How to use voice chat in Gray Zone Warfare: Squad & proximity VOIP

Gray Zone Warfare is here and players are struggling to find how to use voice and proximity chat to talk to other players. So, here’s how to use VOIP in Gray Zone Warfare.
Gray Zone Warfare is the brand-new extraction shooter to hit early access, giving players a huge open map to explore and multiple factions to meet. The game is also about slow, tactical plays, so communicating with your teammates is essential, but it isn’t totally obvious how to turn on voice chat.
With this in mind, here’s how to use VOIP so you can enable squad voice and proximity chat in Gray Zone Warfare.
How to use voice chat in Gray Zone Warfare
You can use the Z key to enable VOIP in Gray Zone Warfare. Although the input isn’t mentioned on the controls menu, you’ll need to hold the key down to communicate with teammates using voice chat, or trash talk enemies with proximity chat.
Before that, you’ll also need to adjust your settings settings to decide if you want to use voice chat, proximity chat, or both. This can be done from the in-game menus, so check out how below:
- Open up your inventory menu using the Tab key.
- Click the cog on the right of the screen.
- Head down to the ‘Audio’ section.
- Here you’ll see options for Squad VOIP and Proximity VOIP – enable the options you prefer.

Can you rebind voice chat in Gray Zone Warfare?
No, there is no way to rebind the VOIP button in Gray Zone Warfare. While other PC shooters often allow you to change the input to whatever feels most comfortable for you, GZW has voice chat tied exclusively to the Z key at launch.
The game has only just been released in early access, so the devs might look to address this in a future update. However, for now, all players will have to use the default controls to communicate.
That was everything you need to know about how to use VOIP in Gray Zone Warfare. For more, be sure to check out our other guides:
Gray Zone Warfare factions explained | Best faction in Gray Zone Warfare | All Gray Zone Warfare weapons | How to use voice chat in Gray Zone Warfare | Gray Zone Warfare wipes explained | Gray Zone Warfare editions & prices