How to unlock Competitive in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 Season 10 is in full swing, and if you want to improve your skills and get into the highest ranks in the game, here’s how to unlock Competitive Play as a newcomer and a returning player and get placed in a rank.
Overwatch 2 Season 10 arrived with a new map for Clash mode and a new damage Hero named Venture. While Hanaoka has no impact on ranked gameplay, Venture is shaking up the Competitive meta as new powerful teams as well as the counters to them are emerging.
If you want to improve your prowess in the game and play alongside equally skilled players, here’s how to unlock Competitive in Overwatch 2 and get a rank.
- How to unlock Competitive in Overwatch 2
- How to get a rank in Overwatch 2 Competitive
- What is Overwatch 2 Competitive Play challenge?
How to unlock Competitive in Overwatch 2
New player
If you are a new Overwatch 2 player, you can unlock Competitive Play by completing the First Time User Experience tutorial and winning 50 Quick Play games.
To check your Competitive Play challenge progress, you can head to Challenges > Competitive > Competitive Play Qualification.

Returning Overwatch players
You get immediate access to Overwatch 2 Competitive Play if you owned Overwatch and unlocked ranked mode in the original game. Just use your old Overwatch account to log in and all the valuable progress should carry over.
How to get a rank in Overwatch 2 Competitive
After winning 50 Quick Play matches, you’ll have to play 10 placement matches to get a rank in Overwatch 2. Your placement is based on the win-loss record and individual performance and for transparency, the game also shows a predicted rank after every match.
Do note that there are separate ranks for each team role in Competitive Play and you can rank up in both Open Queue and Role Queue. In the latter, your team includes one tank, two supports, and two damage dealers.
What is the Overwatch 2 Competitive Play challenge?
The Overwatch 2 Competitive Play Challenge is a task for new players to complete before they can start competing in ranked matches. The challenge is simply there to let new members of the community understand the ins and outs of the title and pick a few Heroes that they find success with.
While you complete the Competitive Play challenge, the game also evaluates your skills and gives you a suitable rank in which you can grow by winning consistently and not be overwhelmed by the competition.
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