Baldur’s Gate 3 players reveal hidden secrets “95% of people miss”

A group of Baldur’s Gate 3 players has gathered to share hidden secrets of the game that most of the players still miss. The amount of secret stuff this game has to offer will blow your mind.
For Baldur’s Gate 3 players, exploring is a must. Be it that you are delving into the Underdark sections of the Forge or the Gauntlet of Shar or you are roaming through the Shadow Plagued Lands, there are lots of secrets left to be uncovered.
So, a group of players has put up a series of hidden secrets that most players miss throughout the adventure, and have taken it to Reddit to share the hidden things that they are “certain 95 % of people miss.”
This was posted by Reddit user ‘Unlucky_Lifeguard_81,’ and the community immediately responded by sharing secret stuff they found, including stashes, quirky encounters, magic items no one has noticed before, and even lamps.
The OP also shared a secret of their own, stating: “My pick is the stool at the top of the Arcane Tower in the Underdark. It’s a stool of hill giant strength and you can break it to get a club of Hill Giant strength (one of the stool’s legs).”
Another Baldur’s Gate 3 player said: “The lamp in the Sorcerous Sundries Vaults. Tara’s second and third rooftop appearances.” To which another one replied: “Have fish handy. She doesn’t take gold, she only barters in fish and magic items.”
An astonished player was surprised to find that even with hundreds of hours in, they are still discovering new things about the game: “This thread is incredible. 400 hours in this game and I’m still learning new things!!”
So there you have it, next time you go and play Baldur’s Gate 3, leave no stone unturned. You never know what you might find next.
And in case you are looking for secret and powerful armament, we got you covered with this weapons guide. And here’s how to get the rare Svartlebee’s Woundseeker greatsword.