ground types. However, when it comes to Abilities, Fighting types don’t have any exclusives to their typing yet.
In Pokemon games, there are often Gym Leaders, Elite Four members, or trainers that specialize in Fighting-type Pokemon, so you have to make sure you know how to counter them.

All Fighting-type Pokemon weaknesses
Fighting-type Pokemon are weak against Flying, Psychic, and Fairy-type attacks. Every mainline Pokemon game has Flying-type Pokemon roaming around at the very beginning. That means you can easily counter Fighting types early in any adventure.
With more than 1000 Pokemon in the whole franchise, many Fighting-types have dual typing, so some of their weaknesses might change.
It’s also worth noting that Ghost-type Pokemon are immune to Fighting-type damage unless they’re affected by moves like Foresight or Abilities like Scrappy.
All Fighting-type Pokemon resistances
Fighting-type Pokemon can resist damage from Rock, Bug, and Dark-type moves, so you should try to avoid those categories when facing one. They can also deal super-effective damage against Dark, Rock, Ice, Steel, and Normal, so there are six total typings to avoid in battle.
Fighting-type Pokemon that have dual typing with one of the above types that they’re super effective against can be really tough to handle. The same goes for those Fighting-types that have dual-typing with one of their weaknesses.
With this information, you’re ready to battle Fighting-type Pokemon in any game. For more Pokemon content, be sure to check our other guides:
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