Overwatch 2: Best counters for each Tank Hero

Countering Heroes in Overwatch 2 is an essential strategy for success, and it’s unique to each role. So, if you’re looking to counter Tanks with the best results, we’ve got you covered.
Overwatch 2 Season 10 has introduced some key balance changes for all Heroes which have changed the way the game works. Arguably the biggest change has been the rework to Wrecking Ball, but other Tanks have also received significant changes, affecting the way they can be countered.
Tanks are extremely important, as they essential act as the team’s anchor. So, countering them can often mean victory. With that said, here’s a list of all counters for each Tank Hero in Overwatch 2.
Overwatch 2: All counters for each Tank Hero
Overwatch 2 Season 10 has 12 Tank Heroes to choose from, all of them with very distinct abilities. Here’s a list of all counters for each character you should keep in mind while playing PvP mode:
Tank Hero | Counters |
D.Va | Tank: Doomfist, Roadhog, Zarya DPS: Reaper, Symmetra Support: Brigitte, Moira |
Doomfist | Tank: Roadhog, Orisa DPS: Ashe, Mei, Pharah Support: Ana, Brigitte, Lucio |
Junker Queen | Tank: Wrecking Ball, Sigma, Orisa DPS: Cassidy, Soldier 76, Pharah Support: Ana, Baptiste, Zenyatta |
Mauga | Tank: D.Va, Sigma DPS: Bastion, Genji, Venture Support: Ana, Kiriko |
Orisa | Tank: D.Va, Zarya DPS: Echo, Pharah, Sombra, Support: Ana, Kiriko, Zenyatta |
Ramattra | Tank: Roadhog, Orisa DPS: Bastion, Symmetra, Tracer Support: Ana, Kiriko, Zenyatta |
Reinhardt | Tank: Ramattra, Mauga DPS: Mei, Pharah, Reaper Support: Ana, Brigitte, Illari |
Roadhog | Tank: Junker Queen, Orisa DPS: Pharah, Reaper, Sombra Support: Ana |
Sigma | Tank: Zarya DPS: Genji, Sombra, Symmetra Support: Lúcio, Moira |
Winston | Tank: Roadhog DPS: Mei, Cassidy, Reaper Support: Ana, Brigitte |
Wrecking Ball | Tank: Roadhog DPS: Mei, Torbjorn Support: Ana, Brigitte |
Zarya | Tank: Reinhardt, D.Va DPS: Ashe, Echo, Pharah Support: Zenyatta, Lucio |
Overwatch 2: Counters for each Tank Hero explained
Here are all the Tank Heros in Overwatch 2 and their counters explained:
- Tank: Doomfist, Roadhog, Zarya
- DPS: Reaper, Symmetra
- Support: Brigitte, Moira
Heroes that can disable D.Va’s Defense Matrix will render her defenseless, and some counters can even take advantage of her slow pace when her Boosters are in cooldown. For example, Sombra can hack her abilities away and make her an easy target, or Roadhog can use her Chain hook with little chances for her to fly away.
- Tank: Roadhog, Orisa
- DPS: Ashe, Cassidy, Mei, Pharah
- Support: Ana, Brigitte, Lucio
Doomfist needs to be in the center of the action, landing his blows with high accuracy. However, since he depends on horizontal movement, characters with great mobility can get out of his grasp and cause him problems. This is especially the case for Pharah in OW2, who can pretty much complete avoid Doom.
Junker Queen
- Tank: Wrecking Ball, Sigma, Orisa
- DPS: Cassidy, Soldier 76, Pharah
- Support: Ana, Baptiste, Zenyatta
Heroes that can stop Junker Queen’s combos or negate her Adrenaline Rush will disable Junker Queen’s roll. Since this character hasn’t got a shield of her own, abilities such as Ana’s Biotic Grenade can completely negate the much-needed healing she gets from her passive.
- Tank: D.Va, Sigma
- DPS: Bastion, Genji, Venture
- Support: Ana, Kiriko
Introduced in Season 8, Mauga is one of the best Heroes to choose in close-range combat and wields two chainguns which can be fired both individually or together. This can make him one of the most difficult targets for support characters. But, Tank and DPS Heroes such as Bastion, Kiriko, Sigma, and even Ana can counter him with D.Va and Sigma being the most effective.
- Tank: D.Va, Zarya
- DPS: Echo, Pharah, Sombra
- Support: Ana, Kiriko, Zenyatta
Orisa’s javelin throw and javelin spin abilities are crucial for her Overwatch 2 version. Since her abilities focus on deflecting projectiles or shielding herself against damage, she’s usually a difficult target for DPS characters. But, her slow projectiles make her vulnerable to fast-paced Heroes, so characters such as Echo, Pharah, D.Va, and even Zarya can profit from her low mobility.
- Tank: Roadhog, Orisa
- DPS: Bastion, Symmetra, Tracer
- Support: Ana, Kiriko, Zenyatta
Ramattra struggles with survivability and is reliant on healers to keep him stable. Any high-damage character can check him, or even those who can deal powerful strikes while relaying on Ramattra’s sluggish movement. Bastion, Orisa, and Zenyatta are all great picks to counter the Tank.

- Tank: Ramattra, Mauga
- DPS: Mei, Pharah, Reaper
- Support: Ana, Brigitte, Illari
Reinhardt’s main counters are those who can use their attack speed against him, such as Pharah and Junkrat, who are usually out of reach for Reinhardt players. This is also true for Reaper since he can easily teleport behind Reinhardt without being seen and deal a fatal blow.
- Tank: Junker Queen, Orisa
- DPS: Pharah, Reaper, Sombra
- Support: Ana
Roadhog is strong but vulnerable, as he can absorb massive amounts of damage, so squishy Heroes aren’t the best, but Heroes like Pharah and Junker Queen are great picks.
- Tank: Zarya
- DPS: Genji, Sombra, Symmetra, Tracer
- Support: Lúcio, Moira
The key to countering Sigma is to try isolating him from his teammates and keeping track of his cooldowns. A strong dive like Hero Genji and Tracer can also leave him vulnerable.
- Tank: Roadhog
- DPS: Mei, Cassidy, Reaper
- Support: Ana, Brigitte
Any Hero who can deal damage from a distance or do more damage than Winstron up close will put the Hero in a pinch. Counters such as Ana, Reaper, and Mei are excellent at countering his dives.
Wrecking Ball
- Tank: Roadhog
- DPS: Mei, Torbjorn
- Support: Ana, Brigitte
Wrecking Ball really struggles with every Hero that can inhibit its movement or take advantage of its massive hitbox, so Roadhog, Mei, and Torjorn are great choices here.
- Tank: Reinhardt, D.Va
- DPS: Ashe, Echo, Pharah
- Support: Zenyatta, Lucio
What Zarya lacks in mobility, she makes up in absorbing damage. Players that prefer Zarya must be really aware of her teammates to make the most of her Projected Barrier and even her Graviton Surge ult. However, since she lacks mobility, any Hero with great mobility can target her easily without risking much, making Pharah, D.Va, and Echo top picks.
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