How to resupply ammo in Men of War 2: Supply lines & units explained

Men of War 2 has a complex resupply system that requires players to use their support units with care. Here’s how to refill ammo and what supply lines are in Men of War 2.
In Men of War 2, you will need to command troops, make them capture territory, defend and fortify positions, and establish supply lines to refill ammo, fuel, and equipment.
So, here’s how supply lines work in Men of War 2, including ammo, fuel, and more.
- What are supply lines & support units in Men of War 2
- How to refill ammo in Men of War 2
- How to refill fuel in Men of War 2
- How to resupply equipment in Men of War 2
What are supply lines & support units in Men of War 2?
In Men of War 2, supply lines and support units are the way to replenish ammo and fuel for your troops and vehicles.
Support units are available in several of the Echelons, and they don’t cost CP (Command Points) to deploy, though you have a limited time to replenish until your rival does the same and resumes the assault.
Depending on the mission, the game mode, or the campaign you’re playing, you will have different supply line types and support units at your disposal.
Most of the supply units have a radius of action. Foot support units have a smaller radius than vehicle support units, so keep that in mind.

How to refill ammo in Men of War 2
To refill ammo in Men of War 2, players need to select an Ammunition Box crew from the first Echelon in their army and approach the units needing ammo. They’ll immediately start replenishing ammo as needed.
The refill status appears like a small diamond figure blinking above the units that are refilling. When the figure disappears, the refill process will be finished.
The Ammunition Box support unit is designed to reach where no other supply unit can reach, even inside the trenches. The Ammunition Box crew can camouflage themselves, or even protect themselves with sandbags to ensure their survival. Ammunition Box support units cost 0 CP, and move slowly but can capture and hold territory.

You can also manually check the contents of the ammo box by pressing X and dragging and dropping contents from the box’s inventory to your unit’s inventory. Ammunition boxes are often filled with important supplies, like grenades, and explosives, so keep that in mind.
To refill ammo from artillery weapons or vehicles, like mortars, AA, or machine gun emplacements, you’ll need a Supply Truck. These have a bigger radius of operation than regular Ammunition Box crews, but they also are bigger targets to be hit by enemy artillery.
Supply Trucks are selected from the second Echelon of your army and also cost 0 CP. They can build a Supply Depot, a building that troops can use to replenish supplies as needed.
How to refill fuel in Men of War 2
Fuel can be refilled in Men of War 2, by commanding support units like Fuel Trucks, or approaching a Re-Fueling Station with your vehicles.
Fuel Trucks can be directly deployed and moved through the battlefield, but are more exposed to enemy fire. They directly replenish the fuel by approaching a unit requesting fuel.
Fuel Trucks have a similar mechanic to Ammo Box carriers, but unlike them, they cannot fortify or establish a defensive position for resupply. They can camouflage though.

Fuel Trucks need to be selected from the third Echelon of your army, and cost 0 CP to deploy and command.
Fuel Trucks can build a Re-Fueling Station, which takes longer than a regular Refuel, and can be deployed at a strategic point on the map.
How to resupply equipment in Men of War 2
In Men of War 2, all units can carry equipment in their inventories, and resupply automatically when approaching an Ammunition Box unit, a Supply Truck, or a Supply Depot.
Grenades, Barbed Wire, Mines, Tools, Medkits, Machine Gun Ammo, all these can be carried by Infantry or Support units, and need to be replenished for the units to utilize certain battlefield tactics.
Ammunition Boxes also carry a lot of supplies, and as mentioned before, you can directly resupply equipment from the contents of the boxes by dragging the contents toward the inventory of your units.
Most of the time, AI will automatically replenish the supply they need, unless they’re in the middle of combat, or if you are directly controlling said unit (pressing E or Ctrl). In that case, you’ll need to resupply manually.

When units are dead, their bodies preserve said equipment. So, you can resupply when controlling units directly, looting from enemy corpses. Press Alt to highlight nearby lootable corpses, and move your units towards them. Then open your inventory and nearby corpse inventory by pressing X, then drag and drop from one item window to the other.
This is a great way to resupply on the go, as you push for territory.
That’s all you need to know about ammo, supply lines, and support units in Men of War 2. For more info about the game, you can also check out the following guides:
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