How to get Leave No One Behind achievement in Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 is not only renowned for its engaging storyline but also for its achievements which can be quite difficult to complete. The Leave No One Behind achievement is one of them, so here’s how to get it in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Baldur’s Gate 3‘s critically acclaimed storyline brings the player to Tieflings who need their help in Emerald Grove. However, this is just the beginning, as now you will have to make sure that all of them are safe till the end.
There are Teiflings to save in all three Acts, and sometimes they need to be saved more than once. The Leave No One Behind achievement is one of the most difficult ones to get in Baldur’s Gate 3, and this guide will show you exactly how to get it.
Here is how to get the Leave No One Behind achievement in Baldur’s Gate 3.
- Baldur’s Gate 3: How to get Leave No One Behind achievement
- How to save all Tieflings in Baldur’s Gate 3 Act 1
- How to save all Tieflings in BG3 Act 2
- Baldur’s Gate 3: Saving all Tieflings in Act 3
Baldur’s Gate 3: How to get Leave No One Behind achievement
Baldur’s Gate 3 players can get the Leave No One Behind achievement by saving all the Tieflings that need help in one way or another throughout the game.
Emerald Grove is the first major stop in this step, but there are a few Tieflings who still need your help in Act 2 and 3 as well. Getting this achievement involves making sure some individuals survive their encounters – and they can be tricky to find.
How to save all Tieflings in Baldur’s Gate 3 Act 1
Baldur’s Gate 3 players can find most Tieflings who need help in Act 1 when they travel to and through Emerald Grove.
Here are all the Tieflings who need saving, and where to find them:
- When you run into Lae’zel stuck in a cage, make sure you do not kill any of the Tieflings who have captured her. You can do this by passing some checks and choosing the right dialogue options.
- Upon entering Emerald Grove, head up the hill and to the east of the map. Here you will find Nadira, who is about to be attacked by a Bugbear. Make sure to kill the Bugbear before it can kill her.
- Mirkon is a child you can save from the harpies on the beach just outside Emerald Grove. Make sure you do this quest before saving Emerald Grove, otherwise he will die.
- Arabella is the child being threatened with a snake (by Kagha). Make sure you pass dialogue checks to save her from her fate.
- The most obvious one is that you cannot side with the Goblin leaders and attack Emerald Grove if you want this achievement.
- Make sure Rolan and his adventurer group stay with the Tieflings so they can survive in Act 2.

How to save all Tieflings in BG3 Act 2
Baldur’s Gate 3 players can find most Tieflings who need help in Act 2 when they explore the Shadow-Cursed Lands and reach Last Light Inn.
Here are all the Tieflings who need saving, and where to find them:
- Arabella can be rescued near the House of Healing in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. Send her to your camp and follow Withers’ advice when you locate her parents.
- When Marcus attacks Last Light Inn, make sure none of the Tieflings die in the fight.
- You will find Rolan slightly South of the Tollhouse, he can be found trying to save his siblings from Moonrise Towers. Find and help him against the Shadow monsters.
- Cal, Lia, Lakrissa, and Danis can be saved from Moonrise Towers jail. Make sure you go to Moonrise Towers before you do the Nightsong quest, and help the deep gnomes escape prison.
- Zevlor can be rescued in the Mindflayer Colony after the first stage of Ketheric Thorm’s fight.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Saving all Tieflings in Act 3
Baldur’s Gate 3 players can find most Tieflings who need help in Act 3 when they explore the city of Baldur’s Gate.
Here are all the Tieflings who need saving, and where to find them:
- Some Tieflings can be found in Rivington, the town you enter before you go to the main city. There should be no threat to them in this area, but make sure you talk to Alfria and Lakrissa in the tavern.
- Make sure you meet with the Tiefling refugees in the camp in Rivington.
- Rolan can be found in Sorcerous Sundries. You need to make sure you beat Lorroakan and ensure the Tiefling’s survival.
- Enter the House of Hope and find Mol’s contract on a pedestal in the treasure vault and either defeat Raphael or return the contract to Mol.

One thing to note is that if Zevlor dies in the final battle, the achievement will be voided. The Leave No One Behind achievement has been reported to be slightly buggy, so there is a chance you can still get it without saving each and every Tiefling.
There are some key characters, however, like Mol and Zevlor that have to survive. We will keep you updated with any more Tieflings we find that need rescuing.
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