Pokemon Go biomes explained: All biomes so far

Rediscover Pokemon Go introduced players to biomes, so here’s everything you need to know about them in the mobile game.
Niantic is refreshing Pokemon Go with new elements through Rediscover Pokemon Go, and players can now encounter specific Pokemon on certain biomes. But what are biomes and how do they work?
Here’s everything you need to know about biomes in Pokemon Go, including all available biomes and more.
What are biomes in Pokemon Go?
Biomes are a new visual and environmental tool in Pokemon Go that lets players know what Pokemon types are spawning in a certain real-world location. Rediscover Pokemon Go revamped the game’s graphics to show these different biomes more clearly.
The catch screen that appears when a player taps a Pokemon in the wild was also refreshed with new visuals that respond to seasons and the day/night cycle as well. What’s more, different biomes can show different background images depending on the species you’re trying to capture.
For now, only “Pokemon originally discovered in the Kanto region will appear in specific biomes,” according to the official website. However, it’s also worth noting that these creatures can appear outside of these biomes during some seasons or events.
All Pokemon Go biomes discovered so far
Currently, Pokemon Go features seven different biomes for players to explore:
- Park biome: A regular biome for most encounters, variating with more or less foliage.
- City biome: Like the Park biome, but with buildings in the back. Can also change its tree types for others with colored leaves.
- Beach biome: Can be found in Lake, River, or Ocean forms.
- Tropical Beach biome: Looks like any of the Beach biome options, but with palm trees on it.
- Mountain biome: Characteristic mountains can be seen in this biome.
- Forest biome: Has pine trees, and makes up a forest of these in the background.
- Grasslands biome: Also known as the bush biome, where lower vegetation can be found. Has no trees, only bushes.
Kantonian Pokemon now will be tied to specific biomes, and this is all we know about it so far:
- The Forest biome is home to Grass and Bug-type Pokemon like Bulbasaur, Caterpie, Weedle, Oddish, and more.
- The Mountain biome features Normal, Ground, and Rock-type Pokemon like Sandshrew, Clefairy, Zubat, Diglett, and more.
- The Beach biome is home mostly to Water-type Pokemon like Squirtle, Psyduck, Seel, Magikarp, and the recently debuted Wiglett, among others.
- The City biome is the most common one, as it represents cities, towns, and other populated areas that are home to many Kantonian Pokemon like Caterpie, Pidgey, Machop, Gastly, and more.
The official Pokemon Go website states “there are a number of other biomes for Trainers to discover,” so we’ll make sure to update this article once we know about these additional biomes.
What are habitats in Pokemon Go?
Habitats differ from biomes, and they are specific areas or time periods tied to big events like Pokemon Go Tour or Go Fest, where different species can spawn during the event’s rotation. They usually rotate each hour during these big events and feature different species that can only be encountered in those habitats. Pokemon Go features no habitats outside of these events, so keep that in mind.
And there you have it! That’s everything you need to know about biomes in Pokemon Go. For more on the mobile game, check out other guides below:
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