All Gray Zone Warfare weapons so far: Pistols, ARs, Shotguns, more

Gray Zone Warfare lets you rely on a wide range of weapons for combat, and here’s a list of all the Pistols, ARs, Shotguns, Rifles, SMGs, Grenades, and melee weapons in the game.
Weapons in Gray Zone Warfare are essential for progress as tasks like Out of the Blue can put you in dangerous situations where not being able to defend yourself can be fatal. To unlock them, you have to complete tasks and for their attachments, increasing your reputation with Gunny is recommended.
To help you learn about the game’s massive arsenal, here’s a list of all Gray Zone Warfare weapons including Assault Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols, SMGs, and more.
Melee weapons
Melee weapons in Gray Zone Warfare don’t excel in damage but attacking someone with a knife can apply the bleeding effect on them which drains out their health very quickly over time.
Here are all the melee weapons in the game:
- Ka-Bar Knife
Like most FPS games, Gray Zone Warfare offers plenty of pistols but they’re best used as a secondary weapon as their low fire rate and magazine capacity are too risky to put them in the primary slot.
- Glock 17
- Type 51 (Based on the TT-33 pistol)
Sub-Machine guns
Sub-machine guns have a very fast fire rate but their recoil is equally hard to handle. As a result, its best to use them in close-range encounters and avoid them when you’re roaming the jungle and mid to long range combat.
These are the options you have when it comes to using SMGs in Gray Zone Warfare:
- Sa vz. 61 Skorpion
Be it clearing areas or getting out of sticky situations by creating a distraction, grenades have many uses in Gray Zone Warfare. These include:
- RGD-5
- M67
- M18 Smoke Grenade
Assault Rifles
Assault Rifles, as usual, are very reliable as they can be used in close, mid, and long range. They boast high damage and fast fire rate and thanks to endless customizations in the game, you can take care of the recoil and make these rifles explosive in all cases.
- CQ A1 (Based on the CQ-A assault rifle)
- MK18 (Based on the Daniel Defense MK 18)
- M4A1
- AK-74N
- AK-74M
Bolt-Action rifles
In Gray Zone Warfare, you’ll be using the Bolt-Action Sniper Rifles for long-range combat a lot. There’s a setting to turn the weapon’s fire mode from auto to single bullet and we recommend using the latter for more stability and accurate shots.
- Mosin (Based on the Mosin M38 Carbine)
- M700 (Based on the Remington Model 700)
Unsurprisingly, Shotguns in Gray Zone Warfare are used for taking out close-range opponents. You can aim to alter their bullet spread and attachments which will eventually enhance their utility.
- M870 (Based on the Remington Model 870)
- Mossberg 590
Do note that Gray Zone Warfare is in early access so more weapons might be added with upcoming content updates. We’ll update this space with the latest information on weapons in the game, so make sure to bookmark it and check back often. In the meantime, check out our other guides:
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