All Overwatch 2 character ages, Hero abilities & backgrounds explained

Overwatch 2 features 40 playable characters. Each Hero has unique abilities suited to their role, but they also all have interesting backgrounds. Here are all the Overwatch 2 Heroes and their abilities, ages, and backgrounds.
Overwatch 2 is undoubtedly one of the biggest FPS titles in 2024, with Blizzard consistently pushing new content for millions of players to enjoy.
Each Hero has special abilities that can completely change how each game goes, but they also have special backgrounds and lore attached to them. So, here is everything you need to know about all the playable Heroes in Overwatch 2.
- All Overwatch 2 Hero ages, birthdays & nationalities
- Overwatch 2 Hero backgrounds & lore
- Overwatch 2 Hero roles
- Every Overwatch 2 Hero ability
All Overwatch 2 Hero ages, birthdays & nationalities
Blizzard released the official ages and birthdays of all Overwatch 2 Heroes along with their nationalities, so here’s the full breakdown:
Hero | Age | Birthday | Nationality | Real name |
Ana | 61 years | January 1 | Egyptian | Ana Amari |
Ashe | 41 years | October 1 | American | Elizabeth Caledonia “Calamity” Ashe |
Baptiste | 38 years | March 12 | Haitian | Jean-Baptiste Augustin |
Bastion | 32 years | Unknown | N/A | Bastion |
Brigitte | 25 years | September 22 | Swedish | Brigitte Lindholm |
Cassidy | 39 years | July 31 | American | Cole Cassidy |
Doomfist | 47 years | May 25 | Nigerian | Akande Ogundimu |
D.Va | 21 years | June 22 | Korean | Hana Song |
Echo | 14 years | February 5 | N/A | Echo |
Genji | 37 years | October 28 | Japanese | Genji Shimada |
Hanzo | 40 years | November 3 | Japanese | Hanzo Shimada |
Illari | 18 years | December 21 | Peruvian | Illari Quispe Ruiz |
Junker Queen | 31 years | June 14 | Australian | Odessa “Dez” Stone |
Junkrat | 27 years | February 29 | Australian | Jamison Fawkes |
Kiriko | 21 years | July 7 | Japanese | Kiriko Kamori |
Lifeweaver | 31 years | April 28 | Thai | Niran “Bua” Pruksamanee |
Lucio | 28 years | March 20 | Brazilian | Lúcio Correia dos Santos |
Mauga | 37 years | August 19 | Samoan | Maugaloa Malosi |
Mei | 33 years (biological) 42 years (chronological) | September 5 | Chinese | Mei-Ling Zhou |
Mercy | 39 years | May 13 | Swiss | Angela Ziegler |
Moira | 50 years | April 4 | Irish | Moira O’Deorain |
Orisa | 1 year | May 9 | Numbanian | OR15 |
Pharah | 34 years | April 15 | Canadian/Egyptian | Fareeha Amari |
Ramattra | 28 years | March 29 | N/A | Ramattra |
Reaper | 60 years | December 14 | American | Gabriel Reyes |
Reinhardt | 63 years | June 26 | German | Reinhardt Wilhelm |
Roadhog | 50 years | September 12 | Australian | Mako Rutledge |
Sigma | 64 years | March 15 | Dutch | Siebren de Kuiper |
Sojourn | 51 years | January 12 | Canadian | Vivian Chase |
Soldier: 76 | 58 years | January 27 | American | John Francis “Jack” Morrison |
Sombra | 32 years | December 31 | Mexican | Olivia Colomar |
Symmetra | 30 years | October 2 | Indian | Satya Vaswani |
Torbjörn | 59 years | September 21 | Swedish | Torbjörn Lindholm |
Tracer | 28 years | February 17 | British | Lena Oxton |
Venture | 26 years | August 6 | Canadian | Sloan Cameron |
Widowmaker | 35 years | November 19 | French | Amélie Lacroix |
Winston | 31 years | June 6 | N/A | Winston |
Wrecking Ball | 16 years | October 15 | N/A | Hammond |
Zarya | 30 years | December 4 | Russian | Aleksandra Zaryanova |
Zenyatta | 33 years | July 14 | N/A | Tekhartha Zenyatta |
Overwatch 2 Hero roles
Damage (DPS), Tank, and Support are the three roles in Overwatch 2 and each role has a passive ability:
- DPS: 35% reload speed buff for 2.5 seconds after getting an elimination.
- Tanks: 30% knockback resistance against crowd control abilities and provide 50% less Ultimate charge to the enemies when taking damage.
- Supports: Heal 15 HP/second when not under fire for 1.5 seconds.
- All Heroes: Upon switching characters, you don’t lose your Ultimate charge. Instead, the Ultimate charge will carry over to the new Hero.
Every Overwatch 2 Hero abilities
Here are all of the 40 Heroes’ abilities in Overwatch 2:
Hero | Abilities | Ultimate | Passive |
Ana | Sleep Dart: Fires a dart that puts an enemy to sleep. Biotic Grenade: Throws a grenade that heals and increases healing on allies, while damaging and preventing healing on enemies. | Nano Boost: Increases an ally’s damage, while reducing damage taken. | N/A |
Ashe | Coach Gun: Blast enemies in front of you and knock yourself backward. Dynamite: Throw an explosive that detonates after a short delay or immediately when shot. | B.O.B: Deploy Bob. He charges forward and knocks enemies into the air, then attacks with his arm cannons. | N/A |
Baptiste | Regenerative Burst: Activate to heal yourself and nearby allies over time. Immortality Field: Toss a device that prevents allies from dying. The device can be destroyed. Exo Boots: Hold crouch to jump higher. | Amplification Matrix: Project a matrix that doubles the damage and healing effects of allied projectiles. | Exo Boots: Hold crouch to jump higher. |
Bastion | Tactical Grenade: Grenade that can bounce off walls as well as stick to floors and enemies. Recon Config: Bastion can walk like a standard hero and fire his fully automatic machine gun. Assault Config: Bastion can transform into a tank and fire his minigun while moving. | Configuration Artillery: Bastion is rooted to the ground and can fire three shells anywhere on the map, dealing damage to opponents. | Ironclad: Reduces damage taken while transformed. |
Brigitte | Repair Pack: Heals an ally for a short duration. Whip Shot: Launch your flail forward to knock an enemy away from you. Barrier Shield: Hold right-click to deploy a frontal energy barrier. Shield Bash: Available when Barrier Shield is deployed. Dash forward to knock back an enemy. | Rally: Move faster and provide armor to nearby allies. | Inspire: Dealing damage to enemies heals nearby allies. |
Cassidy | Combat Roll: Roll in the direction you’re moving and reload. Magnetic Grenade: Grenade that’s attracted to enemies and can stick to them, dealing damage when it explodes. | Deadeye: Face off against your enemies, targeting all foes in your sightline. Can be activated again to deal damage to everyone you’ve targeted in your view. | N/A |
D.Va | Boosters: Fly in the direction you are facing. Defense Matrix: Block projectiles in an area in front of you. Micro Missiles: Launch a volley of explosive rockets. | Self-Destruct: Eject and overload your mech, causing it to explode after a short time. Call Mech: Call down a new mech. | Eject!: Eject out of your mech when it’s destroyed. |
Doomfist | Seismic Slam: Leap forward and smash the ground. Power Block: Enter a defensive stance reducing damage from enemies in front of you. Rocket Punch: Hold to charge then release to launch forward and knock an enemy back. Damage increases if the enemy hits a wall. | Meteor Strike: Leap up into the air. Move the targeting circle, then strike the targeted area. | The Best Defense: Dealing damage with abilities creates temporary overhealth. |
Echo | Sticky Bombs: Fire a volley of sticky bombs that detonate after a delay. Flight: Fly forward quickly and then free-fly briefly. Focusing Beam: Channel a beam for a few seconds. Deals very high damage to targets under half health. | Duplicate: Become a copy of the targeted enemy hero. They cannot swap heroes for the duration. | Glide: Hold jump to glide while falling. |
Genji | Deflect: Deflect incoming projectiles towards the direction you are aiming and block melee attacks. Swift Strike: Rapidly dash forward and inflict damage on enemies. Eliminations reset the cooldown. | Dragonblade: Uleash a deadly melee weapon. | Cyber-Agility: Climb on walls and double jump. |
Hanzo | Storm Arrows: The next 5 arrows fire rapidly. Sonic Arrow: Reveals enemies for a short time upon impact. Lunge: Double Jump sideways. | Dragonstrike: Launch a deadly Dragon Spirit that devastates enemies it passes through. | Wall-Climb: Jump at walls to climb up them. |
Illari | Solar Rifle (Primary): Long-range auto-charging rifle. Solar Rifle (Alt): Medium-range healing beam that consumes solar energy. Outburst: Launches you in the direction you are moving, knocking back enemies. Hold jump to go higher. Healing Pylon: Deploy a pylon that heals allies. | Captive Sun: Fire an explosive ball of solar energy. Enemies hit are slowed and explode after taking significant damage. | N/A |
Kiriko | Healing Ofuda: Fire up to ten healing talismans at a time toward allies. Kunai: Throw small knives one at a time that deal damage to enemies. Suzu: Throw a bell-shaped projectile that makes allies briefly invulnerable and cleanses negative status effects. | Kitsune Rush: Summons a loyal fox spirit that leaves a path of gateways that provide Kiriko and her teammates a buff that increases movement speed, rate of fire, and cooldowns. | Wall-Climb: Jump at walls to climb up them. |
Junker Queen | Jagged Blade: Passive: Quick Melee wounds enemies, dealing damage over time. Active: Throw your blade. Can re-activate to return it. Commanding Shout: Increase health by 200 and nearby allies health by 100. Increase movement speed by 30%. Carnage: Swing your axe to wound all enemies in front of you, dealing damage over time. | Rampage: Charge forward. Wound enemies, dealing damage over time and preventing them from being healed. | Adrenaline Rush: Heal from all damage over time dealt by wounds. |
Junkrat | Concussion Mine: Throw a knockback mine with and detonate it. Steel Trap: Place an immobilizing trap. | Rip-Tire: Drive and detonate an exploding tire. | Total Mayhem: Deals no damage to self with explosives. Drop bombs on death. |
Lifeweaver | Petal Platform: Throw a platform that springs upwards when stepped on. Rejuvenating Dash: Dash towards your traveling direction and lightly heal yourself. Life Grip: Pull an ally to your location, protecting them as they travel. | Tree of Life: Place a tree that instantly heals allies upon sprouting and continues healing periodically as it lives. | N/A |
Lúcio | Crossfade: Switches between two songs: Healing Boost heals nearby allies, and Speed Boost makes nearby allies move faster. Amp it up: Increase the effectiveness of your current song. Soundwave: Create a short-range blast wave to knock enemies away from you. | Sound Barrier: Create temporary shields for nearby allies. | Wall-Ride: Jump onto a wall to ride along it. |
Mauga | Incendiary Chaingun: Automatic weapon that ignites enemies on repeated impacts. Volatile Chaingun: Automatic weapon that deals critical damage to burning enemies. Overrun: Charge foward to stomp and launch enemies. You are unsotppable while charging. Cardiac Overdrive: Nearby allies take reduced damage and heal by dealing damage. | Cage Fight: Deploy a barrier that traps yourself and enemies. Gain unlimited ammo while inside. | Berserker: Gain temporary health when dealing critical damage. |
Mei | Cryo-Freeze: Become invulnerable and heal yourself. Ice Wall: Create a wall in front of you. | Blizzard: Launch a weather control drone that freezes enemies in a wide area. | N/A |
Mercy | Guardian Angel: Fly towards an ally. Ressurect: Revive a dead teammate. | Valkyrie: Gain the ability to fly. Abilities are enhanced. | Sympathetic Recovery: Healing allies with Caduceus Staff heals you. Angelic Descent: Fall very slowly. |
Moira | Biotic Orb: Launch a bouncing sphere that either heals nearby allies or damages nearby enemies. Fade: Disappear, move faster, and become invulnerable, but you cannot shoot. | Coalescence: Fire a beam that heals allies and damages enemies. | N/A |
Orisa | Fortify: Slow your movement, gain extra health, reduce weapon heat generation, reduce damage taken, and become immune to immobilizing effects. Javelin Spin: Spin your javelin destroying all incoming projectiles and increasing your movement speed. This spin also deals damage to enemies and knocks them back. | Terra Surge: Pull enemies towards you and gain Fortify effects. Enemies pulled in are slowed and take damage. The Ultimate can be reactivated to release a charge of damage to enemies in her vicinity. | N/A |
Pharah | Jump Jet: Fly rapidly upwards. Concussive Blast: Launch an explosive blast to knock back enemies. Jet Dash: Boost horizontally. | Barrage: Launch a continuous volley of mini-rockets. | Hover Jets: Hold to hover. |
Ramattra | Void Accelerator: Fire a stream of projectiles in a fixed pattern. Void Barrier: Create a barrier at the targeted location. Pummel: Punch forward, creating a wave of piercing energy with every swing. Ravenous Vortex: Fire a nano ball, which explodes when it hits the ground, spreading a damaging field. Affected enemies are slowed and pulled downward. | Annihilation: Enter Nemesis Form and create a deadly swarm that lashes out at nearby enemies, persisting longer when damaging enemies. | N/A |
Reaper | Shadow Step: Teleport to a targeted location. Wraith Form: Move faster and become invulnerable, but you cannot shoot. | Death Blossom: Damage all nearby enemies. | The Reaping: Dealing damage heals you. |
Reinhardt | Charge: Charge forward and smash an enemy against a wall. Fire Strike: Launch a fiery projectile. Barrier: Hold right-click to deploy a frontal energy barrier. | Earthshatter: Knock down all enemies in front of you. | N/A |
Roadhog | Chain Hook: Drag a targeted enemy to you. Take a Breather: Heal yourself and reduce damage taken. Pig Pen: Launch a trap that slows and damages nearby enemies. | Whole Hog: Damage and knock back enemies in front of you. | N/A |
Sigma | Kinetic Grasp: Absorb projectiles in front of you and convert them into shields. Accretion: Gather a mass of debris and throw it at an enemy to knock them down. Experimental Barrier: Propel a floating barrier. | Gravitic Flux: Manipulate gravity to lift enemies into the air and slam them back down. | N/A |
Sojourn | RAILGUN: Grants energy after enough shots have been landed. Secondary fire mode requires energy and sends out a deadly single shot. Disruptor Shot: Slows and deals damage to enemies, works well in conjunction with Railgun. Power Slide: Quickly slide on the ground and leap higher. | Overclock: Buffs Sojourn’s Railgun, dealing more damage, and automatically charging her secondary fire mode. | N/A |
Soldier 76 | Sprint: Run faster while moving forward. Biotic Field: Deploy a field that heals you and your allies. Helix Rockets: Launch a volley of explosive rockets. | Tactical Visor: Automatically aims your weapon at targets in view. | N/A |
Sombra | Hack: Hack enemies. Taking damage interrupts the hack attempt. Virus: Infect enemies with a projectile that deals damage over time. Virus damages hacked targets at a faster rate. Translocator: Throw a beacon and teleport to it. Stealth cooldown is reduced after teleporting. | EMP: Deal damage to all nearby enemies based on their current health, hacking them and destroying barriers around you. | Stealth: When out of combat, become invisible and move faster. |
Symmetra | Sentry Turret: Deploy a small turret that damages and slows enemies. Teleporter: Create two teleporters that enable instant travel between them. | Photon Barrier: Deploy a massive energy barrier. | N/A |
Torbjörn | Turret: Deploy a self-building turret. Overload: Gain additional armor as well as improved attack, movement, and reload speed. | Molten Core: Create pools of molten slag that damage enemies. Deals additional damage to armor. | N/A |
Tracer | Blink: Teleport in the direction you are moving. Recall: Travel back in time to your previous location and health. | Pulse Bomb: Throw out a powerful sticky explosive. | N/A |
Venture | Drill Dash: Dash forward, pushing enemies back. Burrow: Move underground and become invulnerable. Emerge to deal damage. | Tectonic Shock: Send out damaging shockwaves. | N/A |
Widowmaker | Grappling Hook: Launch a hook that pulls you towards a ledge. Venom Mine: Launch a poison trap. | Infra-Sight: Provide your team with a view of the enemy’s location. | N/A |
Winston | Tesla Cannon: Alternate fire charges a single longer-range lightning bolt. Jump Pack: Leap forward into the air. Landing on an enemy staggers and damages them. Barrier Projector: Deploy a protective energy dome. Allies can shoot through barrier. | Primal Rage: Gain immense health and a melee attack buff, but you can only leap and punch enemies. Jump Pack cooldown is reduced while Primal Rage is active. | N/A |
Wrecking Ball | Grappling Claw: Launch a grappling claw to rapidly swing around the area. Enables high-speed collisions to damage and knock back enemies. Roll: Transform into a ball and increase maximum movement speed. Piledriver: Slam into the ground below to damage and launch enemies upward. Adaptive Shield: Create temporary personal shields. Amount increases with more enemies nearby. | Minefield: Deploy a massive field of proximity mines. | N/A |
Zarya | Particle Barrier: Create a damage barrier around you that absorbs damage and cleanses crowd control abilities. Projected Barrier: Create a damage barrier around an ally similar to Particle Barrier. Shares cooldown with Particle Barrier. | Graviton Surge: Launch a gravity bomb that draws in enemies and explodes for a small amount of damage. | Energy: Damage blocked by barriers increases Particle Cannon damage. |
Zenyatta | Orb of Discord: Launch this orb at an enemy to increase the damage they take. Orb of Harmony: Launch this orb at an ally to heal them. Snap Kick: Melee attacks push enemies back and deal more damage. | Transcendence: Become invulnerable, move faster, and heal nearby allies. | N/A |
Overwatch 2 Hero backgrounds & lore
Each Overwatch 2 Hero has a backstory that weaves within the larger universe of Overwatch. Here are some short bios explaining where each Hero comes from and what their affiliations are:
Ana is one of the founding members of Overwatch and Pharah’s mother. She was regarded as one of the world’s deadliest snipers and was one of the most decorated soldiers hailing from Egypt.
Ashe is the leader of the Deadlock Gang and a highly respected member of the criminal underworld. Her family cut her off, which incited her partnership with Cassidy (Jesse McCree, then) and the creation of the Deadlock Gang.
Bastion was severely damaged and lost for over a decade near the forests of Eichenwald.When Ganymede started to build a nest on Bastion, it noticed the Omnic and pecked at it’s screen to wake it up. It was found by Torbjörn in Sweden, who did repairs on it, and they became friends.
When Baptiste was a teenager, enlisted in the military. Once his service was complete, he found himself turning to Talon without knowing their true nature. He spent years running from Talon operatives sent after him when he escaped and worked undercover as a humanitarian and healer.
Brigitte is the youngest daughter of Torbjörn and Reinhardt’s traveling companion. Like her father, she has an aptitude for engineering, and he also helped her craft the armor she needed to fight alongside Reinhardt.
Cassidy, who used to go under the pseudonym “Jesse McCree,” is an outlaw who worked alongside Ashe in the Deadlock Gang. The two, alongside members who joined along the way, would perform heists all across America. Later, Cassidy also joined Blackwatch.
Doomfist is a council member of Talon. He came from a well-off family in Nigeria that owned a cybernetics company, which helped him replace the arm he lost in the Omnic Crisis. Reaper formed part of the team that broke Doomfist out of prison many years later, and Doomfist rejoined Talon to build them back up again after the destruction of Overwatch.
D.Va is a mech pilot who uses skills as a professional gamer to help defend her homeland. She has a passion for engineering – constantly making improvements to her mech, Tokki. During the resurgence of Null Sector, she and her group MEKA were approached by Overwatch to see if they wanted to join – and she accepted.
Echo is a robot created by Overwatch scientist Mina Liao, and she’s equipped with a rapidly adapting artificial intelligence that allows her to learn at impossible speeds. A lot of her personality is based on her creator, and it’s still too soon to tell if she will become her own person.
Genji Shimada’s story started when he refused to become part of his father’s criminal clan, the Shimada’s. As was his duty, Hanzo, his brother, attempted to assassinate him. Mercy rebuilt his body, and he continued to work with Overwatch and Blackwatch. During the destruction of the Overwatch Headquarters, he went on a journey that took him to meet Zenyatta in Suravasa.
When Hanzo’s father died, he became the one responsible for running the Shimada clan. When his brother, Genji, rejected their inheritance, he grew enraged and attempted to kill him. This caused a lot of turmoil in his life and caused him to reject his place in his father’s legacy.
Illari is an Inti Warrior and a vessel for the power of the Sun. She has solar threads woven through her body, which is a process all Inti Warriors go through when they pledge. During her ceremony where the solar threads were woven, she released such an immense amount of power that the entire chamber was destroyed – the Inti Warriors along with it.
Junker Queen
Junker Queen is the leader of the Junkers and has been for the last decade. Her family was banished from Junkertown when she was a child, and she returned years later to prove herself in the Reckoning where she became Queen.
Junkrat is an explosives-obsessed Junker. He caused a lot of chaos in Junkertown with his partner-crime Roadhog. They were eventually kicked out of Junkertown, and the two wandered the Outback for a while. They went on multiple crime sprees that stretched from King’s Row to Sydney.
Kiriko grew up in Kanezaka with her grandmother who taught her how to summon the power of the Fox Spirit. Her mother was a ninja, believing in action and standing up for oneself, and Kiriko struggled to choose between a spiritual and fighting path – ending up combining the two.
Lifeweaver, since childhood, was always fascinated by nature. When he joined the architecture firm Vishkar to study under their university, he rejected their style and instead went off on his own to formulate biolight – a new substance that could heal wounds in the blink of an eye.
Lucio is an internationally renowned musician who works to inspire social change. When Vishkar appropriated technology created by his father to suppress the people of Brazil, he stole it and reworked it into a tool to rally his people into action.
Mauga is a Samoan warrior whose father led the eco-rebel group the Deepsea Raiders. He was injured in an intense battle, and he got a second cybernetic heart that allowed him to perform the abilities he has now. When the Deepsea Raiders died down, he joined Talon in a thirst for more adventures.
Mei was assigned to Watchpoint: Antarctica. A catastrophic polar storm damaged the facility and the scientists were forced to enter cryostasis after their supplies dwindled. Nine years later, she woke up to find that most of the other scientists in the facility had died because of malfunctions with their pods. She got back in contact with Overwatch, where she saw Winston’s recall message and she decided to answer.
After obtaining her MD and PhD in Switzerland, Mercy became the head of surgery at a prominent Swiss hospital. Here is where she engineered a breakthrough in nanobiology. This attracted the attention of Overwatch and Soldier: 76 contacted her to recruit her to the organization as the head of medical research.
Moira is a scientist with a particular interest in genetic engineering. Her research looks for a way to reconstruct the fundamental building blocks of life, and she is responsible for turning Gabriel Reyes into the Reaper we know today after the Overwatch HQ was destroyed.
Orisa is a newly created Omnic who was created by child genius Efi in an effort to protect Numbani. Orisa was originally an OR15, a type of Omnic that was used as defense in Numbani, but her model was almost entirely destroyed during a Talon attack.
Pharah was born in Canada, but her childhood was strained due to the Omnic Crisis and her mother, Ana, having to be far away to work with Overwatch. Due to her excellent work with the Egyptian Army, she was offered a job with Helix International where she serves as a Captain. She eventually reunited with Ana, but the relationship was never the same because of Ana’s decision to work in secret and not tell her she was alive.
Ramattra found his way to the Shambali Monastery where he chose to become a monk. He traveled outside the monastery to spread their word of peace, but he found this yielded little results. He started operations to free Omnics from slavery, and his name became well-known. After more Omnics realized no one else was coming to save them, he formed Null Sector to fight for their freedom.
Gabriel Reyes was a soldier and officer before he joined Overwatch as one of the first recruits alongside Soldier: 76. His work with Blackwatch and his constant butting heads with Soldier: 76 made his time here strained, however, up until his last moments when the Overwatch HQ got blown up. When he was found by Talon, he was injected with a genetic substance created by Moira and turned into Reaper.
Reinhardt was originally part of the German Crusaders before he joined Overwatch, and he had a close relationship with his General and leader Balderich von Adler. After Eichenwald was destroyed during the Omnic Crisis, he found his place in Overwatch to continue his work as a soldier.
Roadhog, Junkrat’s partner in crime, is a ruthless killer who is well-known for his cruelty and crimes. He doesn’t say much most of the time, but his presence says enough to terrify anyone who knows who he is. He got banished from Junkertown along with Junkrat, who often gets in the way of their heists being successful.
Sigma is an excellent astrophysicist who unfortunately fell into the hands of the wrong people. When an experiment gone wrong gave him the ability to manipulate gravity, Talon intervened and now in turn manipulated him for his abilities.
Sojourn joined Overwatch during its Golden Age and devoted her life to helping those who became victims of the evils in the world around her. She has had a lot of cybernetic upgrades, a lot of which she chose to get herself, and she’s become a decorated veteran.
Soldier: 76
Jack Morrison was the first recruit to Overwatch, making him the first Strike Commander for the organization. He enlisted with the American army at the earliest opportunity, always having a head for trying to help the people around him the best way he could.
Sombra is one of the world’s most notorious hackers who got her start with the Mexican gang Los Muertos. She aided them in their revolution against the government, and quickly earned the admiration and attention of Talon. She ended up joining them as an incredible technomancer, and is believed to be behind their massive cyber attacks.
Symmetra, Vishkar’s premier hard-light architect, hopes to engineer a perfect society. She believes that her actions serve the greater good, but because of Vishkar’s murky morals, this becomes a little questionable when you look at the greater picture.
Torbjörn is one of the greatest engineers in the world and is one of the original members of Overwatch. While he also once had a low opinion of Omnics, his relationship with Bastion made him see that not everything in the world was quite so black and white.
Tracer joined the Royal Air Force as a test pilot, and eventually became the youngest person ever inducted into Overwatch’s experimental flight program. During her first flight of the Slipstream, it malfunctioned and she disappeared along with it. She reappeared months later, where she frequently experienced bouts where she would disappear completely for days. This was until Winston created the chronal accelerator, which allowed her to gain control over her condition.
Venture was an apprentice at the Wayfinder Society. Their fearlessness in tandem with their unmatched talent meant they would often go on architectural expeditions. While in Petra, their excavation was interrupted by a fight between Talon and Overwatch and took the side of Overwatch in the fight.
Widowmaker was known as an accomplished ballet dancer in Paris. Talon kidnapped Widowmaker and she underwent extensive reconditioning. Once her transformation had been complete, including her slowed heart rate which gives her her blueish skin, she killed her husband in his sleep.
Winston is a super-intelligent gorilla who was genetically engineered by Overwatch. When other gorillas led an uprising in the Colony, which led to Winston’s life being thrown into chaos and his friend getting killed. He took the name of the scientist himself and built a makeshift pod to get to Earth where he joined Overwatch.
Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball is a genetically engineered hamster who was on Horizon Lunar Colony with Winston. Instead of landing in an Overwatch base, however, he landed in the Australian Outback and found himself in Junkertown. He modified the escape pod into a mech he could use to get around, and became Junker Queen’s right-hand hamster.
Zarya is one of the world’s strongest women and a celebrated athlete internationally. She sacrificed her career to join the Russian Defense Force and work for the protection of her country. While she initially held disdain for Overwatch, she eventually joined them when Cassidy helped her in the fight against Omnics at Krasnoyarsk.
Zenyatta is an Omnic monk in search of enlightenment, and he tends to help those who cross his path to find inner peace – like Genji. He was constructed before the Omnic Crisis to act as a servant or waiter at restaurants, water parks, and places similar.
So, there you have it! That’s all you need to know about the Overwatch 2 Heroes, including their abilities and backgrounds. For more content on the game, be sure to check these:
Best Overwatch 2 PC settings | How to get Golden Guns in Overwatch 2 | Best Overwatch 2 Heroes | Who is the most popular Overwatch 2 Hero | Is Overwatch 2 split-screen? | How to spectate matches in Overwatch 2 | Best Overwatch 2 controller settings: Controller layout, sensitivity, Aim Assist, Gyro, more | Overwatch 2 ranks: SR, skill tiers, rewards